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The Legend of the Ayar Brothers

Legend has it that, a long time ago, there were four brothers originally from Tambotoco, in

Each one of them had a remarkable quality. The eldest, Manco, was very intelligent and the
heir to the golden staff of the Sun God; the second, Chachi, was very brave and
temperamental; the third, Uchu, stood out for his cunning; The youngest of the brothers, Auca,
was very provocative and always got
into trouble.

At the request of his father, the Sun

god, the brothers had to find a fertile
land to found a great town. Thus, the
Ayars and their wives left to fulfill
their mission.

The Ayar brothers did nothing but

argue. They were envious of Chachi,
the bravest. On one occasion, the
three brothers wanted to get rid of
him and locked him in a cave, where
he was turned into stone by a curse.

After a while, Uchu and Auca also got lost along the way. Finally, Ayar Manco, along with his
wives, arrived at a beautiful and fertile valley. There he placed his golden staff, which sank
easily. This indicated that this was the ideal place to create the largest city of Tahuantinsuyo,
the Inca Empire.

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