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Nama : Sonia

Nim : 047867659

Matkul: Bahasa Inggris

1. A. Identifikasi ragam bahasa yang digunakan dalam percakapan antara Jane dan Helen dan
jelaskan alasannya.
 Ragam bahasa yang digunakan adalah bahasa informal atau bahasa yang biasa kita pakai
dalam sehari-hari.Dibilang informal karena dalam percakapan diatas banyak menggunakan
kata yang digabung, seperti "wasn't".Dan juga percakapan diatas menggunakan kata pengisi
yang hanya digunakan dalam bahasa informal, seperti "oh yeah".
B. Identifikasi topik percakapan tersebut.
 Percakapan diatas terjadi antara Jane dan Helen. Mereka berbincang mengenai interview
yang sudah dilakukan Jane ketika bertemu di sebuah tempat makan. Mereka berbincang
selayaknya teman lama sehingga menggunakan ragam bahasa informal.

2. Sebuah paragraf deskripsi singkat bahasa inggris mengenai tempat kerja sebanyak kurang
lebih 100-200 kata

The Civil Service Police Unit or commonly called Satpol PP is an apparatus of the Province, Regional

Government in maintaining peace and public order and enforcing Regional Regulations. The Satpol
PP office is located on Jl. Development No.35, In The Tribe, Kec. Sambas, Sambas Regency, West
Kalimantan 79462. The Satpol PP office has one building with two floors. My office is on the 2nd
floor beside the stairs. My work space is filled with furniture such as chairs and desks, chairs and
guest tables, there is also a table filled with knick-knacks of appreciation for our thorough work as
community servants. Don’t forget there is also a TV as a formality, and a toilet as a support in
everyday life at the office. A workspace can make us able to work more productively but does not
leave a relaxed impression like a residence.

3. Answer this question

 The sender of the memo is Jonathan Stewart, Manager.
 The memo is for All Employees.
 The memo is about Farewell Ceremony at 10 a.m. on the 25th of August in Conference
Room A.

4. Assalamualaikum, Sir/Madam,

My name’s Sonia, I’m a grade 19th honorary at the polpp Office and live in Sambas. I’m interested in
applying for the City Got Talent Competition, but I couldn’t the application forms in your website.
Can you please let me know where I can download the forms?

Thank’s for your help.

Best Regards,


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