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• one of the physical states of matter.

• In the gaseous phase, molecules or the particles collide randomly against other molecules and against
its container or its system. This random collision resulted changes in momentum which supplies thanks
to the one in every of the property of gases called pressure.
• Characteristics of Gases;
o Unlike liquids and solids,
▪ expand spontaneously to fill their containers
▪ are highly compressible
▪ have extremely low densities
▪ have indefinite shape
▪ can diffuse and mix rapidly with other gases in the same container (different gases in a
mixture do not separate upon standing)
• Properties that describe gases;
▪ The force acting on an object per unit area.
▪ P = F/A
▪ SI Unit of force is Newton (N); 1N = 1 kg m/s2
▪ SI Unit of pressure is Pascal (Pa); 1 Pa = 1 N/m2; 1 bar = 105 Pa = 100 kPa
▪ Units of Pressure;
• Normal atmospheric pressure at sea level is referred to as standard pressure.
o 1 mm Hg = 1 torr = 1 atm = 760 torr = 101.325 kPa = 101, 325 Pa

o To describe gases, we need;
▪ P, pressure of the container
▪ V, volume of the container
▪ T, Kelvin temperature of the gas
▪ n, number of moles in the container
• Amonton’s Law or Gay-Lussac’s Law
o The proponent of this law is called after Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac, who is a French chemist and
physicist. Guillaume Amontons was the first to empirically establish the relationship between
the pressure and the temperature of a gas.
o The PRESSURE of a gas at constant volume and no. of moles is directly proportional to the
o P = constant x T ; P1/T1=P2/T2
o Example;
▪ What would be the pressure of a tire having an initial pressure of 3.0 atm at 25 oC after a
long drive in a superhighway at noon, with a temperature at 35 oC?
• Given; P1 = 3.0 atm T1 = 25 0C + 273.15 = 298.15 K
P2 = ? T2 = 35 oC + 273.15 = 308.15 K
• Solution;
P2 = P1T2 / T1
= (3.0 atm)( 298.15 K) / 308.15 K
= 2.9 atm
o Other Examples;
▪ A spray can is used until it is empty except for the propellant gas, which has a pressure
of 1344 torr at 23 °C. If the can is thrown into a fire (T = 475 °C), what will be the
pressure in the hot can?
▪ A can of hair spray is used until it is empty except for the propellant, isobutane gas.
a. On the can is the warning “Store only at temperatures below 120 °F (48.8 °C). Do
not incinerate.” Why?
b. The gas in the can is initially at 24 °C and 360 kPa, and the can has a volume of
350 mL. If the can is left in a car that reaches 50 °C on a hot day, what is the new
pressure in the can?

• Charles’s Law
o It is one of the gas laws and named after the French scientist Jacques Charles who formulated
the law in 1897.
o The VOLUME of a fixed amount of gas at constant pressure is directly proportional to its
o V = constant x T ; V/T = constant; V1/T1=V2/T2
o Example;
▪ A 3.5 L flexible container holds a gas at 250 K. What will be the new volume if the
temperature is increased to 400K at constant pressure?
• Given: V1 = 3.5 L; T1= 250 K; T2 = 400K; V2 = ?
• Solution;
o V2 = V1T2/T1 = (3.5 L)(400 K) / 250 K = 5.6 L
o Other Examples;
▪ What would be the volume of a ball containing half a liter of air at 25 oC when it is left in
the field with a temperature of 30 oC?
▪ A sample of carbon dioxide, CO2, occupies 0.300 L at 10 °C and 750 torr. What volume
will the gas have at 30 °C and 750 torr?
▪ A sample of oxygen, O2, occupies 32.2 mL at 30 °C and 452 torr. What volume will it
occupy at –70 °C and the same pressure?

• Boyle’s Law
o The law is known as after its proponent, who is a British chemist, Robert Boyle.
o The VOLUME of a fixed quantity of gas at constant temperature is inversely proportional to the
o PV = constant; V = constant (1/P); P1V1=P2V2
o Example;
▪ A 2.5 L container has a gas pressure of 4.6 atm. If the volume is decreased to 1.6 L, what
will be the new pressure inside the container?
• Given; V1 = 2.5 L; V2= 1.6 L; P1= 4.6 atm; P2 = ?
• Solution;
o P2 = P1V1/V2 = (4.6 atm)(2.5 L) / 1.6 L = 7.2 atm
o Other Examples;
▪ What would be the volume of a balloon containing 1.0 L of helium at sea level when it is
up in the sky having only half of the atmospheric pressure at the sea level?
▪ A gas exerts a pressure of 3 kPa on the walls of container 1. When container 1 is emptied
into a 10-liter container, the pressure exerted by the gas increases to 6 kPa. Find the
volume of container 1. The temperature and quantity of the gas remain constant.
▪ The sample of gas has a volume of 15.0 mL at a pressure of 13.0 psi. Determine the
pressure of the gas at a volume of 7.5 mL.
• Avogadro’s Law
o The Italian scientist Amedeo Avogadro account for the behavior of gases, stating that equal
volumes of all gases, measured under the same conditions of temperature and pressure, contain
the same number of molecules.
o The VOLUME of a gas at constant temperature and pressure is directly proportional to the
o V = constant x n; V1/n1=V2/n2
o STP (Standard Temperature and Pressure) Conditions
▪ Standard temperature is exactly 0 °C (273.15 K).
▪ Standard pressure is exactly 1 atm (760 mmHg).
▪ 1 mole of a gas occupies 22.4 L.
o Example;
▪ A weather balloon with a volume of 44 L is filled with 2.0 moles of helium. What is the
final volume, in liters, if 3.0 moles of helium gas are added, to give a total of 5.0 moles of
helium gas, if the pressure and temperature do not change?
• Given; V1 = 44 L; n1 = 2.0 mol; n2 = 5.0 mol; V2 = ?
• Solution;
o V2 = V1n2/n1 = (44 L)(5.0 mol) / 2.0 mol = 110 L
o Other examples;
▪ A sample containing 8.00 g of oxygen gas has a volume of 5.00 L. What is the final
volume, in liters, after 4.00 g of oxygen gas is added to the 8.00 g of oxygen in the
balloon, if the temperature and pressure do not change?
▪ A sample containing 1.50 moles of Ne gas has an initial volume of 8.00 L. What is the
final volume of the gas, in liters, when a sample of 3.50 moles of Ne is added to the 1.50
moles of Ne gas in the container at constant pressure and temperature?

• The Combined Gas Law

o All of the pressure–volume–temperature relationships for gases that we have studied may be
combined into a single relationship called the combined gas law. This expression is useful for
studying the effect of changes in two of these variables on the third as long as the amount of gas
(number of moles) remains constant.
o P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2
o Example:
▪ A 25.0-mL bubble is released from a diver’s air tank at a pressure of 4.00 atm and a
temperature of 11 °C. What is the volume, in milliliters, of the bubble when it reaches
the ocean surface, where the pressure is 1.00 atm and the temperature is 18 °C? (Assume
the amount of gas in the bubble does not change.)
▪ Given: V1 = 25.0 mL; P1 = 4.00 atm; T1 = 11 °C; P2 = 1.00 atm; T2 = 18 °C; V2 = ?
▪ Solution:
• V2 = V1P1T2/P2T1 = (25.0 mL)(4.00 atm)(291.15K) / (1.00 atm)(284.15 K)
= 102.5 mL
• Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressure
o The total pressure of a mixture of ideal gases is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of the
component gases:
o Partial pressure is the pressure exerted by a particular component of a gas mixture.
o PTotal = PA + PB + PC + ... = Σi Pi
o Example;
▪ A heliox breathing mixture of oxygen and helium is prepared for a scuba diver who is
going to descend 200 ft below the ocean surface. At that depth, the diver breathes a gas
mixture that has a total pressure of 7.00 atm. If the partial pressure of the oxygen in the
tank at that depth is 1140 mmHg, what is the partial pressure, in atmospheres, of the
helium in the breathing mixture?
• Given: Ptotal = 7.00 atm Poxygen = 1140 mmHg PHe = ?
• Solution;
o Ptotal = PO + PHe
PHe = Ptotal – PO
= 7.00 atm – (1140 mmHg/760mmHg) atm
= 7.00 atm – 1.50 atm
= 5.50 atm
o Four separate laws have been discussed that relate pressure, volume, temperature, and the
number of moles of the gas:
▪ Boyle’s law: PV = constant at constant T and n
▪ Amontons’s law: P/T = constant at constant V and n
▪ Charles’s law: V/T = constant at constant P and n
▪ Avogadro’s law: V/n = constant at constant P and T
o Combining these four laws yields the ideal gas law, a relation between the pressure, volume,
temperature, and number of moles of a gas:
▪ PV = nRT
• P = pressure
• V = volume
• n = number of moles
• R = 0.08206 L atm/mol K (Ideal Gas Constant)
• T = temperature in kelvin

o Ideal Gas Particles have no volume and are not attracted/ repelled by each other.
o Brings together gas properties.
o STP (standard temperature and pressure) = 0 °C, 273.15 K, 1 atm.
o Example:
▪ A flashbulb contains 2.4 x 10-4 mol of O2 gas at a pressure of 1.9 atm and a temperature
of 19 °C. What is the volume of the flashbulb in cubic cm?
• Given: n = 2.4 x 10-4 mol;
P = 1.9 atm;
T = 19 °C + 273.15 = 292.15 K
R = 0.08206 L atm/mol K
• Solution:
o PV = nRT; V = nRT/P
▪ V = (2.4 x 10-4 mol)( 0.08206 L atm/mol K)( 292.15 K)/1.9 atm
▪ V = 3.0 x 10-3 L
o Other examples:
▪ What pressure (in atm) would be exerted by 76 g of fluorine gas in a 1.50 liter vessel at -
▪ Calculate the pressure in bar of 2520 moles of hydrogen gas stored at 27 °C in the 180-L
storage tank of a modern hydrogen-powered car.
▪ What is the pressure in atmospheres (atm) exerted by a 0.5 mol sample of nitrogen gas in
a 10.0 L container at 298 K?
▪ If I have 4.0 moles of a gas at a pressure of 5.6 atm and a volume of 12 liters, what is the
temperature in Kelvin?
▪ If I have an unknown quantity of gas at a pressure of 1.2 atm, a volume of 31 liters, and a
temperature of 87℃, how many moles of gas do I have?
▪ Analyze the given balanced chemical equation to find out the total gas volume (in liters)
at 520°C and 880 torr given 33 g of potassium bicarbonate.
2KHCO3(s) → K2CO3(s) + CO2(g) + H2O(g)

• Kinetic Molecular Theory

o This is a model that explains why;
▪ gases expand when heated at constant pressure
▪ gas pressure increases when the gas is compressed at constant T
o A Gas is considered as an IDEAL GAS if it satisfies the FIVE assumptions of KMT.
o A Gas that deviates from KMT is called a REAL GAS.
o FIVE assumptions of KMT;
▪ 1. Gases consist of large number of molecules that are in continuous, random motion.
▪ 2. The combined volume of all the molecules of the gas is negligible relative to the total
volume in which the gas is contained.
▪ 3. Attractive and repulsive (intermolecular) forces between molecules are negligible.
▪ 4. Collisions between gas particles and between particles and the container walls are
elastic collisions.
▪ 5. The average kinetic energy of gas particles is dependent upon the temperature of the
o Gas Laws on KMT;
• Temperature increases as average speed and kinetic energy of the gas molecules
increase. If the volume is held constant, the increased speed of the gas molecules
results in more frequent and more forceful collisions with the walls of the
container, therefore increasing the pressure
• Pressure increases as the volume decreases because of more collisions of particles
on the wall container.
• Increase in temperature causes the increase on the speed of the particles,
therefore, more collisions on the wall of the container, increasing the volume.
• The increase of the number of particles will increase the number of collisions on
the wall of the container, thus increasing the volume.
• Because of the large distances between them, the molecules of one gas in a
mixture bombard the container walls with the same frequency whether other
gases are present or not, and the total pressure of a gas mixture equals the sum of
the (partial) pressures of the individual gases.

• Effusion and Diffusion

o Effusion is the escape of gas molecules through a tiny hole into an evacuated space.

o Diffusion is the spread of one substance throughout a space or throughout a second substance.
▪ the rate of diffusion is usually slower than the rate of the effusion because upon
spreading of the gaseous particles, the collisions between other particles and the wall
must be considered.
• Limitations of KMT
▪ deviates from assumption 2.
• At high pressures, the combined volume of the gas molecules is not negligible
relative to the container volume.
• Electrostatic attraction
▪ deviates from assumption 1.
• drop in kinetic energy means the molecules do not have the energy needed to
overcome intermolecular attraction, and the molecules will be more likely to
stick to each other than bounce off each other.
• close to becoming liquid state

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