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“Abriendo Fronteras en el mundo, Porque la excelencia está en ti.”  AÑO LECTIVO
Words for Spelling Bee 1st part
8th, 9th & 10th grade word bank.
NAME: Valentina Rosado Bravo
Date: 17/10/2022
1 Mushroom: an 42 Trainers: a person who 84 Wedding: a marriage
enlarged complex trains someone or ceremony usually with its
aboveground fleshy something accompanying festivities
fruiting body of a
fungus (such as a
basidiomycete) that
consists typically of
a stem bearing a
2 Adjective: a word 43 Tights: a skintight 85 Teenager: someone who
belonging to one of garment covering the is between 13 and 19
the major form body from the neck years old
classes in any of down or from the
numerous waist down
languages and
typically serving as a
modifier of a noun
to denote a quality
of the thing named,
to indicate its
quantity or extent,
or to specify a thing
as distinct from
something else
3 Underline: to mark 44 Expensive: involving 86 Sometimes: at times
(something, such as high cost or sacrifice
a word) with a line
4 Holidays: a day on 45 Announcement: the 87 Usually: according to the
which one is act of announcing usual or ordinary course
exempt from work something or of being of things
5 Nephew: a son of 46 Enough: occurring in 88 Review: a formal military
one's brother, such quantity, quality, inspection
sister, brother-in- or scope as to fully
law, or sister-in-law meet demands, needs,
or expectations
6 Weather: the state 47 Newspaper: a paper 89 Sitcom: a television series
of the atmosphere that is printed and that involves a continuing
with respect to heat distributed usually cast of characters in a
or cold, wetness or daily or weekly and succession of comedic
dryness, calm or that contains news, circumstances
storm, clearness or articles of opinion,
“Abriendo Fronteras en el mundo, Porque la excelencia está en ti.”  AÑO LECTIVO
features, and
cloudiness advertising
7 Restaurant: a 48 Costumes: the 90 Documentary: being or
business prevailing fashion in consisting of documents
establishment coiffure, jewelry, and
where meals or apparel of a period,
refreshments may country, or class
be purchased
8 Understand: to 49 Cheap: charging or 91 Bookshelf: an open shelf
grasp the meaning obtainable at a low for holding books
of price
9 Withdraw: to take 50 Clothes: a pliable 92 Favorite: one that is
back or away material made usually treated or regarded with
by weaving, felting, or special favor or liking
knitting natural or
synthetic fibers and
10 Clothing: items (as 51 Motorbike: a small 93 Routine: a regular course
of cloth) designed usually lightweight of procedure
to be worn to cover motorcycle
the body
11 Comedy: a medieval 52 Scrapbook: a blank 94 Underwater: lying,
narrative that ends book in which various growing, worn,
happily items (such as performed, or operating
newspaper clippings below the surface of the
or pictures) are water
collected and
12 Pharmacy: the art, 53 95 Fountain: the source
Badminton: a court
practice, or from which something
game played with light
profession of proceeds or is supplied
long-handled rackets
and a shuttlecock
volleyed over a net
compounding, and
dispensing medical
13 Houseboat: a boat 54 Chemistry: a science 96 Entertainment:
fitted for use as a that deals with the amusement or diversion
dwelling composition, provided especially by
structure, and performers
properties of
substances and with
the transformations
that they undergo
14 Bookstore: a place 55 Physics: a science that 97 Professional: of, relating
of business where deals with matter and to, or characteristic of a
books are the main energy and their profession
“Abriendo Fronteras en el mundo, Porque la excelencia está en ti.”  AÑO LECTIVO
item offered for sale
15 Birthday: the day of 56 Geography: a science 98 Ladder: a structure for
a person's birth that deals with the climbing up or down that
description, consists essentially of two
distribution, and long sidepieces joined at
interaction of the intervals by crosspieces
diverse physical, on which one may step
biological, and cultural
features of the earth's
16 Jewelry: ornamental 57 Timetable: a table of 99 Stubborn: unreasonably
pieces (such as departure and arrival or perversely unyielding
rings, necklaces, times of trains, buses,
earrings, and or airplanes
bracelets) that are
made of materials
which may or may
not be precious
(such as gold, silver,
glass, and plastic),
are often set with
genuine or imitation
gems, and are worn
for personal
17 Scientist: a person 58 Carpet: a heavy often 100 Handwork: work done
learned in science tufted fabric used as a with the hands and not
and especially floor covering by machines
natural science: a
18 Lawyer: one whose 59 Sweden: country (a
profession is to kingdom) in northern
conduct lawsuits for Europe on the
clients or to advise peninsula of
as to legal rights Scandinavia west of
and obligations in the Baltic Sea
other matters EXTRA WORDS
19 Cheerful: full of 60 Bookshelf: an open 1 Sweater: one that sweats
good spirits shelf for holding books or causes sweating
20 Headphones: an 61 2
Curtains: a hanging
earphone held over
screen usually capable Photographer: one who
the ear by a band
of being drawn back practices photography
worn on the head
or up
(usually plural)
21 Sneakers: a sports 62 Husband: a male 3 Wildlife: living things and
“Abriendo Fronteras en el mundo, Porque la excelencia está en ti.”  AÑO LECTIVO
partner in a marriage especially mammals,
birds, and fishes that are
shoe with a pliable neither human nor
rubber sole domesticated
22 Skateboard: a short 63 Breakfast: the first 4 Valuable: having
board mounted on meal of the day monetary value
small wheels that is especially when taken
used for coasting in the morning
and for performing
athletic stunts
23 Capsule: a 64 Fridge: something that 5 Emergency: an
membrane or sac refrigerates unforeseen combination
enclosing a body of circumstances or the
part (such as a knee resulting state that calls
joint or kidney) for immediate action
24 Teammates: a 65 Healthy: enjoying 6 Champion: a winner of
fellow member of a good health first prize or first place in
team competition
25 66 7 Heroic: of or relating to
Thirsty: feeling thirst courageous people or the
Handsome: having a mythological or legendary
pleasing and usually figures of antiquity : of,
impressive or relating to, resembling, or
dignified suggesting heroes
appearance especially of antiquity
26 Intelligent: having 67 Understand: to grasp 8 Friendly: of, relating to,
or indicating a high the meaning of or befitting a friend
or satisfactory
degree of
intelligence and
mental capacity
27 Straight: free from 68 Building: a usually 9 Something: some
curves, bends, roofed and walled indeterminate or
angles, or structure built for unspecified thing
irregularities permanent use (as for
a dwelling)
28 Hairstyle: the way in 69 Scarf: a broad band of 10 Germinate: to cause to
which someone's cloth worn about the sprout or develop
hair is cut and shoulders, around the
arranged neck, or over the head
29 Height: the part 70 Statement: something 11
that rises or extends stated Community: a unified
upward the greatest body of individuals
30 Beginning: the point 71 Relationship: the state 12 Necklace: an ornament
at which something of being related or worn around the neck
begins interrelated
“Abriendo Fronteras en el mundo, Porque la excelencia está en ti.”  AÑO LECTIVO
31 Photography: the 72 Laptop: a portable 13 Carefully: marked by
art or process of microcomputer having wary caution or prudence
producing images its main components
by the action of (such as processor,
radiant energy and keyboard, and display
especially light on a screen) integrated into
sensitive surface a single unit capable
of battery-powered
32 Portuguese: a 73 Hallway: an entrance 14 Classroom: a place
native or inhabitant hall where classes meet
of Portugal
33 Gymnastics: 74 Technology: the 15 Description: an act of
physical exercises practical application of describing
designed to develop knowledge especially
strength and in a particular area
34 Granddaughter: the 75 Satellite: a celestial 16 Underline: to mark
daughter of one's body orbiting another (something, such as a
son or daughter of larger size word) with a line
35 76 17 Sentence: a word, clause,
or phrase or a group of
clauses or phrases
forming a syntactic unit
which expresses an
assertion, a question, a
command, a wish, an
exclamation, or the
performance of an action,
that in writing usually
begins with a capital
Snack: a light meal Characteristic: a letter and concludes with
or food eaten distinguishing trait, appropriate end
between regular quality, or property punctuation, and that in
meals speaking is distinguished
or food suitable for by characteristic patterns
snacking of stress, pitch, and
snack verb pauses
36 Vegetable: a usually 77 Physical: of or relating 18
herbaceous plant to natural science
(such as the
cabbage, bean, or Examiner: to inspect
potato) grown for closely
an edible part that
is usually eaten as
part of a meal
37 Doughnut: a small 78 Photograph: a picture 19 Comfortable:affording or
“Abriendo Fronteras en el mundo, Porque la excelencia está en ti.”  AÑO LECTIVO
usually ring-shaped or likeness obtained enjoying contentment
piece of sweet fried by photography and security
38 79 Possessive: of, relating 20 Customer: one that
to, or constituting a purchases a commodity
Biscuit: a small word, a word group, or service
quick bread made or a grammatical case
from dough that has that denotes
been rolled out and ownership or a
cut or dropped from relation analogous to
a spoon ownership
39 Cupboard: a closet 80 Supermarket: a self-
with shelves where service retail market
dishes, utensils, or selling especially foods
food is kept and household
40 Sausage: a highly 81 Restaurant: a business
seasoned minced establishment where
meat (such as pork) meals or refreshments
usually stuffed in may be purchased
casings of prepared
animal intestine
41 Trousers: of, 82 Stadium: a large
relating to, or usually roofless
designed for building with tiers of
trousers seats for spectators at
sports events

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