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Uso de gêneros textuais no ensino fundamental e médio

1°) Leia o texto com atenção, em seguida responda as perguntas com base no

The peacock and the crow

A crow is drinking some water from the lake when a peacock shows up.
“Everyone look at me!” says the peacock. “Look at my feathers! They are colorful and
brilliant. I am so beautiful! I am magnificent!”

“Are you still admiring yourself?” asks the crow.

“Of course, my friend. I have golden, purple and blue feathers,” says the peacock.
“Aren’t they pretty?”

“Sure they are,” answers the crow. “But why do you have to show off every day?
People are getting tired of you!”

“People envy me!” says the peacock. “Look at you!”. You are so very, very black. You
don’t even have a bit of color on your wings. And you are ugly too!”

“You are right, peacock”, says the crow. But there’s one thing an ugly black crow can
do but you can’t.”

“And what’s that?” asks the peacock.

“I can go up to the sky and talk to the stars. I can fly, peacock!”

MORAL: Everyone is special in his or her own way.

Source: Aesop, Greek fabulist, 7th century b.C.

2°)Assinale a assertiva correta de acordo com o texto que você acabou de ler.

1-O gênero literário do texto é:

a)Uma lenda.

b)Um conto.

c)Uma fábula.
2-Nesse gênero, as personagens normalmente são:




3°)Responda com base no texto.

Obs.: Respostas em Inglês. Exceto a questão de letra F.
a) Quais são as quatro cores mencionadas no texto?

b)Quem são os personagens dessa fábula?


c)Qual é a moral da história?

d) Transcreva do texto 4 palavras transparentes
e)O que o corvo estava fazendo, quando a o pavão apareceu?
f) Correlacione a moral da estória acima com um fato que ocorreu com alguém que
você conheça.

Landmines: Hidden killers.

June 12th, 1997. Diana, Princess of Wales, addresses a seminar on landmines.
Here are some excerpts of her speech.
Ladies and gentleman,
I welcome this conference on landmines(…) because the world is too little aware of
the waste of life, limb and land which anti-personnel landmines are causing among
some of the poorest people on earth. Indeed, until my journey to Angola early this
year, (…) I was largely unaware of it too.
The world, with its many other preoccupations, remains largely unmoved by a death
roll of some 800 people every month – many of them women and children. Those who
are not killed outright – and they number another 1.200 a month – suffer terrible injuries
and are handicapped for life. I was in Angola in January with the British Red Cross – a
country where there are 15 million landmines in a population, Ladies and Gentleman,
of 10 million.
In Angola, one in every 334 members of the population is an amputee! Angola has
the highest rate of amputees in the world. How can countries which manufacture and
trade in these weapons square their conscience with such human devastation?
Even if the world decided tomorrow to ban these weapons, this terrible legacy of
mines already in the earth would continue to plague the poor nations of the Globe .
”The evil that men do, lives after them …”
And so, it seems to me, there rests a certain obligation upon the rest of us…
(…) The more expeditiously we can end this plague on earth caused by the landmine,
the more readily can we set about the constructive tasks to which so many give their
hand in the cause of humanity. This is what I would like you to understand.

1°)Responda com base no texto.

Obs.:Respostas em Inglês.

a)Quem é o autor do texto?


b)Encontre e transcreva do texto a seguinte passagem: “...Um país onde existem 15

milhões de minas terrestres em uma população, Senhoras e Senhores de, 10 milhões.

c)Qual é a estimativa de cidadãos amputados na população de Angola?


d)O que poderá acontecer se o mundo decidir banir as minas terrestres?


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