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Present Past Past participle Present Past Past participle

1. with no change 5. “ea” to “o” in the past

bet bet bet break broke broken

cost cost cost speak spoke spoken
cut cut cut steal stole stolen
hit hit hit swear swore sworn
hurt hurt hurt wear wore worn
let let let
put put put 6. “e” to “o” in the past
quit quit quit
read read read forget forgot forgotten
set set set freeze froze frozen
shut shut shut get got gotten
spread spread spread sell sold sold
wet wet wet tell told told

2. final “d” to “t” 7. “o” to “e”

bend bent bent blow blew blown

build built built grow grew grown
lend lent lent hold held held
send sent sent know knew known
spend spent spent throw threw thrown

3. “ i” to “a” in the past and “u” in the p.p. 8. lose one of the double Vowels

begin began begun bleed bled bled

drink drank drunk choose chose chosen
forbid forbade forbidden feed fed fed
forgive forgave forgiven meet met met
give gave given
ring rang rung 9. lose one vowel and add “t”
shrink shrank shrunk
sing sang sung feel felt felt
sink sank sunk keep kept kept
sit sat sat sleep slept slept
stink stank stunk
swim swam swum 10. past ending in “ought”
swing swang swung
bring brought brought
4. “ i” to “o” in the past buy bought bought
catch caught caught
drive drove driven fight fought fought
ride rode ridden teach taught taught
rise rose risen think thought thought
shine shone shone
win won won
write wrote written

Parts of Speech
To learn grammar more easily, it is important to know some special vocabulary terms:

1. Nouns: words that name people, places, things, or ideas.

Examples: students, classrooms, books, pencils, erasers, pens, days, weeks, months, years,
Mike, Susan, Loren, Bill, Australia, Canada, England, Mexico, tiger, jaguar, lion, panther,
cougar, elephant, problem, solution, etc

2. Verbs: words that name actions or conditions

Examples: tell, come, be, work, sleep, do, have, write, play, study, behave, adore, act,
advertise, copy, clean, consider, chat, desire, deny, escape, exchange, face, finish, help, jump,
kiss, listen, miss, need, print, paint, etc.

3. Adjectives: words that describe things or people

Examples: long , short, tall, thin, fat, new, old, frail, stocky, slim, plump, skinny, large, small,
big, balding, straight, curly, bald, spiky, wavy, kinky, white, black, blue, yellow, orange, green,
brown, selfish, tough, crafty, sensitive, shy, silly, careful, friendly, etc.

4. Adverbs: words that answer the questions “Where?”, When?” and “How?”
Examples: here, there, sometimes, always, quickly, carefully, almost, enough, quite, rather,
very, too, definitely, fairly, evidently, certainly, really, truly, barely, completely, etc.

5. Prepositions: words that show the relationship of nouns or pronouns to other words
Examples: of, in, about, to, from, after, before, on, at, off, up, down, with, without, etc.

Conector Significado Función
and y
also también
next además
furthermore además
besides además Agrega información a lo dicho
similarly similarmente previamente
likewise igualmente
moreover además, por otra parte
in addition además

but pero
however sin embargo
yet sin embargo
on the other hand por otro lado
in contrast por el contrario
otherwise por otra parte Contrasta ideas, las diferencia
still sin embargo
on the contrary por el contrario
although aunque
though, even though aunque
nevertheless sin embargo
therefore por lo tanto
so por lo tanto, así que
thus por consiguiente
consequently por consiguiente
hence por consiguiente Expresan consecuencia o
accordingly como consecuencia resultado
as a result como resultado
then luego entonces
because por que
since puesto que (cuando aparece al Establece una razón o causa
inicio de oración)
for example por ejemplo
for instante por ejemplo
e.g. por ejemplo Ejemplifica
such as tal(es) como
like como
or o Establece alternativa
either…or ya sea…o Establece alternativa
neither…nor ni…ni Establece alternativa negativa
instead of en vez de, en lugar de
if si Establece condición
first/firstly primera(mente)
second/secondly en segundo lugar
next siguiente Marcan secuencia
after después
after that después de eso
then luego/entonces
finally finalmente
In other words en otras palabras Una idea va ir expresada con
that is es decir otras palabras con el fin de
En los textos para evitar la repetición de nombres o frases nominales usamos
palabras que los sustituyen, a éstas les llamamos referentes. Entre éstas
encontramos las siguientes:

Pronombres Pronombres Adjetivos Pronombres Pronombres

personales personales posesivos posesivos reflexivos
(sujeto) (objeto)
I - Yo me my (mi/mis) mine (mio/mia) myself
You-Tú,Usted(es) you your (tu(s)/su(s) yours (tuyo(a) yourself/yourselves
We- Nosotros(as) us our (nuestro(a) ours (nuestro) ourselves
They- Ellos(as) them their (su/sus) theirs (suyo(a) themselves
He- Él him his (su/sus) his(suyo(a) himself
She- Ella her her (su/sus) hers(suyo(a) herself
It- esto , eso it its (su/sus) its(suyo(a) itself

Se usan como
sujeto, al Se usan antes
principio de Se usan como de un Se usan en El sujeto y el
oración. objeto directo sustantivo para lugar de un objeto son la
después calificarlo. sustantivo para misma persona.
Ejemplo: del verbo. evitar repetirlo.
He is my friend Ejemplo:
Ejemplo: Ejemplo: Your house is Ejemplo:
I see her every His name is small, mine is She sees herself
day John big. (Mine in the mirror.
sustituye a

Pronombres o adjetivos demostrativos (según el contexto)

singular plural

cerca This - esto, esta, este These - estos, estas

lejos That - eso , esa, ese, Those - esos, esas,

aquel, aquella aquellos, aquellas

1er.paréntesis: Indica la
pronunciación. Números arábigos: Indican
diferentes significados
Letra negrita grande:
Indica la palabra que
será traducida. Paréntesis: Dan el
sentido de la palabra.

Abreviatura en cursiva:
Indica función gramati- Dos o más palabras
cal; lugar en que se usa. con letra negra
mediana y
antecedidas de un
Punto y coma: Separa guión: Indican frases
los sinónimos de la idiomáticas. *
palabra en el sentido

Letra cursiva para

Guión antes de la
sufijos: Indica que
palabra por traducir:
va a explicar
Indica que es sufijo.
comó se usa el
sufijo. No se da la

grow (gro:) v.i. [grew, grown, growing] 1, (sprout; spring up) brotar.
2, (develop) crecer: desarrollarse. 3, (increase) crecer. 4, (become)
ponerse; volverse, -v.t- 1, (cultivate, raise) cultivar; producir. 2,
(cause or allow to grow) hacer crecer; dejar(se) crecer. –grow old,
envejecer. –grow on, conquistar; apoderarse de. grow up of, 1,
(develop from) provenir de; surgir de. 2, (outgrow) dejar atrás;
perder (la costumbre de), -grow up, 1, (reach maturity) crecer; llegar
a al madurez. 2, (develop; arise) brotar; surgir. grow young,
* Las frases o expresiones idiomáticas se forman con dos o más palabras que al combinarse dan un
significado diferente al que tiene cada uno de sus elementos.


Busca en tu diccionario los diferentes usos y significados de la palabra PLAY, anótalos junto al enunciado y
escribe el equivalente en español de las oraciones. Compara tus respuestas.
1) He plays soccer very well.

2) Fernanda is a playful girl.

3) She plays the play of Julliet in the play “Romeo y Julliet”.

4) The player had to play by ear that old song.

5) You have to play his bitter comments down.

6) My classmates are going to play truant tomorrow.

7) She has to play along with his crazy ideas.

8) Akemi plays the guitar pretty well.

9) Children use to play to their mothers up.

10)Mike played the fool in the English class.

Escribe el equivalente en español a las siguientes oraciones
1) Rich people hire men to serve the coffee.

2) In chess one of the men is called king.

3) We manned behind the wall when the shooting started.

4) The pilot perfectly knew how to man the airplane in spite of the rainy

5) Peter manned his nephews when their parents died.

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