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Universidad la Gran Colombia

Educations- sciences Faculty
B.A in Modern Languages with Emphasis in English

Name: Ivyn Alejandra Uriza date: August 22

Autonomous Learning diagnostic
Dear student,
Please read each item carefully and specify in the columns whether it’s Yes or No. Be completely honest in
your aswers. Lastly choose the most importan tones for you (no more tan 5) and expand your aswer at the
back of the paper indicating the number of the ítem.

Learning Autonomously Yes No

1. At the beggining of the semester. I write a work plan,
reflecting about the time I Will dedícate to each subject and
the exam dates
2. I study with diagrams, summaries, synoptic tables and the
contents of each topic
3. I review and make sure to understand the indications that the
teachers give me throughout the courses
4. I normally consult other bibliographical materials that help
or improve understanding
5. When I have doubts, or to broaden some concept, I make
searches in paper-books
6. I plan the time and strategies to achieve my goals.

7. I créate a database with all the information obtained during

the development of a work.
8. I Know and I use the resources that I have in my study. Place
9. I prefer using internet to seach information

10. When I start Reading a topic, I write down main ideas or

key- words
11. I take notes of other people’s intervetions and
12. I clarify my doubts with classmates or in a tutoring
13. I write down my assignmess so I can keep track of those

14. I regulary look for information from video resources, for

example YouTube
15. I am aware of my motivation for learning and I can
reflect on this.

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