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Complete Name: Rhea L. España


DIRECTIONS: Read carefully the questions before you answer. Choose only the LETTER OF THE CORRECT

1. Explain the depicting art of Okir.

ANSWER: The Okir Motif is an art depicting the indegenous originality and skill of the Maranaos.

2. What is Pointillism?

ANSWER: Pointillism can be described relatively simply – it’s an art movement named after a
technique in which small dots of color are applied to canvas in order to form an image.

Pointillism is a style of painting made famous by the French artist Georges Seurat in the late
nineteenth century, whose masterpiece Sunday Afternoon of La Grande Jatte is widely praised as the
most famous of the Pointillism paintings.

3. What coffee is used for coffee painting?

ANSWER: You can use both instant and regular coffee to paint with.

4. A well- known painting of Van Gogh's that clearly demonstrates the use of Pointillism is his ___?

A. Self Portrait (1887)

B. Madame Hector France (1891)

C. A Sunday on La Grande Jatte (1884)

D. The Harvesters (1892)

ANSWER: A. Self Portrait (1887)

5. He is one of the first contemporary artists that uses dotted sticks to create portraits of celebrities,
such as Johnny Depp, Lady Gaga, and Jackie O.

A. Charles Angrand

B. Philip Karlberg

C. Vincent Van Gogh

D. Henri-Edmond Cross
ANSWER: B. Philip Karlberg

6. Which of the following is not one of fine Art of Okir?

A. Figuring

B. Painting

C. Poetry

D. Carving

ANSWER: C. Poetry

7. Okir is an artistic design of Maranao native inhabitants of ____?

A. Southern Philippines

B. Western Philippines

C. North Philippines

D. East Philippines

ANSWER: A. Southern Philippines

8. This coffee painting is ______ means created using only one color or hue.

A. Monochromatic

B. Divisionism

C. Dotted Art

D. Chromuluminarism

ANSWER: A. Monochromatic

9. It is a drawing composed of random and abstract lines, generally without ever lifting the drawing
device off of the paper.

A. Scribble

B. Okir

C. Coffee Arts

D. Divisionism

ANSWER: A. Scribble

10. These are the examples of scribble art basic except___.

A. Back and Forth

B. Scratch- Yarn

C. Loopy Loo
D. Long Scratching

ANSWER: B. Scratch- Yarn

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