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It was the sale   my first car that gave me enough money to go
travelling for the first time.

2. I can't ask for help from anyone in my family. You know what
they're  .

3. Available flavours include   only the usual strawberry and

chocolate, but also peach.

4. A collision   two satellites has filled the sky with debris.

5. Jane has so many cats,   only those she has rescued, but ones
that friends have given her.

6. The reason they are called daily requirements is that we need to

consume a number of them   day.

7. "Tess Of The D'Urbervilles" is probably the novel for   Thomas

Hardy is best known.

8. A hippopotamus can be just   dangerous as a lion.

1. There are several very interesting ingredients we can add to this

cake.   of them is nutmeg and another is vanilla.

2. We discussed who would give money for the gift for about ten
minutes and   the end, Cyril just grabbed the bill and paid.

3.   from yourself, do you know anyone else who'd be willing to


4. Brunei, a tiny   very wealthy state, lies in Asia.

5. My mother warned my brother that dinner would be at 6pm

and   this, he was eating doughnuts half an hour before!
6. It looks   though the new employee is going to be late on his
first day.

7.   the work you do for the government, what else do you do for
a living?

8. We loved the house, but couldn't contact the agent and that's   
is the most frustrating thing.

An Ugly Habit
Smoking is one of the most common and deadliest habits in the world.
You have probably seen thousands of cigarettes smoked in your
lifetime, (1) ... perhaps not by your family. Even though fewer people
smoke today than in the past, one (2) ... every four adults still smokes,
and there are parts of the world where smoking is increasing. Most
people who become regular smokers started when they were young.
This is the time to get the facts straight: smoking does no one (3) ...
good, and it does a great (4) ... of harm to your health. It also often
means giving up a lot later in life, such as the chance to excel in
sports, extra spending money, and even years of one’s life. There is a
lot of to lose. Most smokers have a hard time explaining why they
started – and why they continue. They know it is harmful, and many
even know someone who has died from a smoking-related illness, like
lung cancer or heart disease. But (5) ... the same time, these smokers
continue lighting up when they go out for a drink, take a break from
work, or hear alarming news. Some smokers even light up when they
learn about the dangers of smoking, because they become
worried. (6) ... the reason people start smoking, the habit soon
loses (7) ... attraction. (8) ... from the obvious health risks, smoking is
an ugly, unpleasant habit. Most people would prefer to avoid a room
that someone was filling with smelly smoke.
The Falkland Islands This group of small and relatively unknown
islands ________ (1) be found in the South Atlantic Ocean about 300
miles from the Argentinian coast and roughly 750 miles from
Antarctica. The two main islands are called east and west Falkand,
with more than 700 hundred smaller islands making ________ (2) the
archipelago, totalling 4,700 square miles. Most of ________ (3) is
baron grassland that is unusable for farming crops due to the wet
weather resulting in boggy unstable ground. The population of this
remote British territory is in the region of 3,400. Mainly living in the
capital Port Stanely and other small towns dotted ________ (4) the
coast, there are however, a high number of sheep farmers. In fact, it
has ________ (5) said that the sheep population outnumbers the
humans. Because of its close proximity to the southern point of the
planet, with an almost unthinkable climate, ________ (6) the hardiest
of wild animals are able to survive. Penguins and Sea Lions have a
permanent residence; in addition Killer Whales are regular visitors as
the icy waters make the perfect feeding ground. Recently, these
fascinating creatures have caught the ________ (7) of wildlife tourists
wishing to catch sight of these any many more wild species in one of
the few remaining purely natural habitats left ________ (8) earth.
The Demographic Transition Overpopulation seems to be _____ (1) of
the buzz words of the 21st century. People are concerned that
developed areas of the world will be _____ (2) run by refugees from
less developed nations. However, there is a model that throws this
whole argument _____ (3) of the window, “The Demographic
Transition”. this four-stage model, created in 1929 by American
demographer Warren Thompson, explains _____ (4) birth and death
rates stablize as a nation becomes more developed and _____ (5),
discarding the theory of the world becoming _____ (6) over
populated. In fact, it is widely believed that the world’s population
will never exceed 12 billion. The time for this process to complete can
vary between nations, with many European nations having _____ (7)
completed the dempgraphic transition. Iran and Malasia did is in
record time whereas there are other nations still carrying _____ (8) the
process. What is clear is that all nations are in at least one stage and
this transition is the norm rather than an exception. So whatever your
motive for wanting to avoid over population, we can all relax on the
issue as it seems to be a chimera.
THE THEORY OF RELATIVITY Were there _____(1) a
beakthrough in physics that would change the world, _____(2) the
suggestions would be this faimed discovery without a doubt. This
theory changed the way physisists proposed the concepts of time and
space. Basically this theory, determined in 1905 by Albert Einstein,
was ten years in the making and in reality, _____(3) not officially
published until 1905. It was a pioneering way of thinking that set
_____(4) the pathway for further discoveries that would _____(5)
have been unreachable. Einstein’s theory of special relativity
suggested as a _____(6) of his theory that space and time were far
more interwoven than previously conceived. As a direct consequence
of this theory, Einstein stated that on account of the findings of this
theory, an occurence in one time for one observer, might actually take
place at a different time for _____(7). So next time you happen to look
up at the stars, consider it a form of timetravel, looking back _____(8)
the past and contemplating the infinity of the universe.
What are the positive factors that come out due to mass migration?
Mass migration is happening nowadays amongst people from Arabic
countries especially from Syria. It is _____ (1) actual and
controversial problem as people have different opinions about it.
Although it can have some problems _____ (2) sure, as I see it, it has a
lot of benefits to name, like for example a multicultural environment,
which implies different languages. It can _____ (3) carry an extension
of customs, traditions, recipes, clothes, etc. The main advantage I can
see from all of this is the variety of languages that can be in the same
place. It would _____ (4) be hard for the people at the beginning, but
in the long term, for the following generations they would have a great
knowledge of languages and that is a clear benefit _____ (5) this
process, as it is translated into a higher level of education which is
related to research and development of the country, so for the
economy as _____ (6). Then, at the same time that people are
integrating into society, they will do the same with their typical
traditions and food. The culinary influence can lead _____ (7) an
extended variety and mixture of dishes, which is an obvious advantage
too. To conclude, mass migration can be a beneficial process for
_____ (8) reasons, but as a general idea, it can make a society richer in
all senses and the people more open-minded.
Which kind of amenities are needed most in your area? With the
writing of this essay, what I would like to achieve is to discuss the
facilities that are of _____ (1) utmost importance in our society and
that may be needed most in my area. Despite there _____ (2) multiple
choices, I have decided to debate two of them that from my point of
view are essential in my area. To begin with, I would like to talk
_____ (3) car parks because this is known to be a huge issue in my
area. Owing to the fact that the city council has removed parking
spaces in place of new constructions, there are _____ (4) enough car
parks in my area nowadays. Given that many people live in my
neighbourhood, I reckon that the city council must take _____ (5)
account this problem and offer a quick solution to the citizens by
supplying them with alternative car parking options such as special
prices in nearby parking areas, or _____ (6) new facilities in that
district. Secondly, I would like to discuss the necessity of a new
history museum in my area. As _____ (7) as I am concerned, a history
museum can be a good resource for schools to help to educate the
students. Given the fact that there is a primary school in my
neighbourhood, I reckon that the opening of a new history museum
could bring history closer to younger students, making them aware of
the rich culture that is there to be discovered. Offering them an
alternative _____ (8) history books and even being able to get them
into history in general. To sum up, car parks are the most essential
facility in my area due to the fact that the residents need a space where
they can park their vehicles, but the issue of a museum is also in need
of reflection.
Stress; the silent killer Health experts seem to _____ (1) an endless list
of factors that can contribute to the decline in a person's health, but
one that seems to escape their mention is stress. We are led _____ (2)
believe that to suffer from stress or pressure at work _____ (3) endless
deadlines is a normal part of everyday life, but is this really a
necessary part of an established society? Stress is probably the single
biggest killer known to man in recent years and the figures back it
_____ (4) with an increased rate of suicides, heart attacks and also
accidents at work. Changing work habits and financial issues have
contributed to an increase in stress _____ (5) in this day and age.
These long working hours and other detrimental aspects on health do
not mix well at all, and must _____ (6) be tackled by health
professionals. Stress causes people to take up unhealthy habits such as
smoking, illegal stimulants or alcoholism. These choices combined
with bad eating habits and _____ (7) of sleep can have fatal
consequences. The only obvious solution would be to impose controls
on private businesses or even invest in some sore of educational media
campaign to promote healthier lifestyles. The findings of some recent
studies are extremely concerning and obviously some type of
government intervention should be taken in _____ (8) to ensure a
better and brighter future for the working population.

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