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Final Examination SYLLABUS (2023-24)


1 ENGLISH English Literature (New Pathways Course Book)MCB: L8- Grandpa’s Tree,
L9- My Life, Poem: Ice Golawalla, The Clothes line
Reader (New Pathways Reader) – L5- Mama and big
Business, L6-Wrecked on a Desert Island, L7 -The Test
Dictation: From the above mentioned chapters
Reading: L5- Mama and big Business , L-10 On the Yellow brick Road,
Recitation: Poem- The Newcomer or Hints on Pronunciation for Foreigners
Grammar (Essentials of English Grammar and Composition) : Prepositions,
Conjunctions, Sentences, Interrogative Sentences, Negative Sentences,
Active and Passive Voice, Subject-Verb Agreement, Can, May, Should,
Must, Antonyms, Synonyms , Punctuation , Direct and Indirect speech,
Paragraph writing, Unseen Passage, Formal letter

2 HINDI साहित्य- (हितान हिखित) पाठ 11 – ये पि जाते यि ीं ठिर (कहिता), पाठ 12 - एक थ

बूँद (किान ) , पाठ 13 - अींगुि भर का सामुराई (जापान िोक कथा) , पाठ 14 - जिाते
चिो (कहिता) ,पाठ 15 – टटने िािे तारे (हिज्ञान िेि)
श्रुतिेि - उपर दिए गए पाठ
पाठन - पाठ 12 - एक थ बूँद (किान ) , पाठ 13 - अींगुि भर का सामुराई

कविता पाठन - ये पि जाते यि ीं ठिर (कहिता), जिाते चिो (कहिता)

व्याकरण –1. शब्द भींडार - (पयाायिाच शब्द (pg65) , हििोम शब्द (pg67आकाश-शुद्ध) ,
िाक्ाींश के हिए एक शब्द (pg70) श्रुहतसम हभन्नाथाक शब्द pg72), िाक्य, मुिािरे (pg84,85)
,अपहठत गद्‌याींश ,अनुच्छेद िेिन, औपचाररक पत्र ,हचत्र िणान ,सींिाद िेिन

3 MATHS L-9 Money

L10 Profit & loss
L-13 (volume),
L-16 Data Handling
Mental Maths- related to above chapters
Tables 12 to 20
4 SCIENCE Ch-7 Living Safely
Ch-11 Soil Conservation,
Ch-12 Natural Calamities,
Ch-14 Force, Energy and Simple Machines,
Ch-15 The Moon
5 SOCIAL L-11 Recording and Communicating Knowledge,
STUDIES L-17 The United Nations,
L-18 The British Raj and The First War of Independence,
L-19 The Struggle for Independence,
L-20 Gandhiji leads the Nation
Map Work -World Map
6 SANSKRIT 1.सप्तम: पाठ:-धातु पररचय:,
2.अष्टम: पाठ:-अव्यया:
3.निम: पाठ:-प्रथम: पुरुष:
4.दशम: पाठ:-मध्यम: पुरुष:,
5.एकादश: पाठ:-उत्तम पुरुष:,
*धातु रूप -गम, चि,
*शब्द रूप-िता, बाि,
*िणा –सींयोजन,
*हगनत -1-10 तक(सींस्कृत में),
1. Leçon-1 La France,
2. ⁠Leçon-6 Les jours et les mois,
3. ⁠Leçon-7 Les objets de la classe,
4. ⁠Leçon-8 Les fruits et les legumes,
5. ⁠Leçon-9 Les pronoms sujets,
6. ⁠Leçon-10 Présentez-vous
8 COMPUTER L6 -Editing in Excel 2016,
L9- Computer Malware,
L10- Internet and E-mail ,
L11-Evolution of Artificial Intelligence
9 GK L31, L32, L33, L34, L39, L41, L43, L44
Current affairs
10 MSC L6 Healthy Living , L7 The Talking Dinosaur
, L8 The Lonely Giraffe ,L9 A Merry
Christmas , L10 The Treasure Hunt

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