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Eng 91 (252)
RP Test Run

Prompt: What makes you happy?

The topic that we given is “ What three things make me happy? So the three things that

makes me proud, first find a girlfriend, Secondly, playing video games, and also play sport

makes me proud. The several reason why I choose this three things that makes me proud,

because a lot of time I am the only one of my siblings, furthermore some of my neighbors

knows me I have no friends especially I am the only one of my siblings.

My firstly three things that makes me happy is find a girlfriend. We all know Girlfriend

or boyfriend always makes you happy. The reason why I want find a girlfriend, because every

time my girl friend always and always dance in front of me. Another things why girlfriend make

you proud if you have problem with your family your girl friend trying to make you happy.

Furthermore she also buy your food every single day. Moreover, Girl friends always do

something that what you want.

Second things that makes me happy if I was boring, I just playing video games which is

PUBG, play station and also watching YouTube. My opinion everyone like playing video games

because they know video games makes you happy if have no friends or your girlfriends. Another

things that make me happy, because every time I am at home, I don’t have something to doing

and also I am so bored every single day. That why I need something that makes me happy.

Beside this things that makes me happy, last things is playing any sports, For instance are

soccer, volleyball, volleyball and also football. Reason why I choose sport that makes me happy,

because all of your family members was cheering with your team. For instance like soccer, if you
playing soccer you always happy because if you kick the ball to the goal all of your friends

especially your family members they proud of you.

In conclusion, this three things that I mention on my essay, it was so interesting and

helpful in my life. I know a lot of time I was boring and also I am the only one of my siblings.

Other things I choose this three things, because always help you if you have no friends especially

you bored. That is my three thing that makes me happy. Thank you appreciate!!

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