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Date/Day Subject Syllabus

09-02-2022 S.S.T History
WEDNESDAY Ch 7- Ashoka, The Emperor Who Gave Up War
Ch 8- Vital Villages, Thriving Towns
Ch 9- Traders, Kings and Pilgrims
Ch 10- New Empires and kingdoms

Ch 5- Panchayati Raj
Ch 7- Urban Administration
Ch 8- Rural Livelihoods
Ch 9- Urban Livelihoods

Ch 2- Globe- Latitudes and Longitudes
Ch 3- Motions of the Earth
Ch 5- Major Domains of the Earth
Ch 6- Major Landforms of the Earth
Ch 7- Our Country – India

10-02-2022 HINDI हिन्दी 1- पाठ 10- झाँसी की रानी , पाठ 14- लोकगीत,
पाठ 15- नौकर, पाठ 16- वन के मार्ग में , पाठ 17- साँस-साँस में बाँस
हिंदी 2- पाठ-पर्यायवाची शब्द , विलोम शब्द, विशेषण,
क्रिया - विशेषण, वाक्य, संबंधबोधक ,समुच्चयबोधक,
विस्मयादिबोधक, विराम चिन्ह ,मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ,
अनौपचारिक पत्र, निबंध
रामकथा (अभ्यास पत्र)

11-02-2022 SCIENCE Ch 3- Fibre to Fabric, Ch 7- Getting to know Plants

FRIDAY Ch 8- Body Movements, Ch 9- The living Organisms -
Characteristics and habitats, Ch 10- Motion and
Measurement of Distances,
Ch 11- Light, Shadow s and Reflections,
Ch 12- Electricity and circuits,
Ch 16- Garbage in and Garbage out
12-02-2022 MATHS Ch 7- Fractions, Ch 8- Decimals, Ch 9- Data Handling
SATURDAY Ch 10- Mesuration, Ch 11- Algebra, Ch 12- Ratio & Proportion
Ch 13- Symmetry
15-02-2022 COMPUTER Ch 3- Advanced formatting with MS Word,
TUESDAY Ch 6- Formulas and functions in MS Excel
Ch 7- Introduction to Programming
Ch 9- You Have Got A Mail!
17-02-2022 ENGLISH English 1- Unit 8 (A Game of Chance, Vocation), Unit 9
THURSDAY (Desert Animals, What if), Unit 10 The Banyan Tree

English Supplementary
Ch 1- A Tale of Two Birds
Ch 7- The Wonder Called Sleep
Ch 8- A Pact with the Sun

English 2- Degrees of Comparison, Idioms, Preposition,

One Word Substitution, Homophones, Homonyms,
Bio sketch, Antonyms, Synonyms, Tenses, Article Writing,
Active & Passive Voice, Unseen Passage, Paragraph Writing

18-02-2022 SANSKRIT पाठ 10 कृषिका कर्मवीरा

पाठ 11 पुष्पोत्सव
पाठ 12 दशम त्वम असि
पाठ 13 विमानयानं रचयाम ्
पाठ 14 आहह आ: च
पाठ 15 मातल
ु चंद्र
शब्द रूप (पष्ु प)
ु प नी नय ् (लेना)
संख्यावाचक शब्दा: (11-20)

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