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Dehniece Aleck V.

BS Accountancy

NSTP Reflection

What particular topic/activity you like the most? Why?

The activity that I like the most when we were reporting our given topics which it is
all about the safety and keeping the environment less harm in order for us to feel
comfortable around not only with other people but with places also. Just like in Crime
Prevention that had been reported, it talks about how we avoid all the crimes in our
surroundings especially in internet. We have to protect ourselves not to give our personal
information to other people or website that might be contains hack. We must be careful
because we do not know that our confidential is already leak to those people who are trying
to get the information that should not be leak to other people. In Proper Hygiene and First
Aid was also a topic where it discusses about how important to keep ourselves clean and
how to help other people also yourself in doing a first aid. Next will be the Waste
Segregation, that is also important where it talks about our Earth. We all know that our
planet contains natural resources that are needed to survive. As time goes by, Earth
experience lot of damage that can be harmful to our environment and health of everyone.
To avoid this, we must know how waste can be a primary reason why we have these
consequences. Segregating waste will be the best solution to our planet and this is same
with 5’s for good housekeeping to keep the cleanliness not only the outside of our house
but also the inside. Lastly will be the Disaster Prevention, it is about how and what plan will
be implemented to take an action to prevent the disaster and minimize the loss should a
disaster occur. All of these topics help me to understand that we have to keep our safety
and life also. We should not be careless, and we must think about the things that can be
harmful not only for us but also for our environment. Taking care of our communities and
spreading an awareness will make our life easier than before. Thus, doing all of these and
taking an action to prevent any disasters, we will not face the dangerous consequences
instead we will face a safety and comfortable environment. We should take care and protect
What values have you learned from our activities in NSTP? How do these values affect you in
your behavior / in the conduct of your daily life?
There is one word that made me realize that it is important and create a big value on
our life which is the Self-Awareness. Having this will make our decision easier and
understand the situation even if it is in the future or in current. It prepares us to be socially
aware and responsible as an individual of this country like we can be a leader that as long as
we are aware with ourselves. Having an awareness can be a big factor because it helps us to
motivate ourselves even if it is difficult or easy and challenge ourselves that we think can be
hindrance in our future. NSTP helps me to understand that having awareness affects our
behavior in our daily lives. It brings everything to my attention. Being informed allows you to
avoid unpleasant situations. Many life lessons are taught to me through this subject. It
improves my capacity to be resilient and develop into an effective leader. It helped me get
disciplined and develop my sense of responsibility. It helped me develop responsibility,
particularly when conducting classes, and it made me more conscious of my environments.

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