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26. 27. What is your study all about? Why did you choose this topic? How will your study contribute to the existing body of knowledge? What theories or concepts did you use? Or what theory can you anchor this study? Walberg's theory of academic achievement posits that psychological characteristics of individual students and their immediate psychological environments influence educational outcomes (cognitive, behavioral, and attitudinal) (Reynolds & Walberg, 1992). What research variables did you use? Did you bridge any gap from your study? (problem) What problem prompted you to propose such study? ‘What possible contribution can this study yield? What legal bases can you mention that support this proposed study? What findings/results do you intend to gather? There were many studies of this kind already. Why propose still? What's the essence of your proposed study? Who will be your respondents? Do you think they will cooperate? If approved, how many months would it take you to finish this study? What research design did you use in your study? Why did you choose this research design? ‘What sampling technique did you use in selecting the participants of your study? What research instruments did you use in gathering data? What would you recommend to the next researchers? How many days or weeks did you exactly gather data? When did you start working on your research? How is your research connected to the pandemic? What is your greatest learning in this research? Did the respondents concur(same opinions) to your findings? In few sentences, can you tell us what your study is all about? (To answer this question, you need to know every detail of your research project from chapters one to the end. The question needs an answer in form of a summary of the entire study, therefore, to ace this particular question you need to know every detail in your abstract. If you wrote a good abstract, this question will be a cross over for you) What is your motivation for this study? (Now you must be careful here. This question can be very tricky and it goes a long way in convincing your panel members that your study is worth their time. Another way this question could be twisted is WHAT IS THE RESEARCH PROBLEM? To answer this question, you may decide to elaborate on the problem investigated in the study. Your zeal to solve this problem becomes your motivation. Do not state financial reasons or the need to graduate as a motivation as you may easily go off point.) Did you bridge any gap from your study? {Every research study must have a problem. Your ability to solve this problem and explore into areas not yet researched on gives you the full marks allocated for answering this question. You 28, 29, 30. 31 32. 33, 34, 35. 36. 37. 38. 39, 40. 41, 42, 43. 4a, 45, 46. 47. 48, 49, 50. 51 52. 53. 54, must be able to convince the committee members that your approach is unique and it has covered areas where much have not been done by other researchers.) Why you choose this title? What is the significance of the study? (Just like stating how your study will contribute to the body of knowledge, you will need to state the importance of your study. To answer this question, you will need to highlight how your study will aid the government in policy development and implementation, how it will help other students who may wish to conduct research studies on the subject matter and how organizations and the society will benefit from your study.) What limitations did you encounter? How did you establish the limits around the scope of your data collection? What is the scope of the study? What are the main issues and debates What were the crucial research decisions you made? What is the research problem? What phenomenon are you trying to explain/understand? Who will be most interested in your work? What is the theoretical and practical gap? Is your literature current (up-to-date)? Have you obtained the local literature on this topic? Have you included in the literature the major theories, concepts, factors, and variables connected with your research? Have you collected and reviewed enough literature? Have you been exhaustive in your literature search? What method or strategy did you use for your analysis* technique * for coding analyzing and presenting data? What statistical tool/s are you using to test each hypothesis? What are the expected relationships between the independent variables and the dependent variables? Why do you exoect these relationships? What are your dependent variables? What are your independent variables? {Independent variable causes an effect on the dependent variable. Example: How long you sleep {independent variable) affects your test score (dependent variable). Where did you get your research framework? Is it your own? Why this framework? How do you justify this framework? Why chooses this method? What was the most challenging aspect of your research? What Methods or Sampling Technique did you employ? How did you analyses your data? Why did you use this research methodology? What did you gain from it? What is your measurement Instrument? What theories or theoretical framework is your study based on? (This isa very technical question but interesting. Before you step into the defense room, you should know at least two relevant theories that relate to your study. For example, the “impact of motivation on employee productivity” will be based on Maslow’s Theory and other theories this subject area? 55. of motivation. if you cannot find relevant theories to back up your study, consult your supervisor for help) How would you relate your findings to existing theories on the study? (To ace this question, one will have to read extensively. You should know existing theories on the subject matter as well as empirical studies too. Your ability to link your findings to previous research studies (Whether they agree or not) will go a long way in validating your study. You will score good points here trust me}

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