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Time for relaxation.

Spend some time to find a comfortable position on the floor.

You can lie down on your side, or you might like to lie down flat, extending your legs out long and
bring your hand by your side.

Or you can join me and come into a seated position and meditate.

Take your time to get into a comfortable position, finding a position that allows your mind and body
to full relax.

Start to become aware of your breath. Breathing in through the nose, breathing out through the
mouth. Breathing in, and breathing out.

Feeling the weight of your body melting into the floor. Feeling grounded and supported.

Breath is a beautiful anchor to the present moment.

If your mind starts to wander and thinking something else, that’s okay. Use the anchor of your
breath to come back into your body and into this time of relaxation for yourself.

On your next breath, you might just soften your face, relaxing your forehead.

As you breath out, relax the lips and jaw.

Relax your neck, shoulders, hands, chest, belly, hips, and slowly down to the legs.

Lightly scanning though the body, seeing which part of your body storing any tension and tightness.

Each time you breath in, you breath in lightness, and breath out heaviness.

Breath in positivity, breath out negativity.

Breath in abundance, breath out scarcity.

Breath in happiness, breath out sadness.

Start to bring some movement back to your body. Start to wriggle your fingers and toes, or maybe
taking a big stretch, reaching our arms overhead, stretching your legs out long.

Draw your knees into your chest and give yourself a nice big hug, maybe a little rock side to side
massaging out your lower back.

Then, gently come into a seated position, keeping the eyes closed.

Take a few more breath here. Breathing in, and breathing out.

Thank your body for what it has done for the past week, and let this new energy elevates you for the
coming week.

Thank you so much for joining us today. Thank you for your energy and time.

See you next time.

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