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WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 40
TOPIC Being a Teen
THEME People and Culture
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS words and phrases connected with education, future plans and predictions
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 3.1 Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies
to construct meaning
Understand specific details and information in extended texts on a wide range of familiar
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 2.1.1 Explain simple content on familiar topics from what they read and hear
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies to
construct meaning
2. Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Discuss (Student Book page 51)
1. Students pay attention to the title of the module in connection
with the picture on the page (three teenage girls) and they asked
to tell you what they think the module will be about. Students
asked the first two questions In the Discuss section. Students pay
attention to the statements in the speech bubbles. Students read
through them and their understanding is checked. Students tell
who these statements refer to (teenagers). Students tell if these
statements were said by grown-ups or by teenagers (the statement
about the room was said by a teenager, the rest were probably said
by grown-ups). Students are asked the third question in the
Discuss section and a short discussion is initiated.
LESSON DELIVERY Activity A (Student Book page 52)
1.Students asked the questions and a short discussion is initiated.
Activity B (Student Book page 52)
1.Students look at the layout of the text and the pictures
accompanying It and tell you where this kind of text can be found.
Students pay attention to the title of the text and they asked what
type of column they think this is. This is a question and answer
(Q&A) column where people have sent in questions about
education-related Issues and have been provided with answers.
Students pay attention to the questions 1-4 on the left, students
read through them and check understanding. Students are pointed
out that what follows each question is the name of the person who
posed it as well as his / her place of residence.
Activity C (Student Book page 52)
1.Students read through the text and underline unknown words at
the same time. Students match the questions 1-4 with the answers
a-d and check their predictions from the previous activity.
Students are asked some comprehension questions.
Activity D (Student Book page 53)
1.Stduents read through the statements 1-9 and their
understanding is checked. Students do the activity and their
answer is checked with the class.
POST LESSON Students look at Activity F with their talk partner(s). Students
come up with some ideas then collect responses to discuss as a
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK – Information and Communications
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.
WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 41
MAIN FOCUSED SKILL Language Awareness COM. FOCUSED SKILL Language Awareness
TOPIC Being a Teen
THEME People and Culture
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS Future tenses: will, going to, future perfect simple. All / both / neither / none / either
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD This is a grammar-focused lesson so listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are not
explicitly covered.
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD This is a grammar-focused lesson so listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are not
explicitly covered.
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Students play a game to review future tenses. Students discuss
their future plans either the immediate future i.e. the weekend or
more distant future i.e. college /career etc.
LESSON DELIVERY Future will (Student Book page 53)
1. Students read the examples and discuss what they remember
about this tense. Student refer to the Grammar Reference (p. 162)
Students find examples of the Future will in the text.Students come
up with their own examples of the Future will
Future be going to(Student Book page 53)
1.Students read the examples and discuss what they remember
about this tense. Students refer to the Grammar Reference (p.162)
Students come up with their own examples of the Future be going
Future Perfect Simple (Student Book page 53)
1.Students read the example and tell you what they notice about
the formation of the Future Perfect Simple. Students pay attention
to the time expression by 8 o’clock and they explained that the
action will have will have been completed before a specific point of
time in the future Students refer to the Grammar Reference (162).
Students asked to find examples of this tense in the text by the year
2100. Students asked to come up with their own examples of the
Future Perfect Simple. Students do the activity below the grammar
box and the answers checked with the class
POST LESSON Students write down sentences that use the three different future
verb forms. When ready, students are selected to read out their
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Information and Communication
technology Skills (ICT)
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.
WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 42
TOPIC Being a Teen
THEME People and Culture
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS expressing opinions; words and phrases connected with schools and education
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 1.1 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 1.1.3 Recognise independently attitudes or opinions in extended texts on a wide range of
familiar topics
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 2.1.4 Explain and justify own point of view
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
2. Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics

ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Students work with talk partner(s) to answer the question: What
makes a good school? Students come up with own ideas or put on
the board: good leadership from Head teacher; well-qualified
teachers; excellent IT facilities (computers); small class sizes; good
sports facilities; good Arts facilities (musical instruments, paints);
a lot of extracurricular activities on offer; plenty of school trips
every year. Students can choose which options make a good school
or put all the options in order of importance.
LESSON DELIVERY Activity A(Student Book page 55)
1. Student look at the picture and tell what it shows.
Students read through the options a-e. Student read out
and the CD is played and students do the activity. The
answers checked with the class.
Activity B( Student Book page 55)
1. Student read through the statements a-e and check
understanding. The CD is played and students do the activity. The
answers checked with the class. If necessary, the CD play again in
order to clarify any questions Ss may have.
POST LESSON One member from each group state their decision and justification
for their decision. Open up to class discussion.
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Information and Communications
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.
WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 43
TOPIC Being a Teen
THEME People and Culture
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS talking about technology and education; expressing opinion
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 2.3 Use appropriate communication strategies
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 2.3.1 Confirm understanding in discourse-level exchanges by repeating back what a speaker
has said
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 3.1 Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies
to construct meaning
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 3.1.4 Use independently familiar and some unfamiliar print and digital resources to check
meaning and extend understanding
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Use appropriate communication strategies
2. Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies
to construct meaning
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Students discuss the following questions in small groups. What is
virtual reality? How is it used for entertainment purposes? How is
it used for educational purposes? (i.e. gaming and medical or
military training)
LESSON DELIVERY Activity A (Student Book page 56)
1.Students are asked the questions and a short discussion is
Activity B (Student Book page 56)
1.Stduents look at the pictures and read through the captions
underneath them and their understanding is checked. Students
read through the words / phrases in the box and check
understanding, Students pay attention to the TIPS and explain
them. Students do the activity in pairs. Some pairs are chosen to
act out their dialogues in class.
POST LESSON Students divided into groups. Students give a definition of one of
the words. See which group can give the right word first.
Alternatively, students work in small groups and take it in turns to
describe the meaning of a word for the rest of the group to guess.
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Information and Communications
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.
WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 44
TOPIC Being a Teen
THEME People and Culture
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS putting forward a balanced argument i.e. advantages and disadvantages
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 4.1 Communicate intelligibly through print and digital media on familiar topics
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 4.1.4 Express and respond to opinions and common feelings such as amusement, anger and
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 3.1 Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies
to construct meaning
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in extended texts on a wide range of
familiar topics
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Communicate intelligibly through print and digital media on familiar topics
2. Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies
to construct meaning
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Students talk about reading. With talk partner(s) students answer
the following: Do you enjoy reading? Have you read a good book
recently? What is your favourite book? When / where do you read
most often? Where is your favourite place to read? When ready,
collect responses and share with class.
LESSON DELIVERY Activity A (Student Book page 56)
1.Student read through the statement in the speech bubbles and
their understanding checked. Student are asked the question in the
rubric and a discussion is initiated.
Activity B (Student Book page 57)
1.Students read the writing task and underline the key words in it.
Students read through the two paragraphs and underline unknown
words at the same time. Students tell which paragraph supports
that e-books are better than paper books and will eventually
replace them (the first paragraph) and which paragraph is in favor
of paper books and supports that they won't be replaced by e-
books (the second paragraph). Students are asked the question in
the rubric and elicit answers.
Activity D (Student Book page 57)
1.Students read out and explain the rubric and students list the
advantages and the disadvantages they can think of in the
table.The answers discussed with the class.
Activity E (Student Book page 57)
1. Students pay attention to the writing task. Students are pointed
out that they should use the ideas they discussed in the previous
activity. Students pay attention to the TIPS and explain them.
Students write their paragraphs. Some students are chosen to read
out their paragraphs.
POST LESSON Students play a game revising some of the new shopping /
technology vocabulary introduced in Unit 4a. Alternatively,
students identify with their talk partner(s) at least five new words
or phrases that they have learned in relation to the topic of
shopping / future technology in Unit 4a. When pupils are ready,
collect and share words/phrases as a whole class.
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Information and Communications
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 45
MAIN FOCUSED SKILL Choose an item. COM. FOCUSED SKILL Choose an item.
TOPIC Teacher to select
THEME Choose an item.

MAIN CONTENT STANDARD Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

MAIN LEARNING STANDARD Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

COM. CONTENT STANDARD Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

COM. LEARNING STANDARD Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Teachers can either develop their own lesson based on the needs
of their pupils or use this lesson to go over pupils’ writing and
improve their work from the previous lesson.

LESSON DELIVERY Teachers can either develop their own lesson based on the needs
of their pupils or use this lesson to go over pupils’ writing and
improve their work from the previous lesson.

POST LESSON Teachers can either develop their own lesson based on the needs
of their pupils or use this lesson to go over pupils’ writing and
improve their work from the previous lesson.

TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Information and Communications
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 46
TOPIC Being a Teen
THEME Choose an item.
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS words and phrases describing popular culture / music; explaining the roots of popular
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 3.2 Explore and expand ideas for personal development by reading independently and
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 3.2.1Read a variety of suitable print and digital texts to investigate and analyse national
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 2.1.4 Explain and justify own point of view
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Explore and expand ideas for personal development by reading independently and
2. Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Students discuss the questions in Activity A(page 58) first in pairs
then in small groups. When ready, collect responses and open up to
class discussion.
LESSON DELIVERY Activity B (Student Book page 58)
1.Students pay attention to the pictures accompanying the text and
they asked to tell what they show. Students pay attention to the
title of the text and they asked to tell what they think it is about.
Students read through the text and underline unknown words at
the same time. Students are pointed out that when they come
across a word with an asterisk (), they should refer to the bottom
of the page for the respective explanations. Students read through
the headings again and their understanding checked. Students do
the activity. The answers checked with the class.
Activity C(Student Book page 59)
1.Students read through the sentences 1-7 and check their
understanding. Students do the activity. Their answers checked
with the class. If necessary, students provide justification for their
Activity D(Student Book page 59)
1.Studnets refer to the text and draw their attention to the
highlighted words in it Students try to guess what they mean.
Student read through the meanings 1-9 and check their
understanding. Students do the activity. The answers checked with
the class.
POST LESSON Students was told that in some countries, music festivals lasting 3-
4 days are popular with older teenagers. Thousands of young
people go to the festivals to listen to different bands and camp
overnight in tents. Students discuss: Have they been to a music
festival? Would they like to go to a music festival that lasted 3-4
days? Why? / Why not? Would they like to go to a music festival in
a different country?
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Information and Communications
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 47
TOPIC Being a Teen
THEME Choose an item.
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS Zero, first and second conditionals
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD This is a grammar- focused lesson so listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are not
explicitly covered.
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD This is a grammar- focused lesson so listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are not
explicitly covered.
COM. CONTENT STANDARD This is a grammar- focused lesson so listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are not
explicitly covered.
COM. LEARNING STANDARD This is a grammar- focused lesson so listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are not
explicitly covered.
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Students complete the sentences. On the board write the first
clause of several conditional sentences (zero, first or second) and
get pupils to complete them i.e. If it snowed tomorrow, I …….;
When I water the flowers...; If I get a lot of homework tonight, ….
Students discuss their ideas with their talk partner(s) before
collecting responses.
LESSON DELIVERY Conditional Sentences Type 1(Student Book page 59)
1.Students read through the examples 1 and 2. Students tell what
they notice about the formation and use of Conditional Sentences
Type 1. Student refer to the Grammar Reference (pp. 162-163).
Student come up with their own examples. Students to find any
examples of Conditional Sentences Type 1 in the text.
Conditional Sentences Type 2 (Student Book page 59)
1.Students read through the examples. Students tell what they
notice about the formation and use of Conditional Sentences Type
Students refer to the Grammar Reference (p. 163). Students are
asked to come up with their own examples. Students find any
examples of Conditional Sentences Type 2 in the text
Zero Conditional (Student Book page 59)
1.Students read through the examples. Students tell which words
are used to introduce the Zero Conditional (f or When). Students
pay attention to the verbs in bold and students tell you how the
Zero Conditional is formed
2.Students tell when they think the Zero Conditional is used.
Students refers to the Grammar Reference (p. 162). Students come
up with their own examples. Students do the activity below the
grammar box. The answers checked with the class.
POST LESSON Students write the first clause of a number of conditional
sentences. When ready swap with a partner to complete. Students
are encouraged make imaginative or humorous sentences. When
ready, students are chosen to read out their sentences.
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Information and Communication
technology Skills (ICT)
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 48
TOPIC Being a Teen
THEME Choose an item.
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS talking about teen issues; narrating and expressing feelings; adjectives describing mood
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 1.1 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 1.1.5 Understand independently more complex questions on a wide range of familiar topics
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 2.1.4 Explain and justify own point of view
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
2. Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics

ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Students play a game to review zero, first or second conditionals
from the previous lesson.
LESSON DELIVERY Activity A (Student Book page 60)
1.Students pay attention to the definition of peer pressure and
explained it. Students look at the picture of the boy and guess how
he must be feeling and why. Students asked the questions and a
short discussion is initiated.
Activity B (Student Book page 60)
1.Students are asked if they like doing quizzes, what kind of
quizzes they prefer doing, if they believe in what the results reveal
about them, etc. Students pay attention to the table and the title of
the quiz. They are going to listen to the questions of the quiz and
the respective options (a, b, c) and that they should mark their
answers in the respective boxes of the table. Students are pointed
out that there are no right or wrong answers, It is a matter of
personal preference. The CD played and students do the activity.
Pause in between each question so that Ss have time to think about
the answers and note down their choice. If necessary, play each
question twice.
Activity C (Student Book page 60)
The CD played and students listen to the results of the quiz in
order to find out what the quiz reveals about them. Students asked
the questions and a short discussion is initiated.
POST LESSON In small groups, students discuss the sort of questions that were
asked in the quiz. Do they think they were relevant questions? Can
they think of any other relevant questions describing a different
scenario of peer pressure? Is there any truth in these kinds of
quizzes? Why / why not? When ready, collect responses and open
up to class discussion.
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Information and Communications
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 49
TOPIC Being a Teen
THEME Choose an item.
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS words and phrases describing feelings
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 2.1Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 2.1.2 Ask about and explain causes and consequences of actions events simple processes
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 1.1 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 1.1.2 Understand independently specific information and details in extended texts on a wide
range of familiar topics
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
2. Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Students are given a scenario with two people where one of them
feels awkward about something they have / haven’t done. (For
example: you forgot to meet your best friend at the cinema. You
meet your best friend the next morning in school) Students act out
the dialogue. When ready, some students are asked to act out their
dialogues to the class.
LESSON DELIVERY Activity A(Student Book page 61)
1.Student look at the picture and tell what it shows. Students read
through the words / phrases in the box and their understanding
checked. Students read out and explain the TIPS. Students divided
into pairs and get them to do the activity. Pairs report their
answers to the class.
Activity B(Student Book page 61)
Student look at the picture and tell what it is. Student tell what
they think the listening activity will be about. The CD played and
students listen to the dialogue. Students answer the questions and
check with class.
POST LESSON Student do a hot seat activity. The class divided into small groups
(3-5). One student is asked to sit in the ‘hot seat’ in the middle with
the other pupils in a circle around. The students in the hot-seat is
Monica (from listening activity) The other students ask questions
about the surprise party and why Monica left immediately.
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Information and Communications
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 50
TOPIC Being a Teen
THEME Choose an item.
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS discussing advantages and disadvantages; expressing opinion
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 4.1 Communicate intelligibly through print and digital media on familiar topics
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 4.1.5 Organise, sequence and develop ideas within a text of several paragraphs on familiar
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 3.1 Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies
to construct meaning
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 3.1.6 Recognise with support typical features at word, sentence and text levels of an
increased range of genres
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Communicate intelligibly through print and digital media on familiar topics
2. Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies
to construct meaning
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Student brainstorming the typical features of a balanced argument
(or in other words an advantages and disadvantages essay). With
talk partner(s) students are given three minutes to write down
typical connectives used in such essays to introduce further ideas
in support and opposite ideas against. (i.e. however, although, on
the other hand, on the contrary, in contrast, firstly, finally,
furthermore, also, in addition) When ready, collect responses.
LESSON DELIVERY Activity B (Student Book page 62)
1.Student read the writing task and underline the keywords in it.
Student read through the essay and underline unknown words at
the same time. Students read through the questions 1-5 and check
understanding. Students do the activity. Their answer checked
with class. Students are asked some comprehension questions.
Activity C (Student Book page 63)
1.Students read the writing task and list the pros and cons of team
sports in the table. Students do the activity. The answers checked
with class. Students read through the plan and students are given
necessary explanations about the structure and the parts of an
essay discussing advantages and disadvantages. Students pay
attention to the TIPS and explain them. Students write their essays
using the ideas they discussed earlier. Some students are chosen to
read out their essays.
POST LESSON Students review their learning in this unit by describing what they
enjoyed doing most and what they enjoyed doing least. What have
they mastered and what do they think they need further practice
with? Students discuss their ideas with their talk partner(s) before
collecting ideas as a class.
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Information and Communications
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 51
MAIN FOCUSED SKILL Choose an item. COM. FOCUSED SKILL Choose an item.
TOPIC Teacher to select
THEME Choose an item.

MAIN CONTENT STANDARD Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

MAIN LEARNING STANDARD Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

COM. CONTENT STANDARD Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

COM. LEARNING STANDARD Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Teachers can either develop their own lesson based on the needs
of their pupils or use this lesson to go over pupils’ writing and
improve their work from the previous lesson.

LESSON DELIVERY Teachers can either develop their own lesson based on the needs
of their pupils or use this lesson to go over pupils’ writing and
improve their work from the previous lesson.

POST LESSON Teachers can either develop their own lesson based on the needs
of their pupils or use this lesson to go over pupils’ writing and
improve their work from the previous lesson.

TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Information and Communications
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 52
MAIN FOCUSED SKILL Literature in Action COM. FOCUSED SKILL Literature in Action
TOPIC Teacher to select
THEME Choose an item.

MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 5.1Engage with, respond to and interpret a variety of literary text types
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 5.1.2 Explain in detail the development of plot, characters and themes in a text
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1.Engage with, respond to and interpret a variety of literary text types
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Teachers can either develop their own lesson based on the needs
of their pupils or use this lesson to go over pupils’ writing and
improve their work from the previous lesson.

LESSON DELIVERY Teachers will develop their own lesson using materials from the
Literature Component books. Teachers should ensure that their
lesson covers the Literature in Action content and learning
standard specified for this lesson.
POST LESSON Teachers can either develop their own lesson based on the needs
of their pupils or use this lesson to go over pupils’ writing and
improve their work from the previous lesson.

TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Information and Communications
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 54
MAIN FOCUSED SKILL Choose an item. COM. FOCUSED SKILL Choose an item.
TOPIC Teacher to select
THEME Choose an item.

MAIN CONTENT STANDARD Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

MAIN LEARNING STANDARD Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests
COM. CONTENT STANDARD Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

COM. LEARNING STANDARD Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Teachers can either develop their own lesson based on the needs
of their pupils or use this lesson to go over pupils’ writing and
improve their work from the previous lesson.

LESSON DELIVERY Teachers can either develop their own lesson based on the needs
of their pupils or use this lesson to go over pupils’ writing and
improve their work from the previous lesson.

POST LESSON Teachers can either develop their own lesson based on the needs
of their pupils or use this lesson to go over pupils’ writing and
improve their work from the previous lesson.

TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Information and Communications
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 55
MAIN FOCUSED SKILL Choose an item. COM. FOCUSED SKILL Choose an item.
TOPIC Teacher to select
THEME Choose an item.
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

MAIN LEARNING STANDARD Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

COM. CONTENT STANDARD Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

COM. LEARNING STANDARD Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Teachers can either develop their own lesson based on the needs
of their pupils or use this lesson to go over pupils’ writing and
improve their work from the previous lesson.

LESSON DELIVERY Teachers can either develop their own lesson based on the needs
of their pupils or use this lesson to go over pupils’ writing and
improve their work from the previous lesson.

POST LESSON Teachers can either develop their own lesson based on the needs
of their pupils or use this lesson to go over pupils’ writing and
improve their work from the previous lesson.

TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Information and Communications
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.

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