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Chapter 2

Some Properties of Glue


Published in Annals of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 6 No.1, 98-103 (2014).

Some Properties of Glue Graph

2.1 Introduction

Graph theory is a very important topic due to its wide appli-

cations in science, engineering and technology, medical science

and even in social sciences. Different and special types of graphs

along with general graphs are studied for special applications, for

example interval graph [6,8], permutation graph [7], trapezoidal

graph [9], circular-arc graph [10] and many others. Glue graph is

also another important subclass of general graphs. In this chap-

ter, we have considered glue graph and investigated some of its


The graphs considered in this chapter are finite, undirected

without loops or multiple edges.

Let G be such a graph with V = V (G) as its vertex set,

E = E(G) as its edge set. Let its vertices whose number is n be

labeled by v1 , v2 , · · · · · · , vn . The distance, which is the length of

a shortest path between the vertices vi and vj of G is denoted

Some Properties of Glue Graph

by d(vi , vj \G) . The distance of a graph was first introduced by

Entringer, Jackson and Snyder [4]. The eccentricity of a vertex

u ∈ V (G) is defined as, e(u) = max{d(u, v) : v ∈ V (G)} , where

d(u, v) is the distance between u and v in G . The minimum

and maximum eccentricity is the radius r and diameter d of G

respectively. When diam(G) = r(G) , G is called a self-centered

graph. A vertex u is said to be an eccentric point of v when

d(u, v) = e(v) .

In general, u is called an eccentric point, if it is an eccen-

tric point of some vertex, otherwise non eccentric. For any graph

G , the equi-eccentric point set graph Gee is a graph with vertex

set V (G) and two vertices are adjacent if and only if they cor-

respond to two vertices of G with equal eccentricities [5]. The

vertex v is a central vertex if e(v) = r(G) and is denoted by

ξr . Let {ξr } be the set of vertices having minimum eccentricity.

A graph is self-centered if every vertex is in the center.

The minimum degree of G is the minimum degree among

Some Properties of Glue Graph

the vertices of G and is denoted by δ(G) ; the maximum degree

of G is denoted by ∆(G) . The girth g(G) of a graph G with

a cycle is the length of its shortest cycle. A graph with no cycle

has infinite girth [3]. A vertex and an edge are said to cover each

other if they are incident.

There are several ways to produce a new graph from a

given pair of graphs. For two vertex-disjoint graphs G and

H , G ∪ H is that graph with vertex set V (G) ∪ V (H) and edge

set E(G) ∪ E(H) . The join G + H consists of G ∪ H and all

edges joining a vertex of G and a vertex of H . In this chapter

the join of Pn with Cm and Km are studied.

In the mathematical field of graph theory, a Hamiltonian

path (or traceable path) is a path in an undirected or directed

graph that visits each vertex exactly once. A Hamiltonian cy-

cle is a Hamiltonian path that is a cycle. Determining whether

such paths and cycles exist in graphs is the Hamiltonian path

problem, which is NP-complete. A graph that contains a Hamil-

Some Properties of Glue Graph

tonian cycle is called a Hamiltonian graph. To show the graph

is Hamiltonian, Dirac and Ore established two theorems as fol-

lows. Dirac(1952) established a theorem as, a simple graph with

n vertices (n ≥ 3) is Hamiltonian if every vertex has degree 2

or greater. Also by Ore’s theorem (1960), a graph with n ver-

tices (n ≥ 3) is Hamiltonian, if for every pair of non adjacent

vertices the sum of their degrees is n or greater. In graph the-

ory, a Perfect graph is a graph in which the chromatic number

of every induced subgraph equals the size of the largest clique of

that subgraph.

In this thesis, eccentricity, diameter, radius and status of

glue graph are denoted by the notations eGg , diamGg , rGg and

sGg respectively. The definitions and details not furnished here

may be found in Buckley and Harary [1].

Definition 2.1. Let G = (V, E) be a graph. The glue graph

of G is the graph denoted by Gg , is a graph with vertex set

V (Gg ) = V (G) and (u, v) is an edge if and only if eG (u) =

Some Properties of Glue Graph

eG (v) , where e(G) is the eccentricity of a graph G .

In figure 2.1, a graph G and its glue graph Gg are shown.

Figure 2.1

The eccentricity of each vertex is shown in parenthesis.

Definition 2.2. Radius-maximal graph: If a graph G on p

vertices has radius r , then any new edge added to G will neces-

sarily decrease the radius. A graph G is called radius-maximal

if r(G + e) < r(G) for every edge e in G .

Definition 2.2. Radius-minimal graph: A graph G is called

radius-minimal if r(G − e) > r(G) for every edge e in G .

The glue graphs are useful in communication theory, be-

Some Properties of Glue Graph

cause G is a spanning subgraph of Gg and connectivity of Gg in-

creases and diameter of Gg decreases as that of G. These graphs

are radius-maximal graphs.

2.2 Results

The following will be useful in the proof of our results.

Observation 2.1. For any connected nontrivial graph G ,

r(Gg ) ≤ r(G) and diam(Gg ) ≤ diam(G) .

Observation 2.2. For any connected graph G , there exists at

least two vertices having same eccentricity.

Observation 2.3.[4] The glue graph of any graph is Hamilto-

nian and perfect.

Proposition 2.1. For any tree T , Tg contains cycle if and only

if |V (T )| ≥ 3 .

Proof. Let Gg contains a cycle and |V (T )| ≤ 2 . Then T is

either K1 or K2 . Since K1 and K2 are isomorphic to their glue

Some Properties of Glue Graph

graphs respectively, a contradiction. Therefore |V (T )| ≥ 3 .

Conversely, let |V (T )| ≥ 3 , then we know that there exists

at least two non adjacent vertices say u and v having same

eccentricity , because distance matrix is symmetrical and also

distance is a metric. Therefore there exists at least two vertices

of same eccentricity which form a cycle. Therefore u and v will

form a cycle of length at least three. This implies Tg contains a

cycle if and only if |V (T )| ≥ 3 .

Theorem 2.1. Suppose G be a graph and r ∈ {ξr } . Then for

Gg , eGg (vr ) = r .

Theorem 2.2. Let G be a graph with δ(G) and ∆(G) be

minimum and maximum degrees among the vertices in a graph

G respectively, then

(i) . δ(G) ≤ ∆(G) ≤ ∆(Gg )

(ii) . ∆(G) + δ(G) ≤ ∆(Gg ) + δ(Gg ) .

Some Properties of Glue Graph

Proposition 2.2. In a graph G , if d = r + 1 then Gg is


Proof. Suppose d = r + 1 and Gg is not self-centered. That

is there exist at least one vertex vi ∈ G such that e(vi ) 6= k in

Gg .

Claim. d 6= r + 1 .

Let vi , vj ∈ G such that e(vi \G) = r and e(vj \G) = r + 1 .

By Theorem 2.1, e(vi \Gg ) = r.

vj s are adjacent in Gg , since e(vj \G) = r + 1.

e(vj \Gg ) = r + 1 − 1 = r .

This implies e(vj \Gg ) = e(vi \Gg ) = r .

Hence Gg is self-centered, a contradiction.

Proposition 2.3. If G is star then Gg is complete.

Proof. Let v1 , v2 , · · · · · · , vi ∈ K1,p−1 . Let vr ∈ ξr .

Then d(vi , vr ) = 1 and d(vi , vj ) = 2 , for all vi , vj ∈ G and

Some Properties of Glue Graph

i, j 6= r . This implies all vi , vj are adjacent in Gg . Hence

e(vi ) = e(vr ) = 1 . Hence Gg ∼

= Kp .

Theorem 2.3. For any graph G , Gg is complete if G is self


Proof. Let G be self-centered graph. Then e(vi \G) = k , for

all vi ∈ G . Therefore in Gg there exists an edge (vi , vj ) for

all i, j ∈ G . This implies e(vi ) = e(vj ) = 1 . Hence Gg is self


Converse of this theorem is not true.

For example, by Proposition 2.3 , star graph is not self-centered

but its Glue graph is complete.

Theorem 2.4. For any graph G , g(Gg ) = 3 if and only if G

satisfies either of the following conditions.

(i) . G contains C3 as a subgraph

(ii) . there exists any two vertices u, v ∈ G such that d(u, v) = 2

Some Properties of Glue Graph

and e(u) = e(v) .

Proof. Suppose G satisfies either of the above conditions, then

g(Gg ) = 3 .

Conversely, let g(Gg ) = 3 and if G does not satisfy any of

the above conditions. In particular, if G does not satisfy con-

dition (i) then G is either a tree of order at least three or a

connected graph containing a cycle of length at least four, which

is impossible. Therefore G must be a tree. By Observation

2.2, there exists at least two vertices u, v ∈ V (G) such that

e(u) = e(v) . By Proposition 2.1, d(u, v) ≥ 3 . Therefore u and

v will form a cycle of length at least four which is a contradic-


Proposition 2.4. Gg is self-centered if and only if r(G) ≤ 2 .

Proof. Let G be a graph and Gg is its glue graph.

Let {ξr }, {ξr+1 } , {ξr+2 } , · · · , {ξd } be the set of vertices with

eccentricity r , r + 1 , r + 2 , · · · , d respectively.

Some Properties of Glue Graph

Suppose r(G) ≤ 2 .

If r = 1 , then G is either Kp or K1,p−1 .

By Proposition 2.3 Gg is self-centered.

Suppose r = 2 , we consider the following cases.

Case 1. r = 2 and unicentral.

In any graph G , vr is adjacent to all the vertices of {ξr+1 } and

vr+1 is not adjacent to all the vertices of the {ξr+1 } or {ξd } , but

it is adjacent to at least one vertex of {ξd } . In G the eccentric

vertex, for vr is in {ξr+2 } , for vr+1 the farthest vertex belongs

to {ξd } , and for vd the farthest vertex belongs to {ξd } .

In Gg equi-eccentric vertices are adjacent.

In Gg , eGg (vr+1 ) = dGg (vr+1 , ur+1 ) + dGg (ur+1 , vd ) = 2 .

In Gg , eGg (vd ) = dGg (vd , vr+1 ) + dGg (vr+1 , vr ) = 2 .

This implies Gg is self centered with r = 2 .

Case 2. r = 2 and bicentral.

By applying the above method, it is evident that Gg is self-

centered with r = 2 .

Some Properties of Glue Graph

In G , e(vr+1 ) = d(vr+1 , vr ) + d(vr , ur+1 ) + d(ur , vd ) = 3 .

Similarly e(ur+1 ) = 3 .

In Gg , eGg (vr+1 ) = dGg (vr+1 , ur+1 ) + dGg (ur+1 , vr ) = 2 and

eGg (vr ) = d(vr , ur ) + d(ur , vr+1 ) = 2 .

This implies e(vi ) = 2 , for all vi in Gg .

This implies Gg is self-centered.

Hence Gg is self centered if r(G) ≤ 2 .

Now suppose Gg is self-centered and r(G) > 2 .

For G , e(vr ) = P ath(vr , vr+1 , · · · , vd ) = r .

For Gg , eGg (vr ) = P ath(vr , vr+1 , · · · , vd ) = r → (1) .

For G , e(vr+1 ) = P ath(vr+1 , vr , ur , ur+1 , · · · , vd ) = r + 1 .

For Gg , eGg (vr+1 ) = P ath(vr+1 , ur+1 , vr+2 , · · · , vd )

eGg (vr+1 ) = r + 1 − 1 = r → (2) .

For G , e(vr+2 ) = P ath(vr+2 , vr+1 , vr , ur+1 , ur+2 , · · · , vd ) = r + 2 .

For Gg , eGg (vr+2 ) = P ath(vr+2 , · · · , vd )

eGg (vr+2 ) = r + 2 − 3 = r − 1 → (3) .

From (2) and (3) we observe that

Some Properties of Glue Graph

eGg (vr+1 ) = r and eGg (vr+2 ) = (r − 1) is contradiction to our


Therefore Gg is self-centered if and only if r(G) ≤ 2 .

Theorem 2.5. Suppose G = Pn , then

 ⌈ n+2

4 ⌉, if n is even;

1. r[(Pn )g ] =
 ⌈ n+1 ⌉, otherwise.


 ⌈ n−1

2 ⌉, if n is even;

2. diam[(Pn )g ] =
 ( n−1 ), otherwise.


3. r[(Pn )g ] ≤ diam(Pn ) .

4. r[(Pn )g ] ≤ r(Pn ) ≤ diam[(Pn )g ] ≤ diam(Pn ) .

Theorem 2.6. Suppose Pn is a path and (Pn )g is glue graph.

Let vr , ur ∈ {ξr } . Then e(vr ) = eGg (vr ) = diam[(Pn )g ] .

Proof. For Pn , if n is even it is bicentral and if n is odd it is

unicentral. We have

Some Properties of Glue Graph

 ⌈ n2 ⌉, if n is even;

r(Pn ) =
 ⌊ n ⌋, otherwise.


We will prove the result for Pn , n ≥ 2k where k = 1, 2, 3 · · · n .

Let vr , ur ∈ {ξr } , vr+1 , ur+1 ∈ {ξr+1 } · · · · · · , vd , ud ∈ {ξd } .

In Pn , e(vr ) = e(ur ) = r .

e(vr ) = d(vr , ud ) , where ud ∈ {ξd } and farthest from vr .

e(vr ) = P ath(vr , ur , ur+1 , ur+2 · · · · · · , ud ) → (1) .

In Pn , (vr is adjacent to ur ) and at the most one vr+1 ∈ {ξr+1 }

and similarly for ur .

In (Pn )g , adjacency of vr , ur remains same but all vr+1 ∈

{ξr+1 }, vr+2 ∈ {ξr+2 }, · · · · · · , vd ∈ {ξd } are adjacent to the ver-

tices having same eccentricity.

In (Pn )g , eGg (vr ) = dGg (vr , ud )

eGg (vr ) = P ath(vr , ur , ur+1 , ur+2 , · · · , ud ) → (2) .

Comparing (1) and (2), we have e(vr ) = eGg (vr ) = r .

Some Properties of Glue Graph

That is central vertices in Pn retains the same eccentricity in

(Pn )g .

Similarly we can prove the result for odd path.

Now we have to show that e(vr ) = eGg (ur ) = r = diam[(Pn )g ] .

The eccentric vertex of vr+1 will be vd in Pn .

In Pn , e(vr+1 ) = d(vr+1 , vd )

= P ath(vr+1 , vr , ur , ur+1 , · · · , vd ) → (3) .

In (Pn )g , dGg (vr+1 , vd ) = P ath(vr+1 , ur+1 , · · · , vd )

That is, dGg (vr+1 , vd ) < d(vr+1 , vd )

This implies eGg (vr+1 ) < eG (vr+1 ) .

Now let us prove that e(vr ) = diam[(Pn )]g .

That is, prove that e(vr+1 ), e(vr+2 ), · · · , e(vd ) < eGg (vr ) .

In (Pn )g , eGg (vr+1 ) = dGg (vr+1 , vd ) .

Comparing (2) and (3), we have e(vr+1 ) < eGg (vr ) .

Similarly we can prove for other vertices vk ∈ Pn , k ≤ n .

For vd , e(vd ) ≤ e(vr ) .

Therefore e(vr ) = diam[(Pn )g ] .

Some Properties of Glue Graph

Theorem 2.7. For (Pn )g , 1 ≤ δ(G) ≤ 2 and 1 ≤ ∆(G) ≤ 3 .

Proposition 2.5. For (Pn )g , 2 ≤ n ≤ 4 , δ(G) = ∆(G) .

Observation 2.4. For any nontrivial connected graph G ,

vi ∈ V (Gg ) then sGg (vi ) ≤ sG (vi ) .

Observation 2.5. For any nontrivial connected graph

σ(Gg ) ≤ σ(G) .

Observation 2.6. Suppose {EG } and {EGg } are edge sets of

G and Gg respectively, then {EG } ⊆ {EGg }

Theorem 2.8. Suppose G = Pn , then

 2, if n is even;

χ((Pn )g ) =

 3, otherwise.

Proof. Let G be a path Pn . Now consider the following


Case 1. Let n be even and v1 , v2 , v3 , · · · , v2n be the vertices of

Some Properties of Glue Graph

Pn . Pn is bicentral. The vertices can be partitioned based on

their respective eccentricities as below.

Central vertices vr , ur ∈ er , vertices at distance r+1 ; vr+1 , ur+1 ∈

er+1 , vertices at distance r + 2 ; vr+2 , ur+2 ∈ er+2 , vertices at

distance d ; vd , ud ∈ ed . But in (Pn )g the vertices belong to the

sets er , er+1 , · · · , ed are adjacent to their respective set elements.

This implies v1 , v3 , · · · , vr , · · · , vd−1 can be assigned with a sin-

gle color and v2 , v4 , · · · , vr , · · · , vd with another color. Hence

(Pn )g is two colorable.

Case 2. Let n be odd. Let v1 , v2 , · · · , vn be the vertices of Pn .

If Pn is unicentral then proceeding as above in Case 1, we get

an odd cycle. Since χ(C2n+1 ) = 3 . Therefore, χ(Pn )g = 3 .

Theorem 2.9. For every Pn , where n ≥ 2k , k = 1, 2, 3 · · ·

and (Pn )g have same αo , α1 , β0 , β1 and all are equal to 2 .

Theorem 2.10. For every path Pn where n ≥ 2k + 1 ,

k = 1, 2, 3 · · · and (Pn )g , αo , α1 , β0 , β1 are related as below.

Some Properties of Glue Graph

 n2 ,

 if n is even;
α0 ((Pn )g ) = α1 ((Pn )g ) =
 n+1 , otherwise.


 n2 ,

 if n is even;
β0 ((Pn )g ) = β1 ((Pn )g ) =

2 , otherwise.

Theorem 2.11. If Pn and Cm are path and cycle respectively,

then the glue graph [Pn + Cm ]g , is self centered with radius one.

Theorem 2.12. The glue graph [Pn + Km ]g is isomorphic to

(Pn + Km ) where Km is a complete graph.

Theorem 2.13. The glue graph (Pn + G)g is self centered with

radius one, where G is any graph with radius one.

Theorem 2.14. The glue graph (Pn )g , where n ≥ 2k − 1 ,

k ≥ 2 contains at least one C3 as its subgraph.

Some Properties of Glue Graph

Theorem 2.15. The glue graph (Pn )g ,where n ≥ 2k , k ≥ 2

contains at least one C4 as it’s subgraph.

Theorem 2.16. The glue graph (Pn )g for even path contains

⌊ n−1 n−1
2 ⌋ copies of C4 and for odd path one copy of C3 and ⌈ 3 ⌉

copies of C4 .

Some Properties of Glue Graph


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Some Properties of Glue Graph

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