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EXERCISE 1 Choose the best synonym for the following words

1) Cogent (of an argument or case) clear, logical, and convincing

C. Convincing capable of causing someone to believe that something is true or real

2) Ponderous slow and clumsy because of great weight

C. Unwieldy (of an object) difficult to move because of its size, shape, or weight

3) Tenuous very weak or slight

C. Delicate easily broken or damaged; fragile

4) Contrite feeling or expressing remorse at the recognition that one has done wrong
D. Apologetic expressing or showing regretful acknowledgement of an offence or failure

5) Juvenile for or relating to young people / childish; immature

B. Immature not fully developed or grown

6) Austere severe or strict in manner or attitude

D. Strict demanding that rules concerning behaviour are obeyed and observed

Choose the best antonym for the following words

1) Cautious (of a person) careful to avoid potential problems or dangers

D. Foolhardy recklessly bold or rash

2) Surreptitious kept secret, especially because it would not be approved of

B. Tricky deceitful or crafty

3) Turbid (of a liquid) cloudy, opaque, or thick with suspended matter

A. Transparent (of a material or article) allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be
distinctly seen

4) Jovial cheerful and friendly

E. Melancholy a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause

5) Ingenuous (of a person or action) innocent and unsuspecting

A. Shady of doubtful honesty or legality

6) Ascetic characterized by severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence, typically for
religious reasons
E. Disciplined showing a controlled form of behaviour or way of working
EXERCISE 2 Choose the best synonym for the following words

1) egregious outstandingly bad; shocking

E. flagrant (of an action considered wrong or immoral) conspicuously or obviously offensive

2) indignant feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair treatment

D. uptight anxious or angry in a tense and overly controlled way

3) assiduous showing great care and perseverance

A. painstaking done with or employing great care and thoroughness

4) convivial (of a person) cheerful and friendly; jovial

D. genial friendly and cheerful

5) ebullient cheerful and full of energy

C. lively full of life and energy; active and outgoing

6) fastidious very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail

C. meticulous showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise

Choose the best antonym for the following words

1) capricious given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behaviour

A. steadfast resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering

2) germane relevant to a subject under consideratio

C. tangential diverging from a previous course or line; erratic

3) impassive not feeling or showing emotion

A. emotional (of a person) having feelings that are easily excited and openly displayed

4) inimical tending to obstruct or harm / unfriendly; hostile

C. amiable having or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner

5) inchoate just begun and so not fully formed or developed; rudimentary / confused or incoherent
A. patriarchal relating to or denoting a system of society or government controlled by men

6) perfunctory (of an action) carried out without real interest, feeling, or effort
D. conscious aware of and responding to one's surroundings
EXERCISE 3 Choose the best synonym for the following words

1) latent (of a quality or state) existing but not yet developed or manifest; hidden or concealed
C. unexposed not made public; concealed

2) monstrous inhumanly or outrageously evil or wrong

B. diabolical characteristic of the Devil, or so evil as to be suggestive of the Devil

3) obstinate stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to
persuade one to do so
E. stubborn having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on
something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so

4) superfluous unnecessary, especially through being more than enough

C. extra excessive or extravagant

5) ephemeral lasting for a very short time

D. fleeting lasting for a very short time

6) depraved morally corrupt; wicked

B. sordid involving immoral or dishonourable actions and motives; arousing moral distaste and contempt

Choose the best antonym for the following words

1) eternal lasting or existing forever; without end

E. ephemeral lasting for a very short time

2) apprehensive anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen

E. insouciant showing a casual lack of concern

3) despondent in low spirits from loss of hope or courage

E. hopeful feeling or inspiring optimism about a future event

4) magnanimous generous or forgiving, especially towards a rival or less powerful person

C. malignant evil in nature or effect; malevolent

5) incongruous not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of something
C. parallel occurring or existing at the same time or in a similar way; corresponding

6) mercurial subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind

C. tranquil free from disturbance; calm

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