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College of Nursing


Definition: The care of the diseased body.

Purpose: 1. to show respect for the diseased.
2. to aid in preserving the natural appearance of the diseased.
3. to safeguard all the belongings of the diseased.


1. If there are other visitors in the room,

carefully explain the situation and ask
them to leave the room if possible.

2. Gather the necessary equipment and take

it into the room.

3. Draw the curtains around the bed and

wash hands.

4. Following death, elevate the head of bed

or a pillow may be placed to support the
head and shoulders.

5. Place the body in supine position as in

sleeping maintaining body alignment.

6. Close the eyes using your finger. A cotton

may be gently applied over the eyes.

7. Close the patient’s mouth if it is open

following death, place a rolled towel
under his chin. If possible, place dentures
in the mouth.
8. Remove external objects causing pressure
or injury to the skin. In doing so, inform
patient of doing such procedure as in any
other procedure to be done. Encouraging
words could be uttered by the nurse to the
patient. Remember to provide care for the
drainage and other tubes.

9. Following hospital policy, remove, cut, or

secure any dressings.

10. Cleans all body parts with plain water.

Place cotton balls in the ears.

11. Place protective incontinent pad

between legs in diaper fashion or if
leakage occurs in the rectum, urethra or
vagina, place a 4x4 gauze over each
opening and secure it with tapes.

12. Arrange the hair.

13. Dress the body in clean gown for last

viewing of the family.

14. Replace the bottom sheet with top sheet.

15. Attach identifying tags to the wrist and

on top of the patient’s body. Place the
body in a shroud if it’s in the agency’s

16. Label personal belongings and place

them in a bag.

17. Transport the body to the morgue.

18. Strip the patient’s room.

19. Record the procedure.

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