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Good evening teacher, my fullname is Ericson Espinoza Mercado

Good evening teacher, my fullname is Danuska

Good evening teacher, my fullname is ....

It all started with the appearance of the 4 Ayar brothers and their wives. Their
names were Ayar Manco, Ayar Cachi, Ayar Uchu and Ayar Auca. The names of the
wives were Mama Ocllo, Mama Cora, Mama Rahua and Mama Huaco. The male
brothers were tall and strong people who worshiped the Sun God for their belief.
They decided to leave the mountain "Tambotoco" after a strong deluge in the
company of ten Ayllus where they carried their weapons. The goal of the Ayar
brothers was to found the Inca empire in a stable place. However, they would
encounter different problems along the way.

In the first place, the victim would be Ayar Cachi, for being the strongest and most
cunning brother. This generated the envy and fear of the other brothers who
decided to lock him in a cave so that he could not get out. Secondly, the next victim
would be Ayar Uchu, because he touched a person turned into stone located at the
top of Cerro Guanacauri. This caused the brother to become a sacred stone where a
temple would later be built in his honor. Thirdly, the last victim would be Ayar Auca.
Strangely, this character grew wings during the trip. Due to this, he was unable to
track the target and flew away.

Finally, the only surviving male brother was Ayar Manco along with his wife Mama
Ocllo and his other sisters. They managed to find a favorable place where they could
found a great Inca civilization. This is how Ayar Manco sank the gold cane in the city
of Cusco and founded the Tahuantinsuyo, which would later become the Empire of
the Incas.

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