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22nd International Conference on Process Control, June 11–14, 2019, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia

Robust event-triggered networked MPC with active

set updates
Patrik Berner♦ Kai König♦
Ruhr-Universität Bochum Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Automatic Control and Systems Theory Automatic Control and Systems Theory
Email: Email:

Michal Kvasnica Martin Mönnigmann

Slovak University of Technology Bratislava Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Information Engineering, Automation, and Mathematics Automatic Control and Systems Theory
Email: Email:

Abstract—We extend a recently proposed robust event- An implementation of the proposed event-triggered ap-
triggered MPC approach that exploits the piecewise affine struc- proach in a networked setting was proposed in [9], where
ture of the solution. Robust optimal feedback laws and their the current control law and its polytope are calculated on a
regions of validity are calculated on a central compute node on
demand. These regional laws are used by one or more local nodes powerful central node and transmitted to a local node. The
in local feedback loops. Whenever one of the local systems detects local node then only needs to evaluate the optimal affine law,
that the region of validity of the current optimal control law has which amounts to a few simple matrix-vector multiplications
been left, it requests a new law from the central node. The present and additions. Whenever the local node detects that the
paper uses a particular variant of updating the control laws in controlled system has left the current polytope of validity,
a way that reduces the number of requests to the central node.
Index Terms—model predictive control, linear systems, robust it request a new law and polytope from the central node.
control The approach presented in [9] was improved in [10]. It is the
idea to forecast the future affine control laws that have to be
I. I NTRODUCTION evaluated on the local node, which can be done based on the
open-loop optimal solution. The central node then transmits
Many approaches have been proposed to reducing the com- information that enables the local node to calculate not only
putational effort of model predictive controllers. The present one, but several feedback laws without solving new QPs on
paper extends a method that exploits the piecewise-affine the central node. It is shown that both the number of requests
structure of the underlying control law without ever calculating to the central node and the amount of transmitted data can be
this underlying law explicitly. In fact, the solution to the reduced. In [11], the event-triggered approach from [1] was
optimal control problem at the current state (i.e., a point in the extended to systems with additive disturbances. The event-
space of the state variables) does not only yield the optimal triggered setup, however, has not been investigated for the
signal (i.e., a point in the space of the input variables), but case with additive disturbances.
it provides an affine feedback law that is valid on a full- It is the purpose of the present paper to combine the robust
dimensional region (i.e., not just a point) in the space of the approach from [11] with the idea presented in [10]. The central
state variables. Because this feedback law is optimal on a node transmits information that enables the local node to
polytope P, it can be reused as long as the controlled system calculate not only optimal but robust optimal feedback laws.
stays in P. In other words, there is no need to solve another As a result the new approach guarantees robust state and
optimal control problem until the controlled system leaves the input constraint satisfaction and robust exponential stability.
current polytope [1]. The sketched idea results in an event- We compare the new robust approach to the approach in [11]
triggered approach, where leaving the current polytope is the with respect to the number of avoided QPs, the transmitted
event that triggers the solution of a new quadratic program. bits, and the computational effort on the local node.
Note that this type of event-triggered MPC differs from other We state the system and problem class along with some
event-triggered MPC approaches, where the deviation of the preliminaries in Sect. II. The new approach is presented in
predicted from the actual trajectory (see, e.g., [2]–[6]) or the Sect. III and applied to an example in Sect. IV. In Sect. V we
rate of change of the cost function are exploited (see, e.g., give a short conclusion.
[7], [8]).
A. Notation
♦ These authors contributed equally to this work. Support by the Alexander
von Humboldt Foundation and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Let N[i,k] be short for {j ∈ N|i ≤ j ≤ k}. We often use
under the grant MO 1086/15-1 is gratefully acknowledged. the abbreviations N = N[1,n] and M = N[n+1,n+m] . For an

978-1-7281-3758-2/19/$31.00 2019 IEEE 7

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arbitrary matrix M ∈ Ra×b , let M L with L ⊆ {1, . . . , a} Choosing x = x̂(0), X̂ = X and Û = U problem (2)
describe the submatrix with the rows indicated by L. If L results in a classical MPC problem for the undisturbed case.
contains only one element, say L = {i}, we write M i . For The undisturbed case has been treated in [10].
any polytope P there exist T ∈ Rr×n and d ∈ Rr such that
P = {x ∈ Rn |T x ≤ d}. The hyperplane Hi is understood
to be {x ∈ Rn |T i x = di }. P ∩ Hc is called a facet F of B. Quadratic program and event-triggered MPC
the polytope if P ∩ Hc is (n − 1)-dimensional. Whenever two
The optimal control problem (2) can be stated as an equiv-
polytopes have a common facet they are called neighbouring.
alent parametric quadratic program
A. Robust model predictive control problem 1 T
min Z HZ s.t. GZ ≤ w + Ex (5)
Z 2
We treat disturbed linear time-invariant, discrete-time sys-
tems of the form
with the condensed decision variable Z = (x̂(0), U )′ and with
x(k + 1) = Ax(k) + Bu(k) + d(k) (1) H ≻ 0 under the assumptions stated in Sect. II-A, where we
omit details on the construction of H, G, E and w (see, e.g.,
with system matrices A ∈ Rn×n , B ∈ Rn×m , state variables
[15]). We call a state x ∈ Rn feasible if a control input Z(x)
x(k) ∈ Rn , input variables u(k) ∈ Rm and disturbances
exists that satisfies the constraints in (5). The set of feasible
d(k) ∈ Rn . The system is subject to state, input and distur-
states is denoted Xf ⊆ Xˆ . The optimal solution to problem
bance constraints x(k) ∈ X , u(k) ∈ U and d(k) ∈ D for all
(5) is denoted Z ⋆ (x) : Xf → Rn+mN with the associated
k ≥ 0, where all sets are assumed to be convex and compact
Lagrange multipliers λ⋆ (x) : Xf → Rq . We need the following
polytopes that contain the origin in their interiors.
facts about (5) in the remainder of the paper (see [16], see also
Systems of the considered type can be regulated to the origin
[17], [11]).
by solving the receding-horizon optimal control problem
X −1
min x̂(N )′ P x̂(N ) + (x̂(i)′ Qx̂(i) + û(i)′ Rû(i)) Lemma 1 Consider (5) and let X̂ ∈ Rn be convex and
i=0 H ≻ 0. Then the optimizer Z ⋆ (x) and the Lagrange mul-
s.t. x − x̂(0) ∈ R, tipliers λ⋆ (x) are piecewise affine functions of the parameter
x̂(i + 1) = Ax̂(i) + B û(i), i = 0, . . . , N − 1, x. Moreover, Z ⋆ (x) is continuous and uniquely defined. There
x̂(i) ∈ Xˆ, û(i) ∈ Û, i = 0, . . . , N − 1, exist a finite number p̄ of polytopes Pj⋆ with pairwise disjoint

Pj⋆ and
x̂(N ) ∈ T , interiors such that Xf =
with horizon length N , measured state x = x(0), state
sequence X = (x̂(0)′ , . . . , x̂(N )′ )′ , input sequence U = Z ⋆ (x) = Kj⋆ x + b⋆j if x ∈ Pj⋆ (6)
(û(0)′ , . . . , û(N −1)′ )′ and the weighting matrices Q ∈ Rn×n ,
R ∈ Rm×m and P ∈ Rn×n [12]. Throughout the paper we
with Kj⋆ ∈ RmN ×n and b⋆j ∈ RmN .
assume positive definiteness of Q and R, stabilizability of the
pair (A, B) and detectability of the pair (Q 2 , A). The terminal
weighting matrix P is set to the solution of the discrete time We stress we never calculate (6) but only use some of its affine
Riccati equation. The set R is a robust positively invariant pieces on demand.
(RPI) set for the system Let A(x), I(x) and W(x) be the sets of active, inactive and
weakly active constraints, respectively. More precisely, let
x(k + 1) = (A + BK∞ )x(k) + d(k),
where we choose K∞ to be the LQR feedback gain matrix A(x) = {i ∈ Q | Gi Z ⋆ (x) = wi + E i x},
K∞ = −(R + B T P B)−1 B T P A. We calculate polytopic RPI I(x) = {i ∈ Q | Gi Z ⋆ (x) < wi + E i x} = Q\A(x), (7)
sets R according to [13]. The state and input constraints in
(2) are defined by Xˆ = X ⊖ R and Û = U ⊖ KR. Note W(x) = {i ∈ A(x) | λ⋆i (x) = 0},
that Xˆ and Û are polytopic since X , U and R are polytopes.
Moreover, where Q := {1, . . . , q} and q is the number of constraints
in (5). We use A, I and W when the state x is clear from the
T = {x ∈ E|∀k ∈ N : (A + BK∞ )k x ∈ E}, (3) context.
where E = {x ∈ X̂ |K∞ x ∈ Û}. T is a polytope and It follows from (6) that the optimal solution to problem (5)
determined with the procedure described in [14]. for a point x ∈ Xf provides an affine law Kj⋆ x + b⋆j and its
Solving (2) for the current state in every time step results region of validity Pj⋆ . This statement is summarized in Lemma
in the model predictive control law 2, which follows from Theorem 2 in [16].
ǫ(x) = û⋆ (0) + K∞ (x − x̂⋆ (0)). (4)

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Lemma 2 Let x ∈ Xf be arbitrary and A(x) the correspond- W2
ing active set. Assume the matrix GA has full row rank. Let x2
V = (GA H −1 (GA )′ )−1 and W3
K ⋆ = H −1 (GA )′ VE A , b⋆ = H −1 (GA )′ VwA , x(0) x̃(2)
L⋆ = −VE A , c⋆ = −VwA , P0⋆ P1⋆ P2⋆
 I −1 A ′
G H (G ) VE A − E I

T = , (8) x̃(3)
 I −1 A ′ A
G H (G ) Vw − wI P4⋆

Ψ1 = {W1 } x̃(4)
d⋆ = − .
VwA Ψ2 = {W2 , W3 }
Ψ3 = {W4 } x1
Then Z ⋆ (x) = K ⋆ x + b⋆ is the affine optimizer and λ⋆A (x) =
Fig. 1: Constructing weakly active set sequence along the predicted closed-
L⋆ x + c⋆ are the corresponding active Lagrange multipliers loop trajectory on the central node (after Fig. 1 in [10]). The figure shows
on the polytope P ⋆ = {x ∈ Rn | T ⋆ x ≤ d⋆ }. the predicted closed loop-trajectory (blue trajectory), the polytopes along the
trajectory (red and green) and the intersected facets (white lines). The red
Note that we assume full row rank of GA in Lemma 2 for polytope results by solving QP (5). The dark green polytopes are constructed
by active set updates according to (10) without solving a QP. The light green
simplicity only. We refer to [11] for the case in which the full polytope does not contain a state of the predicted closed-loop trajectory and
row rank assumption does not hold. By substituting the affine need not be constructed on the local node.
optimizer Z ⋆ (x) in (4), the feedback law applied to system
(1) can be expressed as to result. In contrast to [10] we treat the tube-based MPC
u(x) = ǫ(x) = K † x + b† (9) problem in the present paper. In other words, we here have
the local node determine robust optimal feedback laws.
with K † = K ⋆M + K∞ − K∞ K ⋆N and b† = b⋆M − K∞ b⋆N . Technically, the central node calculates and transmits the
In [11] a robust affine control law calculated from the active set for the current system state and the weakly active
pointwise solution according to Lemma 2 is used as long as sets along a predicted state trajectory. Subsequently, the local
the closed-loop system stays in the corresponding polytope. node calculates (6) by using active set updates according to
After the state x leaves the current polytope, a new QP is Lemma 3 and only request new information from the central
solved to determine the active set of the next polytope. It is node when the active set updates fail to provide the correct
well-known that active sets of neighboring polytopes are often affine law. Since a single query to the central node enables
very similar to each other and differ in one element only [18]. the local node to compute more than one feedback law and
Therefore, instead of solving a QP, the active set of the next polytope, the number of requests to the central node can be
polytope can often be calculated by using the following update reduced. Figure 2 shows the robust approach from [11] in a
rule [19]. networked control setting and compares it to our new approach
with active set updates. Note that the transmitted weakly
Lemma 3 Let the conditions of Lemma 1 be fulfilled. Let Pj1 ⋆
active sets contain only a single constraint by construction

and Pj2 be two neighboring polytopes with the common facet (cf. Lemma 3). As a consequence, the amount of transmitted
⋆ ⋆
F . Let Aj1 and Aj2 refer to the active sets on Pj1 and Pj2 , data can be reduced by using Huffman encoding [20].
respectively, and assume Aj1 is known. Let A and W be
the active and weakly active set on the common facet. If GA
has full row rank and the weakly active set W F = {i0 } Algorithm 1: Robust event-triggered networked MPC with
consists of exactly one constraint i0 , then active set updates, on local node (tube-based MPC variant
Aj1 ∪ {i0 } if i0 ∈ / Aj1 , of Alg. 1 in [10])
Aj2 = (10) 1 Input : QP Matrices acc. to (5).
Aj1 \ {i0 } if i0 ∈ Aj1 .
2 Initialization: k = 0.;
In [10] we proposed a networked MPC approach that uses 3 repeat
active set updates according to Lemma 3 in the undisturbed 4 Measure x(k) ;
case. It is the purpose of the present paper to extend the robust 5 Request A0 and Ψ1 , . . . , ΨnP −1 from central node (see
Algorithm 2).;
event-triggered MPC approach for the disturbed case presented 6 for j = 0; j ≤ nP − 1; j + + do
in [11] by the procedure proposed in [10]. 7 Calc. Kj⋆ , b⋆j and Pj⋆ from Aj with (8). ;
8 while x(k) ∈ Pj⋆ do
9 Apply uj (x) = Kj† x(k) + b†j acc. to (9). ;
10 k ← k + 1. ;
The basic idea of the approach proposed here is the same as 11 Measure x(k).;
in [10]. We transmit information from the central to the local 12 Aj+1 ← Update Aj with Ψj+1 acc. to (10). ;
node that enables the local node to autonomously determine 13 until True;
feedback laws and polytopes for future states x that are likely

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appr- computations on data transfer computations on
oach central node local node
a calc. K †, b†, T ⋆,d⋆ on demand (cf. (8), (9))
[11] solve QP (5) on de- A
mand, compute A for
the current state x x evaluate u(x) = K † x + b† and
only monitor x ∈ P ⋆ periodically

a solve QP (5) on
a demand, compute A A, {Ψ1 , . . . , ΨnP −1 }
and update sets Ψj
see Algorithm 1
along the predicted
state trajectory
Fig. 2: Comparison of new approach to [11] (after Fig. 2 in [10]). Dashed lines indicate transmission upon an event. The application of [11] to a networked
control setting is illustrated in the top figure. On the central node a QP is solved to determine the active set A for the current state x. The resulting A is then
sent to the local node, where the current robust optimal affine feedback law is determined according to (8) and (9) and reused as long as the system remains
in the corresponding polytope. In the approach presented here (bottom figure), not only the active set for the current state x is calculated and transmitted
but also the sequence of weakly active sets along the predicted closed loop-trajectory. As a consequence, more than one feedback law and polytope can be
calculated on the local node. The number of request to the central node and thus the number of QPs and the network traffic can be reduced.

Let us consider the closed-loop state-space trajectory pre- Algorithms 1 and 2 formalize our new approach. We
dicted on the central node X̃ = (x̃(1)′ , . . . , x̃(N )′ )′ (see blue explain the algorithm based on the illustrative example in
trajectory in Fig. 1). By Wi with i ∈ {1, . . . , nF } we denote Fig. 1. The local node measures the initial state x(0) and
the weakly active sets on the crossed facets along the trajectory requests the initial active set A0 = A(x(0)) as well as
(white lines in Fig. 1), where nF is the number of crossed the update sets along the predicted closed-loop trajectory
facets from x(0) to x̃(N ). The order of the indices in Wi Ψ1 = {W1 }, Ψ2 = {W2 , W3 }, Ψ3 = {W4 } from the central
matches the occurrence of the weakly active sets along the node. Details on the computation of the weakly active set
trajectory. sequence along the trajectory can be found in [19]. A violation
Note that we distinguish between polytopes that contain a state of the conditions of Lemma 3 on a crossed facet can be
of the predicted trajectory (red and dark green polytopes in handled by transmitting those weakly active sets to the local
Fig. 1) and those which do not (light green polytopes in Fig. node that are available before this violation. Upon receiving
1). This classification is useful, because we do not reconstruct A0 and Ψ1 , Ψ2 , Ψ3 on the local node, the local robust feedback
polytopes marked in light green (i.e., we avoid to compute (8) law and corresponding polytope P0⋆ for x(0) are calculated
on the local node), thus reducing the computational effort on with A0 according to Lemma 2. The control law can be used
the local node. Moreover, we distinguish between polytopes for all states within the polytope. If the system state leaves P0⋆ ,
that result by solving a QP (red) and those which can be solving a new QP on the central node can be avoided. Instead
calculated with the update rule (10) without solving a QP robust feedback laws and polytopes in the upcoming time
(dark green). The number of polytopes that contain a state of steps are determined from the update sets Ψ1 , Ψ2 , Ψ3 . In the
the predicted trajectory is denoted by nP (red and dark green present example, the active set for the unknown neighboring
polytopes in Fig. 1). We use Ψj with j ∈ {1, . . . , nP − 1} polytope P1⋆ can be determined with the weakly active set
to denote the update set of weakly active constraints that is W1 contained in the set Ψ1 according to the update rule (10),
used to construct the polytope Pj from the active set of the which applies by construction since the conditions of Lemma
previous polytope. The set Ψj consists of the weakly active 3 have already been checked on the central node. The new
sets on the crossed facets between these polytopes (see Fig. active set is used to compute the polytope P1⋆ and its robust
1). feedback law. As long as the measured state is located inside
P1⋆ , the corresponding control law can be reused. Otherwise,
the weakly active sets W2 and W3 within the set Ψ2 are used
Algorithm 2: Robust event-triggered networked MPC one after the other to update the active set to compute the
with active set updates, on central node (tube-based MPC next polytope P2⋆ . The procedure is repeated until the system
variant of Alg. 2 in [10]) has been regulated to the set R. The measured states can
differ from the predicted ones illustrated in Fig. 1 due to
1 Input : QP Matrices acc. to (5), x(k).
2 Output: A(x(k)) and Ψ1 , . . . , ΨnP −1 (for the calculation of disturbances or model mismatch. Note that if the deviations are
nP polytopes). within the set D then state and input constraint satisfaction can
3 Calc. A(x(k)) by solving QP(x(k)).; be guaranteed nevertheless. Also robust exponential stability
4 for j = 1; j ≤ nP − 1; j + + do to the set R is ensured. If a measured state is not located
5 Ψj ← weakly active sets to construct polytope Pj from in the polytope of the corresponding predicted state, or the
Pj−1 (see [19] for details). transmitted update sets are empty because of a violation of the
6 return A(x(k)), Ψ1 , . . . , ΨnP −1 ; the conditions in Lemma 3, then the central node is requested


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to send a new active set and new update sets. TABLE I: Numerical results are obtained by steering the system from 1000
Note that the computational effort on the local node re- random initial states to the origin. We use 1Kib = 1024 bit, 1Mflop = 106
sulting from active set updates is low since these updates requests to transmitted calculations on
are simple set operations. The effort is reduced further by approach central node bits [Kib] local node [Mflop]
not reconstructing polytopes that are skipped between two Robust reg. MPC [11] 8183 431.2 84.85
New robust approach 4561 546.6 85.29
successive states (light green polytope in Fig. 1).
In this section the new approach is applied to an illustrative fewer QPs have to be solved to determine the necessary
example. We consider system (1) with the matrices feedback laws and polytopes along the closed-loop trajectory.

1 1
0.5 Table I shows the simulation results for 1000 random initial
A= and B = . states. Specifically, it shows the number of requests to the
0 1 1
central node, transmitted bits and floating-point operations
The state, input and disturbance constraints read X = {x ∈ (flops) on the local node for both approaches. The number of
R2 | − 20 ≤ x1 ≤ 50, −10 ≤ x2 ≤ 2}, U = {u ∈ R| − 1 ≤ transmitted bits results from transmitting the active and weakly
u ≤ 1} and W = {w ∈ R2 | ||w||∞ ≤ 0.1}. The weighting active sets using Huffman encoding [20] (see appendix). The
matrices are Q = I2 and R = 0.01 and the prediction horizon number of flops on the local node results from computing the
is chosen to N = 9. The weighting matrix P , controller gain matrices K † , b† , T ⋆ and d⋆ according to (8) and (9) (see also
K∞ , terminal set T and RPI set R are determined as explained [9]). We assume that an active set update costs one flop.
in Sect. II-A. The RPI set reads It is obvious from Tab. I that our new approach reduces the
∓0.2536 ∓0.0516 ±0.2536 number of requests to the central node and thus the number
R = conv , , .
±0.2519 ±0.2519 ∓0.0499 of solved QPs by about 44% compared to the approach from
We simulate closed-loop trajectories until ||x(k)||2 ≤ 5 · 10−2 . [11]. Note that in a real-world setup connection establishments
Figure 3 compares our new robust approach using active and thus the overhead of the communication can be reduced
set updates (bottom plot) to the robust approach from [11] in this way. Simultaneously, the number of flops on the local
(top plot) for a random initial state. We regard the time-series node is only slightly increased by less than 1% due to the
shown in the left figures first. If e(k) = 1, the central node active set updates. The number of transmitted bits is increased
is requested to solve a QP and to send the sets A0 and Ψ to by approximately 27%. This is because the real polytopes
the local node. If e(k) = 0, there is no data transfer between can deviate from the predicted ones due to the disturbances
the nodes. If r(k) = 1, update sets are used to reconstruct the resulting in unused update sets.
polytope at the current discrete time-step.
The system is regulated to the origin and satisfies the V. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKS
constraints with both controllers. Both controllers result in the
same input sequences and state trajectories by construction. We presented a robust networked event-triggered MPC
However, with our approach the number of requests to the approach using active set updates. The new approach reduces
central node can be cut in half for this example. Let us consider the number of solved QPs and thus the number of requests
Fig. 3 (c) in more detail. In time step k = 6, where e(k) = 1 to the central node. Further research has to investigate if the
and r(k) = 0, the rank condition of the update rule from computational effort on both the central and local node and
Lemma 3 is not fulfilled. This results in a new request to the amount of transmitted data can be further reduced.
the central node. In time step k = 9, where e(k) = 0 and
r(k) = 0, a previously calculated feedback law can be reused. VI. APPENDIX
We now consider the state trajectories in the right plots. Red
and dark green polytopes and their corresponding feedback The active and update sets are transmitted in our networked
laws are calculated with the active set according to (8) and control setting (see Fig. 2) using Huffman encoding. Specifi-
(9) on the local node. An active set is either determined by cally, we used the following codewords:
solving a QP on the central node (red polytopes) or by active
set updates according to (10) (dark green polytopes). Polytopes C = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, , ; } ,
colored in light green do not contain a state of the closed-
loop trajectory and thus are not calculated on the local node. where ’ ’ and ’;’ are the delimiter to separate the update
Note that the corresponding active sets are still needed to use sets Ψi and the weakly active sets within a single update set,
updates according to Lemma 3. Furthermore note that active respectively. The corresponding relative weights are
set updates are computed with far less effort than the matrices
(8). Consequently, the number of operations on the local node p = {0.0128, 0.1282, 0.1154, 0.1026, 0.0897, 0.0769,
does not rise significantly. 0.0641, 0.0513, 0.0385, 0.0256, 0.1538, 0.1410}.
A comparison of Fig. 3 (b) to (d) shows that our approach
uses more active sets as the approach from [11]. However, We refer to [20] for more details.


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u(k) r(k) e(k) x(k)

0 0
1 -1
0 -2

0 -3
1 -4
-1 -5
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
k x1
(a) (b)

u(k) r(k) e(k) x(k)

0 0
1 -1
0 -2

1 -3
0 -4
0 -5
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
k x
(c) (d) 1
Fig. 3: The left figures show the trajectories for states and inputs over time. Moreover, e(k) indicates whether new sets are requested by the local node
(e(k) = 1) and r(k) shows if the feedback law and polytope are reconstructed from active set updates (r(k) = 1). The polytopes in state-space are illustrated
in (b).

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