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Review of road accident analysis using GIS


Monib Shahzad

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Published online: 24 Aug 2020.

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2020, VOL. 27, NO. 4, 472–481


Review of road accident analysis using GIS technique

Monib Shahzad
Department of Civil Engineering, Pakistan Institute of Engineering & Technology, Multan, Pakistan


The number of road crashes is significantly growing worldwide. In the transportation sector, accident Received 30 March 2020
outcomes are usually the loss of lives and injuries. To avoid further damages, a tool entitled geographical Revised 11 August 2020
information system (GIS) could be helpful. GIS has the most demanding tools used to analyze road acci- Accepted 14 August 2020
dents and road design that can be noteworthy in traffic accident prevention. The purpose of this review
is to propose the superlative approach of GIS applicable to accident analysis in different circumstances. Road safety; transport;
The reviewed statistical results of accidents are performed by GIS but the numerical study is not consum- geographical information
mate by GIS. Mainly, four essential GIS techniques are introduced and discussed in this review paper to systems; accident analysis
simulate road accidents and suggest some prolific accident analysis tools for road safety.

1. Introduction Results showed that hotspot statistical analysis provided a

more precise hotspot location, hence, this method is favor-
Road accidents are known to be the main problem for
able when the exact accident location is required.
emerging countries, as they offer substantial financial and
In the recent past, several studies have been accom-
social dead. According to the World Health Organization plished regarding the road accident analysis execution.
(WHO) report of 2018, almost 1.35 million people died glo- Moreover, GISs have the capability to complete the spatial
bally in road accidents every year. Moreover, the greatest analysis task in a short period. Similarly, scientists used GIS
death accidents happen in countries where wages are low to store geographical data, analyzing the statistical results of
(WHO, 2018). Almost 300 thousand people injured and crashes, and represent this road crashes data in spatial pat-
85,000 died in road accidents in India, annually, tolerates terns (Dereli & Erdogan, 2017; Gundogdu, 2010; Kazmi &
huge human and economic loss (Mohan, 2009). As per the Zubair, 2014; Loo, 2006; Truong & Somenahalli, 2011). For
WHO prediction, road crashes will become the third most example: Truong and Somenahalli (2011) identified the hot-
powerful source of casualties in 2020 (WHO, 2007). spots of pedestrians-vehicles crash using contiguous and
Speed is one of the prime causes of road accidents. This severity pattern of Getis statistics, and then Moran’s I was
study directed the clustering of crashes before and after applied to assess the spatial pedestrian-vehicle data. Results
speed limit surge occurred in Ankara. There was approxi- revealed that 3 pedestrian-vehicle darkspots were detected at
mately 10% enhancement in the total number of crashes crossing and 10 pedestrian-vehicle darkspots were detected
before and after crossing speed limit, and hotspots traced at mid-block position within specific timeframe.
using geographical information system (GIS). Complete Hashimoto et al. (2016) developed a traffic flow density
assessment of the study showed that speed limit enlarge- model using GIS that assures the specific traffic flow to a
ment was not helpful to improve road safety, hence, threat- widespread extent, especially, when the road crash statistics
ening the road consumers at different locations (Kibar & are unobtainable. This model estimated traffic flow relative
Yaman, 2020). Furthermore, Kernel density estimation to other factors including road engineering, population
(KDE) technique has been applied to identify the crashes density, and geospatial aspects, etc. This research evaluated
hotspots pertaining to specific time and season for 3 years the relationship between city characteristics and road
using Severity Index (SI). The results disclosed that the crashes. An estimation model of KDE was used in relation-
ranking of hotspots was more accurate. But KDE alone has ship with 16 other models. Results revealed much higher
a disadvantage that it faces ambiguity regarding the precise coefficients between actual and estimated numbers. This
location of a road crash (Bıl et al. 2019; Le et al. 2020). model can help in locating relative hazardous areas in cities.
Colak et al. (2018) studied the accident blackspots over a Tasic et al. (2017) used generalized additive model to evalu-
45 km segment of Rize, Turkey using hotspot statistical ana- ate the accumulated statistical crash data of tandem, pedes-
lysis which is barely employed by other studies. Data col- trian, and vehicles at a macroscopic level in Chicago. The
lected for 5 years were then analyzed using Getis-Ord tool. results specified that the crash percentage declines with the

CONTACT Monib Shahzad

This article was originally published with errors, which have now been corrected in the online version. Please see Correction (
ß 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

rise of the exposure during the spatial examination. This is mechanism of crashes by making comparisons of four dif-
a way forward towards sustainable infrastructure and useful ferent spatial techniques in terms of strengths and weak-
specially for pedestrians and cyclists for taking further safety nesses (view Table 1) in order to know the practical
measures in transportation. applications of the study. This review intends to improve
Mostly scholars correlate the numerical models with GIS the road safety problems across different cities like the
to review the traffic accidents hazard, i.e. practically numer- application of Getis-Ord and KDE techniques jointly. This
ical models and GIS techniques have been instigated (Li et study, as a policy development outlook, will help the higher
al., 2007). The data formation and dissection are usually authorities, safety experts, and teachers/students working on
showing within GIS podium but the Bayesian study is found GIS to take safety measures against the great number of cas-
ineligible in GIS. Moreover, researchers endorsed this pro- ualties that occur in the critical places of the world.
cess because it helps in the import and export of data into The residue sections of this study are organized in the
different frameworks makes it user-friendly. This process following manner. Section 2 presents a background on the
can be applied autonomously utilizing numerical models GIS-based techniques or methods. Section 3 and section 4
which is an added feature (Shankar et al., 1995). Many stud- describe the methodology and geospatial techniques used,
ies have applied the kernel density method for examining while section 5 evaluates the results. Section 6 presents the
traffic crashes through geospatial perceptions (Blazquez & discussion along with limitations and future research guide-
Celis, 2013; Hashimoto et al., 2016). lines. The last section presents the conclusion of the study.
KDE is the method commonly used for geographical
crash analysis and it also identifies the crashes blackspots
2. Background
(Bailey & Gatrell, 1995). The K-function technique, because
it measures point patterns and point-to-point measure- The target road data are originated in diffusion that makes
ments, is considered to be an efficient and compendious the analysis part quite complex. A number of academics
spatial method (Yamada & Thill, 2004). Fox et al. (2015) have successfully examined the road sections and junctions
mentioned a Bayesian spatial method to determine pedes- altogether (Erdogan et al., 2008; Huang & Chin, 2010; Ma
trian death accidents, results presented the intrusion policies et al., 2014). But it has been stated that the crashes factors
for high death extents, and showed the dark spot locations arisen at road sections and the reasons involved on junc-
where the pedestrian death frequency is tremendous. tions stayed uncoherent, thus, it verifies that roads and
Cordera et al. (2018) utilized Gravity and Poisson method crossings could not be mutually investigated (Moore
to assess travel costs and accident occurrence at railway sta- et al., 2011).
tions. Results found that the gravity model due to spatial
effects provides the finest results and offers a faithful trip
2.1. Zone type
pattern than the poison method.
A decision-making model was built using the Fuzzy AHP The traffic accident record when analyzed guarantees safety
process to recognize road accidents (Nanda & Singh, 2018). measures. Accurate, reliable, and high-quality data is a must
Cafiso et al. (2010) functioned the global positioning system to recognize the factors usually involved in road accidents.
and the inspection method to explore rustic roads using road The data in Table 1 presents that eight varieties of research
geometry variables. Flahaut et al. (2003) analyzed the brittle- collected the data from metropolitan, rural, suburban high-
Ord Gi and Kernel density estimation (K) to identify crash- way, and motorways, whereas eleven studies are examined
prone locations. Outcomes revealed that the results of both in metropolitan areas only.
of these methods were practically matching. Niloofar (2017)
analyzed and managed metropolitan road accident data of
2.2. GIS traffic accident analysis
Iran using the GIS method. Shariat and Shahri (2017) used a
semi-local Poisson-Gamma CAR model to analyze road The methods that are being used by the world scientists
crashes, in correlation with Moran’s I, however, both models over the last twenty years for the GIS analysis of road acci-
showed the same coefficients with some exceptions. dents are shown in Table 1, e.g. observation of accident for-
In recent times, GIS-based research on road crashes and mation along with geographical dispersion accidents
the altitudinal progressive method were performed in the (Budiharto & Saido, 2012; Gundogdu, 2010; Levine et al.,
United Kingdom. The research used the K function assess- 1995 Truong & Somenahalli, 2011), and identification of the
ment approach for the identification of clattered hot spot areas vulnerable to accidents (Rankavat & Tiwari, 2013).
existence. The scientists ultimately found that the unified clat- Recently, the trend of using data assessment and GIS
tered crashes along these spots could cause accidents to reduce together is growing tremendously and this trend of evaluat-
significantly. In the current review paper, several GIS techni- ing the traffic accidents is more often employed by the
ques to be implemented on accidental roads for the altitudinal world researchers (Benedek et al., 2016; Erdogan, 2009;
examination have been reviewed. Most vital studies accom- Erdogan et al., 2008; Ma et al., 2014; Steenberghen et al.,
plished for traffic analysis using GIS are given in Table 1. 2004; Tortum & Atalay, 2015; Yalcin & Duzgun, 2015). The
This paper is different from previous studies, as it is a spatial clustering of crashes and geographical densities of
new approach to deal with the methodological problems to Shanghai using Moran’s Index, KDE and Network KDE
identify road crashes. This study is focused on the geospatial (NetKDE) methods has been evaluated by (Chen et al.

Table 1. Comparison of previous researches applying GIS methods for accident analysis.
Writer and publishing period Zone Strengths and weaknesses Methods and summary
Shariat and Shahri (2017) Mixed This research technique-AHP can pattern crash This study used Fuzzy-AHP technique to
data in simple and unique way with more examine the most significant factor for road
precision. crashes. Implementing spatial
However, when multi-layered data is autocorrelation model as Moran’s Index on
provided in AHP, it usually fails to provide 253 traffic analysis zone of Mashhad, Iran
accurate information. indicated more consistency than traditional
generalized linear models. Hence, this
spatial model can be useful tool for higher
authorities to predict their road
safety effects.
Niloofar (2017) Metropolitan This research analyzed and managed This research summarized and analyzed diverse
metropolitan road accidents data of Iran in attributes including accident location, road
reliable and effective means using GIS. user information, road type, vehicle type,
The main weakness of the study is the and accident severity using GIS which is
methodology of collecting accident data. All quite challenging. The results depicted that
local authorities have their own way of the GIS can not only execute the spatial
collecting and maintaining data which are data and highlight black spots but also save
not even linked. This drives to mismatching the time for data processing.
of data, missing of data and poor results.
Yalcin and Duzgun (2015) Metropolitan The asset of this research is that it used GIS as There are three altitudinal design methods
a management tool for crash analysis in used in this study, like K-function, adjacent
association with other statistical methods. neighbor distance, and Kernel density in
On the contrary, this study used only order to determine the occurrence of
Network kernel density method which clustering and darkspots.
confines the study’s scope.
Tortum and Atalay (2015) Mixed This research found that the spatial tool In this study, researchers applied Moran’s I
turned out to be a unique and useful for statistic to clustered the traffic accidents in
identifying problematic or hot accidental the provinces of Turkey. The mortality rates
areas of Turkey. in underdeveloped areas were found higher
This study employed conventional in accordance with road traffic accidents in
regression technique which is, at present, the provinces of Turkey.
Ma et al. (2014) Metropolitan The study showed huge impact on accident Scientists applied the statistical analyses
hazard impact after comprehensive risk method of Quasi-Poisson to find the
assessment of accidents is done with over severity level of crashes. Results suggested
detached statistics. that the weight value higher than 0.8
This work didn’t consider the crashes of would consider to be a fatal accident.
different types in regression model.
Effati et al. (2014) Metropolitan This study effectively identified the hazardous This study introduces a new Neuro-fuzzy
zones of selected corridors of Iran in approach for crashes identification of risky
cheaper way, even when the existing data areas. In addition, this research method
is missing and ambiguous. identified some additional zones on the
The weaknesses of this study are that the existing hotspots that have not been
Author was not sure whether the collected recognized by conventional
crash data was correct and complete or not. statistical methods.
Secondly, the number of crashes was not
that higher on newly constructed roads, so
statistical methods are not convenient on
these types of roads.
Rankavat and Tiwari (2013) Mixed The purpose of this study was to assess the This study identifies the pedestrian zones of
effectiveness of GIS in analyzing intricate Delhi, India that are vulnerable to accidents.
road crashes data. GIS solved this problem, Following Kernel density and Moran’s I
and patterned the crashes data. methods are being utilized for analyzing
The crash data collected from police, carried statistics from 2006 to 2009. Results
out in this research was not accurate, which revealed that 8503 deaths occurred, and
is one of its weaknesses. approximately 51% of deaths involved
pedestrians at intersections, with 14% cars
and 27% buses were responsible
for casualties.
Truong and Somenahalli (2011) Mixed The research conducted in Adelaide, Australia This research method involves the
for identifying pedestrian-vehicle crash identification of hotspots of pedestrians-
which proved to be an accurate and reliable vehicles crash using contiguous and severity
approach. pattern of Getis statistics, and then Moran’s
This research analyzes the old pedestrian- I was applied to assess the spatial
crash data, in addition, a multi-criterion pedestrian-vehicle data. Results revealed
ranking approach could bring more that 3 pedestrian- vehicle dark spots were
improvements. detected at crossing and 10 pedestrian-
vehicle dark spots were detected at mid-
block position.
Steenberghen et al. (2004) Mixed The local Moran Index performed well in This research work utilized autocorrelation
clustering rural roads of Belgium. approach by Moran’ I and KDE for
While, KDE approach is only applicable for identifying clustered areas of Belgium. Both
urban areas. methods performed well in their
own locality.

2018). Results found that 24,147 people were influenced In contrast, Shaggy sense has already been utilized by
from 2010 to 2012 and 84% victims were male gender. scholars. Effati et al. (2014) applied the Neuro-fuzzy
Additionally, 76.2% of vehicles involved in crashes were approach shown in Table 1 on the highway for marking
bikes (60.1%) and buses (16.1%), thus, this research pro- risky areas. Then, a comparison was made between the risky
vided help to authorities in pinpointing vulnerable sites. and actual black spots attained from the numerical method.
Kuo et al. (2012) not only compared the polar KDE This method identified some additional zones on the exist-
method with Getis-Ord and NetKDE but also identified hot- ing hotspots that have not been recognized by conventional
spots with valuable guidelines regarding methods selection. statistical methods.
Additionally, statistical information has a principal role in
finding improved results. KDE method has the main weak-
2.3. Statistical accident assessment
ness that it computes the density of neighborhood crashes
without considering the statistical information (Anderson, The accident numbers like pedestrian clash with cars,
2009). Erdogan et al. (2015) revealed that employing diver- motorbikes, buses, collision peak time, road geography, and
gent hot spots identification methods produces differ- further mixtures can be identified (Rankavat & Tiwari,
ent results. 2013). Accidents’ identification is possible by using a robust
Flahaut et al. (2003) employed KDE and Moran’s I partition. Robust partition is used to spot the clatter data by
method in the vicinity of Belgium for detecting accident hot establishing links in the presence of comparative locations
spots. The outcomes of 510 accidents that occurred from and when regional data are unknown (Yuan et al., 2005).
1992 to 1996 suggest that both methods produced identical Furthermore, Repeatability and Kernel Density analysis
results. Zhang (2010) recently found that the local Getis- method was utilized by (Erdogan et al., 2008). The collected
Ord index identifies the crashes dark spots whenever statis- accident constraints including accident place, vehicle colli-
tical information is provided while point density model is sion time, weather conditions, driver’s profile, accident aus-
operable for locating accident hotspots even when statistical terity, and vehicular type were used. It is found that
data is not provided. Consequently, local Getis-Ord index repeatability method of analysis measured more hotspots as
executed finer results than point density when it comes to compared to KDE method. For example, Repeatability
risky road spots identification. Pulugurtha et al. (2007) used showed 12 hotspots at Ayonkarshisar station, while KDE
crash score, KDE, and sum of rank method and indicated showed 9 hotspots at the same station. This is the way for-
29 pedestrian crash areas in Los Angelos (a metropolitan ward towards highway safety measures by GIS. Although,
city of the United States). Furthermore, the results were some intellectuals intermix the road traffic statistics and
coherent with slight to no alteration when crash score and spatial attributes of a road in their imminent researches.
sum of rank methods were applied for rankings of pedes-
trian crash areas. 2.4. Objectives of the study
Truong and Somenahalli (2011) identified the hotspots of
pedestrians-vehicles crash using contiguous and severity pat- This review article has the following main objectives. Firstly,
terns of Getis statistics, and then Moran’s I was applied to it proposes a methodology/technique to analyze road
assess the spatial pedestrian-vehicle data. Results revealed crashes. Secondly, it provides a way forward to prevent and
that 3 pedestrian-vehicle dark spots were detected at cross- identify road crashes using GIS techniques. GIS has a fea-
ing and 10 pedestrian-vehicle darkspots were detected at the ture of displaying statistical data in the geographic form and
mid-block position. However, a larger proportion of pedes- identify road crashes hotspots. So, applying GIS will be valu-
trian-vehicle accidents were found to be at Main North able in achieving above stated goals. In addition, four differ-
ent GIS techniques have been discussed to study the
road’s crossings. Tortum and Atalay (2015) scrutinized spe-
geospatial pattern of crashes. To be specific, Getis-Ord
cifically those variables that can make a great impact on the
andKDE techniques jointly will extricate new variables,
total accident figure. This study applied Moran’s I statistic
define populous crash neighborhood, and identify the max-
to clustered the traffic accidents in the provinces of Turkey.
imum hotspots in petite time, as these features are no being
The mortality rates in underdeveloped areas of Turkey’s
offered in existing studies. Thus, this study will contribute
provinces were found higher in accordance with road traf-
towards the improvement of road safety problems across
fic accidents.
different cities of the world.
Getis-Ord and Moran’s I statistics are the two approaches
frequently used in the literature. These spatial techniques
are useful in analyzing the spatial accident phenomena and 3. Methods
to identify the access location. For instance, the occurrence
3.1. Search strategy
of some sort of perilous accidents in certain locations. These
types of GIS spatial techniques are well elucidated in the The literature was searched pertinent to road accident ana-
subsequent section. lysis. The related papers were searched in the database of
Occasionally, factor analysis is also implemented. This Scopus (htps:// and Springer’s data-
analysis tends to exploit important information from small base ( The search key-
to large data set under restricted conditions. words were carefully chosen like ‘Road Accident’, ‘Accident

Analysis’ and ‘GIS’ to classify pertinent journals. These key- Papers after excluding duplicates led to 124 papers which
words were hunted in the journals presented in Table 2. were shortlisted for initial scrutiny. Based upon titles of the
The papers marked with keywords while searching two papers, 65 papers were included in the first round
databases were (n ¼ 7658) in numbers as shown in Figure 1. for review.
In the second stage, the abstracts of the selected papers
were reviewed based upon topics such as geographical pre-
cinct, transportation, road analysis, and road safety. All off
topics papers were excluded at this stage. The published
works were carefully chosen based on the subsequent stand-
ards: (1) the paper had employed GIS technique, (2) the
applied techniques had some global impact towards spatial

Table 2. Journals selected in the reviewed literature.

Journal Abbreviation Quartile
Safety Science SS Q1
Accident Analysis and Prevention AAP Q1
Journal of Transport Geography JTG Q1
Traffic Injury Prevention TIP Q1
Transport Policy TP Q1
Transportation Research Part A: Policy TR Q1
and Practice
International Journal of Geographical IJGIS Q1
Information Science
Journal of Public Transportation JPT Q2
Journal of Geographical Systems JGS Q2
Journal of Safety Research JSR Q1
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering KSCEJCE Q2
International Journal of Civil Engineering IJCE Q2
Journal of Transportation Engineering JTE Q2
Geographical Analysis GA Q1
Spatial Information Research SIR Q1
Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy ASAP Q1
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers TIBG Q1
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design EP Q1
Statistical Methods and Applications SMA Q2
Figure 1. Flowchart of the study.

Figure 2. Dispersion of publications by country.


planning, (3) the paper was accessible on internet and (4) statistics heavily assesses the data record of every single
the language of paper was English. Next to this screening hot spot.
stage, 52 papers were finally acknowledged for scrutiny
in total.
Furthermore, a summary list is constructed based on the 4.4. Moran’s I statistic
papers publishing period, publishing country, numerical It is a special technique used to analyze the geographical
method, type of crashes and main findings. Afterward, 52 data of accidents. Moran’s I technique estimates the medita-
papers were fully reviewed in total to recognize the tion rate and also examine the spatial data when it is pre-
employed GIS technique on roads and its perspective on sent in the scattered profile. Erdogan (2009) checked the
spatial planning. The dispersion of countries where the altitudinal pattern of clumping data by only providing a sin-
studies were directed as seen in Figure 2 and are reviewed gle stretch of longitudinal connection. Astringency index of
in this paper. binary points can be well-defined as the variance between
individual value and the total. Pirdavani et al. (2014) built
4. Geospatial assessment techniques accident speculation models whose prime purpose was to
drive the Moran’s I conditional and unconditional variables.
The geographical study usually presents the usage of GIS The outcome showed the significance of accident specula-
spatial techniques in identifying road traffic accidents. This tion models while making altitudinal connections.
spatial technique specifies the crash location geographically
and evaluates the map visualization through distribution
patterns. The most extensively used tools of GIS reviewed in 5. Results
the study are specified subsequently: 5.1. Findings from reviewed studies
GIS performed numerous high-risk accidents on different
4.1. Kernel density spot points. Thus far, hot spots have been examined using ali-
Kernel density is a typical method used to analyze the spa- near analysis approach with the help of accident statistics. But
tial data, specifically, in ArcGIS. According to Budiharto it is not the only standard to analyze the accidents, besides,
and Saido (2012), this method can help professionals to eas- mortalities, injuries record, and degree of damage have been
ily measure the accidents that occurred in hazardous taken into account for this study. The study used 6 different
extents. Spreading jeopardy means the zone around the routes for hotspots identification. From results, hotspots to be
clump, where the probability of accidents is much higher. found at different courses of the study area will make further
This Kernel density technique is helpful in creating quickest developments towards route sections (Gundogdu, 2010).
and schuss outcome. Erdogan et al. (2008) determined dark A study conducted by Tasic et al. (2017), has processed
spots on the mainstream roads using a numerical technique the data using the 2D function of a geographical correlation
(Poisson & Kernel density) and applied management model with a prime purpose of analyzing accidents. Three
scheme of GIS for crash investigation. variables were taken into account data for data analysis
involving tandem, pedestrian, and vehicular data. Results
were notable as per the tandem-pedestrian accidents rate
4.2. NetKDE was far lesser than the vehicular accidents, providing
advanced safety level.
NetKDE is a mathematical approach, similar to KDE, used
Moran’s I geographical analysis showed pedestrian-vehicle
to measure density along assigned distances (Produit et al.,
clatter numbers with substantial clumping patterns for the
2010). It is broadly used by world researchers for spatial
municipal area. Similarly, the pedestrian and vehicle accidents
flattening (Anselin et al., 2000; Gatrell et al., 1996; Porta
dark spots are also been speckled by the Getis-Ord statistic.
et al., 2009). In Ljubljana and Barcelona, scientists studied
Most of the dark spots were spotted adjacent to the crossings
bicycle application demeanor and commercial events geo-
of dominion road and main road. Site assessments indicate
graphical dispersal (Lachance et al., 2011; Produit
et al., 2010).

4.3. Getis-Ord
G-Ord has some alluring features that force the users to
quantify geographically dispersed variables following
Moran’s I. This technique expands the geographical neces-
sity progression and processed the complicated statistics
which is impossible through screening contingency phenom-
ena (Getis & Ord, 1992). This technique is primarily used to
indicate the hot-spots of traffic accidents of any type. Getis-
Ord measurement shows higher and lower values depending
upon the numerical clumping index. Moreover, Getis-Ord Figure 3. Distribution of techniques adopted in the articles reviewed.

that general road services are not provided for instance, traf- techniques used by researchers in their studies are mainly
fic signals are offered at main road and crossing of dominion Getis-Ord, Moran’s I, Kernel density (KD) and NetKDE.
road, hence, triggering accidents. Getis-Ord, in results, However, results displayed in Figure 3 and presented in
showed considerable competency and constituency in finding Table 2 revealed that the adaptation frequency of Getis-Ord
the insecure bus stop status and dark spots of vehicle with and KD techniques stands 30% and 27% respectively, while
pedestrian accidents (Truong & Somenahalli, 2011). it is 22% for Moran’s I, 13% for conventional techniques
Rankavat and Tiwari (2013) analyzed pedestrian acci- and this adaptation rate stayed lowest (8%) for Network
dents arisen in Delhi through GIS database. In road acci- NetKDE. Similarly, the flowchart in Figure 4, demonstrates
dents, the deaths that occurred for a period of three years the distribution of spatial methods from reviewed papers
were recorded. In addition, accident data formerly inter- (52). NetKDE was utilized 4 times, whereas Kernel density
preted by making cardinal maps via GIS. Results indicated and Getis-Ord was employed 14 times and16 times, respect-
five pedestrian blackspots positions which were expressively ively in reviewed research, which turned out to be 30
clumped near crossings. in total.
Hence, it shows that these two techniques Getis-Ord and
KD technique are more favorite among GIS users, and
5.2. Data analysis should be jointly applied. Moreover, data presented in
In the current literature, research papers were broadly Figure 5 incarnates the publications record from the year
reviewed in order to acquire precise results. The GIS 1992 to 2018. The researches carried out in this review were
highest for year 2010 and 2015, while no studies were
undertaken for year 1993–1994, 1997–1999 and 2001–2002.
In summation, this review study on accident analysis via
GIS, has mainly focused on the results of worldwide
research published from 20þ years. In compliance with the
overhead findings and reviewed studies, we propose a more
comprehensive technique for critically analyzing road
crashes. The proposed technique is unique because it deter-
mines the highly populated crash zones, distinguish crash
variables, and will identify the maximum number of dark
spots at the same time, therefore, would bring further
improvements in the existing geospatial methods.

6. Discussion
The investigation of the literature that was executed in the
current study has provided some notable findings regarding
geographical or spatial applications on-road crashes. It
seems that several multidimensional techniques and meth-
ods have been implemented, with a more focus on Kernel
density and Getis-Ord. This provides the premium tools
usually not available for accident statistical examination
Figure 4. Distribution summary of spatial methods carried out in with more precision. Nevertheless, these methods have
reviewed studies. shown dearth in making a comparison of two diverse

Figure 5. Number of Publications per annum from period 1992 to 2018.


Table 3. Results comparison from reviewed studies for accident analysis.

Author Year Country of study Results/key findings
Hashimoto 2016 Japan This research evaluated relations between city characteristics and
road crashes. An estimation model of KDE was used in
relationship with 16 other models. Results revealed much higher
coefficients between actual and estimated number. This model
can help in locating relative hazardous areas in cities.
Blazquez 2013 Chile This study indicated 7 most critical zones of child-pedestrian crashes
using Kernel density and Moran’s I methods. Results confirm that
the factors; careless crossing of pedestrian, pedestrian’s
impudence, pedestrians and drivers violates crosswalks,
contributes 81.31% of crashes that occurred during a span of 8
years (2000–2008).
Truong and Somenahalli 2011 Australia This study involves the identification of hotspots of pedestrians-
vehicles using contiguous and severity pattern of Getis statistics
and then Moran’s I specified a quite significant clumping pattern
of pedestrian-vehicle accident data. From results, both Moran’s
and Getis techniques proved to be competent and consistent in
locating vehicle-pedestrian accident’s black spots
Produit et al. 2010 Spain The outcomes of the research showed the potential of NetKDE by
presenting the economic schedules along road mesh. Using
ArcGIS, Scientists successfully predicted the density of social
activities in complex restraint environment.
Erdogan et al. 2008 Turkey This study intended to apply GIS as a management tool and to
locate crashes hotspots. Furthermore, Repeatability and Kernel
Density analysis method was utilized. It is found that repeatability
method of analysis measured more hotspots as compared to KDE
method. For example, Repeatability showed 12 hotspots at
Ayonkarshisar station, while KDE showed 9 hotspots at the same
station. This is the way forward towards highway safety measures
by GIS.
Pulugurtha et al. 2007 USA This research used crash score, KDE and sum of rank method and
indicated 29 pedestrian crash areas in Los Angeles city of the
United States. The results were coherent with slight to no
alteration when crash score and sum of rank methods were
applied for rankings of pedestrian crash areas.

outcomes. Furthermore, the outmoded model like general- The model portrayed useful output when the data was not
ized linear model is not worthy of the given findings. These readily available.
conventional models look forthright in result evaluation and The geographical analysis of road accidents indicates
interpolation. But the suggested methods performed well in upsurge mortality proportion in less developed areas as
interpolation mechanism of road crashes. compared to well-established areas of the city (Tortum &
Moreover, the position of the hotspot is a further result of Atalay, 2015).
geographical or spatial research. Scientists found that the hot- Travel distance and travel speed are the two essential fac-
spots are not always coherent but exhibited considerable dis- tors but ignored in the past. Furthermore, some geometrical
tinction regarding the vehicular type, and several new aspects of the road including road width, road slope, and
features applied during analysis tremendously alter the car- road arc are not widely used, however, data inaccessibility
dinal plan. Certainly, the methods being implemented on spe- for different study precincts may be one of the reasons for
cific research will disturb the investigation result. Scientists this reduction. Adding statistical data, for example, road
must be cautious enough to alter unnoticed factors into accident data, geographic data, and population density
noticed ones, to secure accurate and significant hotspot plan. might find scientists’ interest rather than road geometrical
The GIS technique captures the researcher’s attention data, hence, securing less contemplation.
owing to its advance data-analysis abilities. In the first, it Furthermore, data accessibility and reliable data within
provides a precise and careful data collection. Likewise, this restricted time have always been a barrier while carrying out
technique also performs prior and subsequent-processing of the geographical examination. However, the geographical
results specified in spatial analysis (Dereli & Erdogan, 2017; examination has successfully analyzed various problems that
Gundogdu, 2010). a researcher can face. In addition, there is a need to dig out
Frequently, the geographical study is mostly performed the variables that have not been analyzed before due to data
by rejuvenating nations (like the United States and China), inaccessibility such as road characteristics or profile, etc.
although not often seen in developing nations. Multi-power
tools of GIS have been broadly analyzed; whose findings can
6.1. Limitations and future research directions
be seen in Table 3. Each GIS tool demarcated its demerits
and demerits. Numerous researchers used parameters such Regarding limitations, this study detected the limited techni-
as vehicle speed, travel distance, and road size, and placed ques functioned in recent literature. In literature, 52 studies
these parameters in assessment model in shape of variables. were comprehensively reviewed between 1992 and 2018.

The database search was limited to journal papers that were Benedek, J., Ciobanu, S. M., & Man, T. C. (2016). Hotspots and social
available in English and are peer-reviewed. background of urban traffic crashes: A case study in Cluj-Napoca
(Romania). Accident; Analysis and Prevention, 87, 117–126. https://
Moreover, GPS is a well-equipped device to find out exact
crash locations (Bıl et al., 2013). Nonetheless, other distin- Bıl, M., Andrasik, R., & Janoska, Z. (2013). Identification of hazardous
guished models such as deep learning approach might be road locations of traffic accidents by means of kernel density esti-
more constructive in future for a certain variety of road acci- mation and cluster significance evaluation. Accident; Analysis and
Prevention, 55, 265–273.
dent variables within explicit nature of framework. As the
Bıl, M., Andrasik, R., & Sedonık, J. (2019). A detailed spatiotemporal
Support Vector Algorithms model in deep learning approach analysis of traffic crash hotspots. Applied Geography, 107, 82–90.
is effectively used by (Effati et al., 2015) in inspecting acci-
dent severity index, however, turned out to be a replacement Blazquez, C. A., & Celis, M. S. (2013). A spatial and temporal analysis
of conventional regression techniques. The machine learning of child pedestrian crashes in Santiago, Chile. Accident; Analysis and
Prevention, 50, 304–311.
approach is rarely used by researchers in their studies. The Budiharto, U., & Saido, A. P. (2012). Traffic accident blackspot identi-
concept of machine learning because of its advance program- fication and ambulance fastest route mobilization process for the
ming ability can provide fruitful results with more precision. city of Surakarta. Jurnal Transportasi, 12(3), 237–248. https://doi.
The future research direction of this study is to focus more org/10.26593/jt.v12i3.508.%25p
Cafiso, S., Di Graziano, A., Di Silvestro, G., La Cava, G., & Persaud, B.
on machine learning in road safety researches. (2010). Development of comprehensive accident models for two-
lane rural highways using exposure, geometry, consistency and con-
text variables. Accident; Analysis and Prevention, 42(4), 1072–1079.
7. Conclusions
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ques valuable to ensure road safety. The study focuses on Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, 25(3), 293–302.
the geospatial mechanism of crashes by making comparisons
of different techniques in order to know the practical appli- Colak, H. E., Memisoglu, T., Erbas, Y. S., & Bediroglu, S. (2018). Hot
spot analysis based on network spatial weights to determine spatial
cations of the study. Furthermore, 52 papers have been statistics of traffic accidents in Rize. Arabian Journal of Geosciences,
reviewed in relevance to road accidents to attain study aims. 11(7), 151.
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between stations. Transport Policy, 67, 77–84.
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frequency of Getis-Ord and KDE were appeared to be 30% Dereli, M. A., & Erdogan, S. (2017). A new model for determining the
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lowest (8%) for NetKDE. In conclusion, this study highly 106–117.
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