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Performance Task 4

Name: __________________________________________________________________________
Grade and Section: _____________________________________________________________


Mathematics 10 Most Essential Learning Competencies:
Formulates statistical mini-research.
Uses appropriate measures of position and other statistical
methods in analyzing and interpreting research data.
Performance Standard:
The learner is able to conduct systematically a mini-research
applying the different statistical methods.
English 10 Most Essential Learning Competency:
Compose a research report on a relevant social issue
Performance Standard:
The learner transfers learning by composing a research
report on a relevant social issue in preparation for delivering
campaign and advocacy speeches that observe the proper use
and acknowledgement of sources, and appropriate prosodic
feature, stance, and behavior.


Conduct a mini-research and compose a research report based on any of the given situation below.
Apply the knowledge and skills you have learned to evaluate and interpret results and to
make/formulate meaningful decisions based on the results as well as the basic technical terms used in
a research paper and its basic sections/parts.
A. Covid-19 data in your municipality.
B. Student’s performance in MDL or ODL in terms of their Quarter 2 grades in English
or Mathematics.
C. Class standing depending on anything (height, weight, allowance, family income,
D. Social media influences on your personality (Facebook, YouTube, twitter, instagram,
E. Social media as tools of learning during Modular Distance Learning.

Take note that your mini-research should have the following parts and format:
I. Title :Create your own title based on the topic of your
II. Introduction :Prepare a one to two paragraphs
which contain a little background of the study and what the
reader can expect while reading the research.

III. Content :In this part, narrate all the details of how
you come up with this research, why you chose the topic you
choose, what are the basis of your research, who are your
respondents, the method you use to get your data, and all
other things necessary to explain facts as well as your
insights regarding the topic.

IV. Research Questions :Prepare two to three questions you

would like to answer by conducting this mini-research.
V. Statistical Method :Cite the Statistical method you used
in analyzing and interpreting all the data gathered .
VI. Conclusion :Create a summary of what you have
learned all throughout the course of this research, insights
gained as well as your recommendations to your readers.

VII. Bibliography :Cite and acknowledge all sources of

information you used while making this mini-research.

Format : Arial 11, short bond paper, 2.54 cm spacing on all sides,
minimum of 5 pages, maximum of 7 pages. For MDL,
handwritten will be allowed.
The learner is able to come up with a 5 to 7 pages mini-research on any of the topics given
above with the following parts; Title, Introduction, Content, Research Questions, Statistical method,
Conclusion and Bibliography.
Scoring Rubric in Assessing the Mini-Research for English

Criteria 5 pts 7 pts 10 pts

Content - Limited content with - Sufficiently developed - Substantial, specific
(The presence of ideas inadequate elaboration or content with adequate and/or illustrative content
developed through facts, explanation about the chosen elaboration or demonstrating strong
examples, reasons, and topic. explanation about the development and
explanations.) chosen topic. sophisticated ideas about
the chosen topics.
Organization - Confused or inconsistent - Functional arrangement - Sophisticated
(The order developed and arrangements of content. of content that sustains a arrangement of content
sustained within and logical order with some with evident and/or subtle
across paragraphs using evidence of transitions. transitions.
transitional devices.)
Quality - Weak connections made - consistent connections - Exceptional, relevant,
(The value of the between the evidences and made between evidences and critical connections
information or details support and the topic. and support and the made between evidences
presented in the research topic. and support and the topic.
Style - Inappropriate style which - Appropriate style which - Appropriate, original and
(The use of language doesn’t address the purpose address the purpose of creative style which
intended for the target of the paper for specific the paper for specific address the purpose of the
audience) group of audience. group of audience. paper for specific group of
Conventions - Limited control of - Sufficient control of - Evident control of
(Grammar, mechanics, grammar, mechanics, grammar, mechanics, grammar, mechanics,
spelling, usage and spelling, usage and sentence spelling, usage and spelling, usage and
sentence formation) formation sentence formation sentence formation
Bibliography - Lack of citations of the - Little number of - Correctly and properly
(The sources of sources of information used citations of the sources cited all the sources of
information are being in the entire paper. of information used in information used in the
cited and acknowledged) the entire paper. entire paper.

Scoring Rubric in Assessing the Mini-Research For Mathematics

Criteria 3 2 1 0.5
TITLE ************* The title is focused The title is The title is not
narrowly enough focused but clearly defined.
for the scope of this lacks direction. It
assignment. is too broad for
the scope of this
The introduction helps The introduction The introduction The introduction
the readers in knowing helps the readers in shows less shows little to no
fully the overview of gaining some ideas insights regarding insights of what the
the mini-research. It regarding the mini- the mini-research. mini-research is all
follows the instruction research. It follows It follows the about. Also, the
posted in the LAS. the instruction instruction posted posted instructions
posted in the LAS. in the LAS. were visibly not
Ties together For the most Sometimes Does not tie
information part, ties ties together together
from all together information information
sources information from all Paper does
Paper flows from all sources sources not have a
from one issue to the Paper flows Paper did not good flow and
next with only some flow - appears to be
without the disjointedness. disjointedness created from
need for Student’s writing is apparent. disparate
headings. demonstrates an Student's issues.
CONTENT Student's understanding of writing does Headings are
writing the relationship not necessary to
demonstrates among materials demonstrate Link concepts.
an understanding of obtained from all an Writing does
the relationship among sources. understanding not
materials obtained of the demonstrate
from all sources. relationship understanding
among of any
materials relationships
obtained from
all sources.
Prepared two to Prepared two to Questions were not
three research three research related to the
questions that is in questions that is chosen topic.
RESEARCH line with the chosen somehow in line
QUESTIONS topic of research. with the chosen
topic but can still
be specified or
Computations were Computations were Computations Corrections were at
100% accurate and at least 75% were at least 50% most 49% accurate
measures of position accurate and accurate and and other statistical
and other statistical measures of measures of tools were not
tools were correctly position and other position and other properly utilized.
used in the mini- statistical tools statistical tools
research. were correctly used were used in the
in the mini- mini-research.
CONCLUSION ************* The paper The paper The paper did not
demonstrated demonstrated demonstrate
that the student that the that the
fully understands student, for the student has
and has applied most part, fully
concepts learned in understands understood
the course. and has applied and applied
Concepts are concepts concepts
integrated into the learned in the learned in the
writer’s own course. Some course.
insights. of the
The writer provides conclusions,
concluding remarks however, are
that show analysis not supported
and synthesis of in the body of
ideas. the paper.

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