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Dehniece Aleck V.

BS Accountancy

Module 2: Good Citizenship Values

What are the core values being developed in the NSTP? Enumerate each and give at least
two examples.
1. Pagkamaka-Diyos
Example: (1) Respecting other people religions and beliefs and having faith in
our only God. (2) Keeping our relationship with God in healthy and safe way.
2. Pagkamakatao
Example: (2) Saying opo and po on elder to show some respect. (2) Another
thing is that we should respect the opinions and rights of other people
regardless of who they are.
3. Pagkamakabayan
Example: (1) When all Filipinos gathered in one place to march in EDSA to end
the dictator ship of past President, Ferdinand E. Marcos and begin a new era
where a lot of people experienced true freedom and democracy. (2) Showing
respect on the “kasaysayan ng Pilipinas” wherein it gives lot of knowledge
and education on every Filipinos.
4. Pagkamakakalikasan
Example: (1) Protecting our environment by practicing recycles and planting
more trees to have safe oxygen. (2) We can contribute also by avoiding
smoke-belching vehicles and stopping/reporting polluters in the air that can
cause everyone to receive diseases.

Explain why are these values need to be inculcated in each NSTP Paulinian student?
All of these values that are mentioned above can help us to be a better person who
is respectful to other people. They aid us in constructing the future we desire. Day after day,
dozens of choices are being made by every person and every business. They help us to grow
and understand things that we can consider in the future to avoid misunderstanding,
frustration, and other things that can cause a conflict. As a Paulinian student, I am still
young, and I do have a lot of time to reflect on myself with all of these values that I can
practice every day. It is really important even though I am still on my young age, I am
educated with these values that are presented above.
How do you see these values being integrated and applied in our classes and community
development activities? Give examples.
I can see that these values will apply education to us and gain knowledge how to
respect other people or community. With these values, it can connect us in real-world
experiences that can help us to avoid conflict in the future. Example of this is when the
group activity requires a teamwork or unity, group will help and understand each other to
achieve the award. Like, they are listening on someone’s opinion then they will respect it.

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