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Prescribed Book:
Wonder Bus (By Eduline)
English Grammar Book
Novel – The Adventures of Tom Sawyer ( By Frank EMU Books)

Reading Skills: Comprehension Passages

Writing Skills:
1. Informal Letter
2.Diary Entry
3. Notice Writing
The sentences
Order of words
Subject and Predicate
Unit 1 Spooky Tales
Section 1: The Haunted Bicycle
The Scarecrow
Section 2: The Fisherman
Section 3: The Listeners (Poem)
Unit 2 F for Fitness
Section 1: The Boxing Match
Section 2: The Fitness Guru
Section 3: It couldn’t be done (Poem)
Unit 3 The Magic Carpet
Section 1: The First Miracle
Novel – The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Ch-1 Introducing Our Hero Tom
Ch-2 The Glorious Whitewasher
Ch-3 Tom Sees the Unknown Girl
Ch-4 Showing Off in Sunday School
Ch-5 Monday Morning
Ch-6 Tom Meets Becky
Ch-7 A Heartbreak
Ch-8 Tom Meets Huck
Ch-9 The Solemn Oath
Ch- 10 Tom Deeply Troubled by his Conscience
Ch-11. The Cat, Tom and the Painkiller
Ch-12. Pirates Sail to Jackson Island
Ch-13. Tom's Stealthy Visit Home
Ch-14. Pirates at Their Own Funeral
Subject Enrichment Activity: - Listening Skills Activity (to be assessed for Term-1)
Notebook to be assessed (5 Marks)


उ न त (पा यपु तक)

पनाकल इं डया

पाठ 1 ाथना
पाठ 2 ग लू
पाठ 3 एक तनका
पाठ 4 गाय क चोर
पाठ 5 बढ़
ू ा कु ा
पाठ 6 खेल
पाठ 7 तु हारे साथी
पाठ 8 राखी का मू य
प ठत ग यांश एवं प यांश

अपना याकरण (अ वचल पि लकेशन कंपनी)

1 भाषा, बोल , ल प तथा याकरण
2 व न, वणॆ तथा वतनी
3 सं ध
4 श द एवं श द के भेद
5 श द नमाण - उपसग, यय एवं समास
6 श द भंडार
क) यायवाची (अंग से यु ध)
ख) वलोम श द (अंधेरा से होनी)
ग) अनेकाथ श द (अंग से कनक)
घ) ु तसम भ नाथक श द (अंक से ह)
ड) वा यांश के लए एक श द (1 से 15)
7 सं ा
8 सवनाम
9 अनु छे द लेखन ( थम एवं वतीय आव धक पर ा)
10 अप ठत ग यांश ( थम, वतीय एवं तत
ृ ीय आव धक पर ा)

बाल महाभारत परू क पुि तका

पनाकल इं डया
1 शांतनु और भी म
2 भी म त ा
3 धत
ृ रा और पांडु
4 धत
ृ रा एवं पांडु का ववाह
5 कौरव एवं पांडव क श श ा
6 ला ागह
ृ दाह
7 ौपद का वयंवर
8 इं थ क थापना
9 जरासंध और राजसूय य
10 जुए का खेल और ौपद क वेदना
11 भीम और हनम
ु ान
12 ववेषी का मन कभी नह ं भरता
13 मायावी सरोवर और यश न

Prescribed book: Together With (Rachna Sagar)
Chapter – 1 Integers
Chapter – 2 Fractions
Chapter – 3 Decimals
Chapter – 4 Simple Equations
Chapter – 5 Rational Numbers
Chapter – 6 Operations on Rational Numbers
Chapter – 8 Exponents
Chapter – 11 Lines and Angles
Chapter – 15 Symmetry
Chapter – 16 Data Handling
1. To understand the concept of equivalent fractions experimentally.
2. To represent the product of decimals on 10 × 10 grid using graph paper.
3. To verify that when two lines intersect then vertically opposite angles are equal by paper
cutting and pasting.
4. To organise a set of data in the form of frequency table and represent on bar graph.

Prescribed Book: New Learning Science (Frank EMU)

Ch-1 Nutrition in plants

Ch-2 Nutrition in Animals
Ch-3 Transport and Excretion
Ch- 6 Climate and Adaptation
Ch-7 Elements, Compounds and Chemical equations
Ch- 8 Acids, Bases and Salts
Ch -9 Physical and chemical Changes
Ch- 14 Electric Current and its Effects
Ch-15 Soil
Ch- 16 Forests
1. To show that chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis.
2. To observe Transpiration in the plants
3. To show that acids turn blue litmus paper red and bases turn red litmus paper blue.
4. To observe displacement reaction
5. To make an Electromagnet.
6. To examine the water holding capacity of various soil

Chapter -1 The Medieval World
Chapter -2 The Regional Kingdoms -1
Chapter -3 The Sultanate period
Chapter -5 The Great Mughals
Chapter -6 Monumental architecture

Chapter -1 Our Environment
Chapter -2 Inside our Earth
Chapter -3 The Changing Earth
Chapter- 4 Major Landforms


Chapter -1 Democracy
Chapter -2 Pillars of democracy
Chapter -7 Market around us
Chapter -8 Role of gender

Map Work – according to the chapters.

Prescribed Book – CodeBotics by Planet Multimedia Publishers
Term -1
Chapter-1 Number System
Chapter-2 Computer Virus
Chapter-3 Animate-Layers and Animation
Chapter-4 Photoshop-Introduction
Chapter-5 Photoshop-Working with Layers

Prescribed Book: Accueil - Méthode de français
(Rachna Sagar)
Term 1

Leçon-0 Découvrons la France!

Leçon-1 Les Habits
Leçon-2 Quel temps fait-il ? (Les saisons et les verbes)
Leçon-3 Au travail
Leçon-4 Chez clara
Leçon-5 La maison de Marie

Compréhension Écrite

Décrivez les saisons

Remettez le dialogue

• All the verbs and vocabulary done till date.

Social Axiom Foundation

1. Say Hello!
2. Children, Children Everywhere Children Dark and Children Fair
3. UN - Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam
4. A Boy Named Sandy
5. Tabassum Needs Glasses
6. Kartik Is Brave
7. Secrets, Gifts and Surprises
8. The Newspaper Bill
9. Riya And Rescue
10. Woes of Nose
11. A Letter from Doctor Auntie (Part 1)
12. A Letter from Doctor Auntie (Part 2)
13. Crossing the Line

1. Nature Scene by using line element
2. Still life compositions
3. Learning different shading technique in a fruit
4. A monument with three-point perspective view
5. Doodle Art
6. A Hut with Dual colouring medium
7. Learning Tint and Shades
8. Folk Art – Worli
9. African Art (Greeting Card)
10. Tie and Die

Ch -2 National Trees
Ch -5 Blood Quiz
Ch – 6 Branches of Science
Ch – 8 India and space
Ch -9 Hall of Frame
Ch – 10 Medieval India
Ch -14 Founding Fathers
Ch -16 Business Tycoons
Ch -19 Legends of Indian Cinema
Ch – 20 Indian Vocalists
Ch – 25 Verbal Reasoning
Ch – 29 Cyber Security
Ch – 30 martial Arts



Reading Skills: Comprehension Passages
Writing Skills:
1. Formal Letter
2. Story Writing/Visual Description
3. Bio Sketch
Punctuation and capital letters
Active and Passive Voice
Unit 3 The Magic Carpet
Section 2: Genie in a Cola Can
Section 3: The Unseen Playmate (Poem)
Unit 4 Bravehearts
Section 1: The Rickshaw Painters
Section 2: Thank You, Legend!
Section 3: Where the Mind is Without Fear (Poem)
Unit 5 SCI – FI for you
Section 1: A Class Trip to space
Section 2: The Sound Machine
Section 3: Dino- Mites (Poem)
Unit 6 Jane Eyre
Section 1: A new place
Section 2: The pupil
Section 3: Fear (Poem)

Novel – The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Ch-15. Tom and his Dream
Ch-16 Aunt Polly Forgives Tom!
Ch-17. Tom Takes Becky's Punishment
Ch-18. Tom and Huck Suffer from Guilty Conscience
Ch-19. Muff Potter Saved!
Ch-20. Seeking the Burried Treasure
Ch-21. Keeping Watch
Ch-22. Picnic at the Cave
Ch-23. Huck Saves the Widow
Ch-24. Found and Lost Again
Ch-25. "They are Found"!
Ch-26. The End of Injun Joe
Ch-27 A surprise for the Boys
Ch-28 A Bigger Surprise
Ch-29. Huck Joins the Gang
Subject Enrichment Activity: - Listening Skills Activity (to be assessed for Term-2)
Notebook to be assessed (5 Marks)

पाठ 9 खुशी के आंसू
पाठ 10 यतम
पाठ 11 धन क खोज
पाठ 12 झाला का ब लदान
पाठ 13 एलबम
पाठ 14 मठाईवाला
पाठ 15 राम वन गमन
पाठ 16 न ठुर अनक
ु ं पा
प ठत ग यांश एवं प यांश
अपना याकरण
ं कंपनी
अ वचल पि ल शग
6 श द भंडार
क) यायवाची (रा स से समु )
ख) वलोम श द (क त से दं ड)
ग) अनेकाथ श द (प से रं ग)
घ) ु तसम भ नाथक श द (गुर से मू य)
ड) वा यांश के लए एक श द (16 से 30)
10 वशेषण (तत
ृ ीय आव धक पर ा)
11 या
12 सहायक या- काल
14 वा य तथा वा य के भेद
15 वा यगत अशु धयाँ एवं उनका शोधन
16 वराम च ह
17 मुहावरे
18 अनु छे द लेखन (तत
ृ ीय आव धक पर ा)
19 अप ठत ग यांश (तत
ृ ीय आव धक पर ा)
22 प लेखन
23 संवाद – लेखन (तत
ृ ीय आव धक पर ा)

बाल महाभारत (परू क पिु तका)

पनाकल इं डया
14 अ ातवास
15 वराट का म
16 कौरव पांडव के राजदत

17 पांडव और कौरव सेना के सेनाप त
18 पहले,दस
ू रे और तीसरे दन का यु ध
19 चौथे से नव दन का यु ध
20 दसव तथा यारहव दन का यु ध भी म शर श या पर
21 बारहवां दन
22 तेरहव दन का यु ध-अ भम यु का वध
23 भू र वा,जय थ और आचाय ोण का अंत
24 कण और दय
ु धन का वध
25 दख
ु ी यु धि ठर
26 धत
ृ रा के त पांडव का यवहार

Chapter – 7 Comparing Quantities
Chapter – 9 Algebraic Expressions
Chapter – 10 Perimeter and Area
Chapter – 12 The Triangle and its Properties
Chapter – 13 Congruence of Triangles
Chapter – 14 Practical Geometry
Chapter – 17 Visualising Solid Shapes

1. To represent the various types of percentage on 10 ×10 grid using activity method.
2. To verify that the sum of all interior angles of a triangle is 180° by paper cutting and pasting.
3. To verify that an exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the two interior opposite
angles by paper cutting and pasting.
4. To explore SSS Congruency criteria by activity method.

Prescribed Book: New Learning Science (Frank EMU)
Ch- 4 Respiration in Organisms
Ch-5 Reproduction in plants
Ch- 10 Animal fiber
Ch- 11 Heat
Ch- 12 Time and Motion
Ch-13 Light
Ch-17 Wind, Storms and Cyclone
Ch-18 Water
Ch-19 Waste Water Management
1 To show that the air we breathe out has more carbon dioxide
2 To study budding in yeast cells.
3 To study the process of conduction in the solids.
4 To study the motion of a simple pendulum and calculate its time period.
5 To show that seven colors of light mix to form white light
6 To show that high speed wind is followed by low pressure.
Chapter -8 Tribal Communities
Chapter -9 Regional Beliefs
Chapter -10 The Flowering of Regional Cultures
Chapter -11 Political Formations in the Eighteenth Century

Chapter -5 Composition and structure of the Atmosphere
Chapter -6 weather and climate

Chapter 7 Water
Chapter- 10 Life in the Tropical and subtropical regions
Chapter -11 Life in the Temperate Grasslands
Chapter -12 Life in the Deserts


Chapter -3 Democracy in Action (PT -3)
Chapter -4 State Government
Chapter –5 Media and democracy
Chapter -9 India and democracy
Map Work – according to the chapters
Prescribed Book – CodeBotics by Planet Multimedia Publishers

Chapter-6 Internet-Ethics and Safeguard

Chapter-7 HTML5-Creating Web Pages Using CSS
Chapter-8 HTML5-Images, Links and Table
Chapter-9 Python-Conditional Control Structures and Turtle
Chapter-10 AI for Sustainable Development Goals

Prescribed Book: Accueil - Méthode de français
(Rachna Sagar)

Leçon-0 Découvrons la France!

Lecon-6 Bon appétit!
Leçon-7 Joyeux anniversaire Paul !
Lecon-8 C’est ma ville
Leçon-9 Mon argent de poche
Leçon-10 Les loisirs de Nathalie

Compréhension Écrite

Décrivez votre maison

Remettez le dialogue

• All the verbs and vocabulary done till now.

14.War And Peace
15.A Mother's Dilemma
16.The Virtual World
17.Pictures Don't Lie, Oh Really?
18.Pokso Plays Dumb Charades
19.Nisha Is a Brave Girl
20.A Spooky House
21.Johny Johny Yes Papa
22.Cheating Is Fun, Oh Really?
23.Twinkle Twinkle Little Star..
24.7-Step Safety Rule
25.Water and Water Everywhere but...
26.Earth, Our Only Home in the Universe
1. Learning line element
2. In leaf study
3. Fruit study – Apple
4. Flower basket – Shading Article
5. Regional Art
6. Folk Art
7. Texture – Pointillism
8. Black Printing
9. Craft Activity


Ch -31 Rare Flowers

Ch -33 Endemic to India
Ch – 34 Amazing animals
Ch -35 In the Science lab
Ch -36 Famous Inventors
Ch -37 Computer Tech Terms
Ch -41 Indian Painters
Ch – 42 Social movements
Ch -44 Groups of Nations
Ch – 52 Literary awards of India
Ch -53 movies on Novels
Ch -58 Wildlife conservations
Ch -59 Consumer rights


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