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Ayar Brothers: Magical Legend of Cusco

At the end of the great flood, which devastated the land of the "Tampu Tocco" mountain,
legend has it that four young brothers appeared with their wives: Ayar Manco and Mama
Ocllo, Ayar Cachi and Mama Cora, Ayar Uchu and Mama Rahua and Ayar Auca. and Mama
Huaco; who together with ten "ayllus" (Inca organization that brings together 10 families)
undertook a long journey in search of fertile land where they could settle.
Along the way, the strength and power of Ayar Cachi, the older brother, stood out by
knocking down a hill and forming a ravine with a single shot with his slingshot. His
brothers, faced with what happened, were invaded by jealousy and fear towards such a
spectacular force. Therefore, when they arrived at Haysquisrro they devised a plan to get
rid of his brother, which consisted of locking him in a cave.
When the plan materialized, the three brothers, along with their wives and the ayllus,
continued their journey until they reached Mount Huanacauri, where the entire imposing
valley of Cusco could be seen. Upon reaching the top they found a large stone idol. Full of
respect and fear towards him, they went to the place where he was venerated,
unfortunately Ayar Uchu was turned into stone because he jumped on the back of the
Ayar Manco and Ayar Auca continued their journey lamenting the loss of their two
brothers, but with the conviction of finding those long-awaited lands. During his trip, in
the Pampa del Sol, Ayar Auca is completely turned into stone, leaving only Ayar Manco as
a representative of his brothers.
Despite the losses and a journey of many years, the only survivor of the Ayar brothers:
Ayar Manco managed to reach fertile lands, sank the golden staff that the god Inti gave
him, in the city of Cusco and founded the Tahuantinsuyo, which would later become the
Inca Empire.

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