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Making Contact - Phone Calls and Emails

It is useful to know the conventional phrases for starting a telephone conversation.

It helps you to conduct phone conversations in English with confidence. Listen to these short

Kate: Mobility Solutions, good afternoon, how may I help you?

Anesha: Um hello, can I speak to Peter Jackson please?

Kate: Just a moment please, who can I say is calling?

Anesha: Anesha Patel of Ellis Events.

Tony: Tony Pozzella, good morning.

Linda: Hello Tony, this is Linda Snow, from Ellis Events. I’m calling about the brochures you wanted
to send me.

Tony: Ah, Linda, yes, I was trying to get hold of you yesterday ….

Darryl: Hello

Man: Hello, is that Darryl Woodhead?

Darryl: Yes, speaking.

Man: Rob Wishnevski here. From RW Engineering.

Darryl: Sorry, who? I didn’t quite catch your name.

When you phone a company, you can say your name immediately, or wait to be asked, as in the
dialogue. Anesha first asks for the person she wishes to speak to. Listen again:

Now it’s your turn to speak. Repeat please. - How may I help you? - Can I speak to Peter Jackson
please? - Who can I say is calling?

In the next conversation, Linda is connected directly to the person she wanted, so she introduces
herself and states what she wants directly. She does this in a short sentence, to give Tony a chance
to react.

If you don’t understand the name of the person who is calling, it is important to ask for
clarification immediately; it can become embarrassing if you don’t! If you interrupt with 'Sorry,
who? I didn’t quite catch your name' the caller has to repeat his or her name.
Now it’s your turn to speak. Repeat please. - Hello, is that …? - Yes, speaking. - I didn’t quite catch
your name.

Writing emails follows the same conventions as writing business letters, but allows more degrees
of informality. You can start an email as follows, depending on how well you know the person you
are writing to.

Notice the form of address for women, Ms De Souza. 'Ms' is increasingly replacing Mrs or Miss. It
does not indicate whether the woman is married or not.

The subject of the email is in the subject line, but you still need an introductory phrase at the
beginning. This is how you can start. The first two are very formal, to be used with people you
don’t know personally, or know very little.


You: Sean, I don't think you've met Teresa Leonidakis from RNG Engineering..

You: Teresa, this is Sean Hilling.

You: He's the Marketing Director at Clyde Valley Motors.

Sean: Hello, pleased to meet you

Teresa: Pleased to meet you too.


Martina: Martina Snyder speaking. - Teresa: Good morning , Dr Snyder.

Teresa: This is Teresa Leonidakis of RNG Engineering.

Teresa: I'm calling about our appointment for Tuesday morning.


Martina: Martina Snyder speaking. - Sean: Hello , Martina.

Sean: This is Sean Hilling. How are you?

Martina: Fine, thank you . And you?

Sean:I'm fine. I'm calling about the report we were discussing last week.


May I introduce myself? I'm Piet Claes, head of Marketing.

Dr Lee used a phrase to describe the vehicle that we didn't understand.

Could you connect me with the Consular Office, please?

Can I speak to Peter Jackson please ? This is his daughter Rebecca.

The extra space allows us to display more of our products.

Mr Danwell seems a nice man but I don't know him personally

She phoned because she wanted to speak to him personally.

I will call you on your mobile this evening.

Have you noticed that Gillian doesn't finish her sentences

You can find a list of all our products in this brochure

Certainly, I'll put you through. Who can I say is calling ?

Günther enjoyed the informality of the business meeting he attended in Canada.

We are going to replace this printer with a newer model.

Could you just repeat the name of the street please?

Do you know Sharon Glinsky, our Sales Manager?

When you write a business letter, you should state clearly what you want.

There will be a formal dinner in the evening; tuxedo optional.

I'm sorry to interrupt you, Dr Wilson, but your husband is on the phone.

Thank you for the penknife; it is an extremely useful present.

Using the subject line correctly will help to get your emails read.

Our meetings with the US branch are increasingly in the form of video link.

He always depends on his wife for everything.

This icon indicates whether the phone is in 'silent' mode.

This company provides a service but doesn't produce anything.

I couldn't follow what she said; she was speaking too fast.

Ah, there you are, Gary. I was trying to get hold of you yesterday

Knowing the subject well will give you the confidence to speak at the meeting.

Remember to write the subject of your email in the subject line.

Could you phone me on my mobile when you get there?

I was so surprised by the announcement, I didn't know how to react

Your telephone conversation may be recorded for staff training purposes.

Bryant's Cooling, Vanessa speaking. How may I help you?

Will passenger Alex Wilson on Flight SN 532 please go to gate 34 immediately

I wish to make a formal complaint

I'm sorry, I don't understand your question

Mrs Jackson, good morning, I'm calling about the order you faxed us yesterday.

Gerry finds it embarrassing that he can't remember people's names.

Please write your name and address here.

I'm so sorry. I didn't quite catch your name


Ending a Phone Call

There are no special expressions for finishing a phone call, but your tone of voice has to make it
clear that you want to end the call.

Listen to Anesha talking to a customer.

Customer: … so the vegetarian menus will cost the same as the others ...

Anesha: Yes, that’s right. Well, if you have any other questions, just give me a ring.

Anesha: Right. Goodbye then Mrs Chatfield. Thank you for calling.

And now to Kate. She is also in control of the conversation and finishes it.

Customer: …after the problems with the previous model.

Kate: OK, well I'll get that information to you by the end of the week. Thank you for calling back
about this.

Kate: Thanks, goodbye.

Notice that it is mostly not polite enough for the first person to say goodbye and nothing
else; it sounds too abrupt. Here are some other expressions you can use: - If you need
anything else, just give me a call. - I’ll get back to you next week. - Thank you for ringing.
- Thank you for this information. - Goodbye, have a nice day.

Now it’s your turn to speak. - If you need anything else, just give me a call. - I’ll get back to you
next week. - Thank you for ringing. - Thank you for this information. - Goodbye, have a nice day.
The 'rules' for ending an email are not as strict as for the end of a business letter. However, the
ending still depends on how formal the email is.

One 'safe' choice of endings is to use the same as in the email you are answering. Here are some
possible endings:

Here is an example of a formal beginning and ending:

And here is an informal one which can be used between business contacts who know each other
quite well.



I'll get back to you next week.

Have a nice day

just give me a call

and thank you for calling


Is there anything else we ought to consider now?

We will be glad to answer any questions you may have.

Our position can be summed up as follows.

Thank you for doing this at such short notice

If you need anything else , just give me a call.


Thank you for calling back about this. - You are welcome.

If you need anything else, just give me a call

Goodbye, have a nice day

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