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Nature of Changes

Manuscript ID:  JTCM-19-0097

Manuscript Title: Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane (POSS) Based Aliphatic Polyester

Composites: Synthesis, Characterization and Investigation of Thermal Properties

Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials

Dear Prof. Mehrdad N. Ghasemi-Nejhad,

Associate Editor, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials

We have read the comments of the referees and amended the text according to their suggestion. We
thank them for their useful comments and you as the editor. We believe the results we presented in this
paper merit publication.
(All proposed changes are shown in the text with a red mark.)

Reviewer #1: 

Reviewer Comment

Comments to the Author 

Concerning about the evaluation of the article Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane (POSS) Based
Aliphatic Polyester Composites: Synthesis, Characterization and Investigation of Thermal Properties, I
recommend this publication after minor revision: 

1. The abstract should be revised, making its contribution clearer and presenting more results and
conclusions, to highlight its potential;

Authors’ response

Abstract is rearranged as requested.

2. At the end of the Introduction item, the phrase "There is no study in the literature" I
recommend that this phrase be revised or withdrawn, since it is very difficult to guarantee this

Authors’ response

The sentence "There is no study in the literature....." was withdrawn from the text.

3. The quality of all figures must be reviewed;

Authors’ response

The quality of all figures has been reviewed. The resolution quality of the figures is improved.

4. The authors should reviewer the conclusions, because it begins with the following sentence:
'in the last part of this thesis' ?? 

Authors’ response

"In this study" was used instead of "in the last part of this thesis".
We believe that we have logically responded the referee’s comments and revised the text accordingly,
and therefore these results merit publication. We thank particularity this referee for critical comments
which helped to improve the scientific quality of our work.

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