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Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East

South Asia Bulletin, Vol. XIV No. 1 (1994)

The BJP: Political Mobilization for Hindutva

Manini Chatterjee

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has been re- tailed look at its predecessor, the Bharatiya Jana
garded, both by its supporters and adversaries, as Sangh (1959-77).
the most striking phenomenon in the Indian politi- Since its formation in 1980, the BJP has already
cal scene over the last few years. From a mere two gone through three broad phases and is now in its
seats in the Lok Sabha in the 1984 elections, the fourth phase. The first phase, under the president-
party managed to become the main opposition fol- ship of Atal Behari Vajpayee, was from 1980 to
lowing the 199 1 general elections. More important, 1986. The second phase can be dated from the time
the BJP’s open advocacy of Hzndutva (the move- La1 Krishna Advani became president in 1986 to the
ment for Hindu self-assertion and nationhood) and general elections of 1989. The third phase, which in
the support this has gained among important sec- turn can be sub-divided into two or three distinct
tions of the people and the establishment has sub-phases, goes up to November 1993 when the
threatened the secular basis of the Indian Republic BJP faced a big setback in the assembly elections in
as never before since Independence in 1947. The four northern states. The BJP has since entered the
BJP’s ascendancy on the Indian political scene has fourth phase. It must be noted that these phases are
led many to assume that it possessed a clear-cut not water-tight compartments and do not indicate
ideology and charted out a well thought out strat- basic shifts in the BJP’s character and outlook. The
egy of growth which enabled it rapidly to expand BJP was and remains a right wing party whose ap-
its base. The BJP leadership has been credited with parent flexibility and dynamism is actually aimed at
uncommon political acumen and clarity of purpose. preventing any radical onslaught on the power
However, a detailed chronological study of the structure of the present system while using the
BJP’s rise and an analysis of the factors that helped space provided by the bourgeois democratic system
it belie such an assumption. The BJP has been to further a reactionary agenda. This article, how-
through different phases and its leaders have spo- ever, concentrates on the phased trajectory of the
ken in many voices. This cannot be dismissed BJP’s growth; the various factors that helped it,
merely as a tactic to camouflage its real intentions. such as the maneuvering within the framework of
One of the reasons for this is that the BJP, to a “opposition” politics, the mass mobilization on the
large degree, has been a party in the making. Ever Ramjanmabhumi/Babri Masjid issue by the Vishwa
since its formation in 1980, the party has tried out Hindu Parishad (VHP) and RSS, the compromising
different methods to become the “national alterna- role towards Hindu communalism played by the
tive” and finally achieved some measure of success Indian state under Congress (I) rule; and the social
only after obliterating its independence as a politi- forces that formed the BJP’s expanded base.
cal entity to become an appendage of the Rashtriya
Seeking A Fresh Identity: 1980-1986
Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) combine. The rapid
On the eve of the 1977 general elections, the
gains it has achieved by this association, thus, may
Bharatiya Jana Sangh merged itself into the Janata
also prove to be its nemesis. But before predicting
Party which swept to power on the strength of the
the future, one must have a clear understanding of
anti-Emergency wave. The “Janata experiment” did
the past. For the purposes of this article, the study
not last long because of the basic contradictions be-
is confined to the BJP and does not include a de-
tween its constituents, manifested in ugly personal
bickering and faction fighting. The differences ac-


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Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East

quired an ideological color with a number of Janata tion, struggle and constructive work) to build the
leaders from the socialist stream focusing their bat- party. At the same time, he pursued the politics of
tle on the erstwhile Jana Sangh contingent over alliances and formed the National Democratic Alli-
what became known as the “dual membership” is- ance (NDA) with Charan Singhs Lok Dal which
sue. It was feared that the Jana Sangh contingent, failed to create much impact in the opposition scene.
with its more disciplined organization and ideologi- The BJP’s “moderate” phase has often been attrib-
cal (RSS) moorings, would use the Janata platform uted to Vajpayee’s personality but this is a facile ar-
to increase its strength, infiltrate the state appara- gument. Like other opposition parties who were
tus and further its ideological motives. The anti- demoralized by their short-lived victory and the re-
Jana Sangh group maintained that the erstwhile turn of Congress (I) t o power, the BJP was still
Jana Sanghis continued to be guided by the RSS floundering and seeking an identity. From experi-
and they could not be members of both the Janata ence it had learnt that despite efforts to become a
Party and the RSS. The Jana Sanghis, then as now, fervent nationalist party on the claims of champion-
insisted that the RSS was a “cultural” organization ing “Hindu” interests, the Jana Sangh had failed to
and belonging to the RSS did not conflict with their make much headway in its quarter century of exis-
political identity. This was a specious plea because tence except as part of opposition combines. BJP
the influence of the supra-political RSS was evident members, particularly those from RSS backgrounds,
and the Jana Sanghis never merged their identity may have harbored nebulous notions of a Hindu
completely in the Janata. The Jana Sangh group left rashtra but it was remote from the day-to-day poli-
the Janata Party and after the 1980 elections, which tics in which a functioning political party is im-
saw the return of Indira Gandhi to power, they mersed. In any case, the upper caste, power-seeking
formed the Bharatiya Janata Party. Hindu elite, which formed the backbone of the Ne-
Significantly, they did not reconstitute the old hruvian establishment, was secure in a secular state,
Jana Sangh but formed a new party which retained and unmoved by the communal rhetoric of the Jana
much of the Jana Sangh legacy but tried to expand Sangh. Since the Jana Sangh had miserably failed to
upon it and appear as something new. The new become the ruling class alternative to the Congress,
BJP, under Atal Behari Vajpayee who had culti- the BJP thought it would try a different tactic,
vated the image of a “liberal statesman” (enhanced pushing communal issues and its RSS links to the
by his stint as foreign minister in the Janata gov- background.
ernment), tried to fashion itself as a broadly centrist The BJP formally started changing course after
party, inspired both by its “nationalist” Jana Sangh- Advani became party president in 1986, but the real
RSS legacy and the more encompassing politics of turning point was the general elections held in the
Jayaprakash Narayan. The attempt was to show the aftermath of Indira Gandhi’s assassination in De-
BJP as having evolved from the narrow and stri- cember 1984. A badly mauled BJP won only two
dent “Hindi, Hindu, Hindustan” politics of the Jana seats in the Lok Sabha. I t was not just the igno-
Sangh to become a more mature and benign forma- minious defeat but the reasons behind it that set the
tion which would use its organizational and behav- BJP leadership thinking. While the BJP was trying
ioral distinctness (from the rest of the non-left to shed its Jana Sangh past, the Congress (I) under
opposition parties whose politics was often marked India Gandhi had started flirting with the “Hindu”
by petty personal squabbles and fragmentation) to vote, which first became evident in the Jammu elec-
occupy the anti-Congress space. tions in 1983. She was also accommodating towards
In later years, Advani has often asserted that he the Ekatmata yagna launched by the Vishwa Hindu
should not be credited with having brought the BJP Parishad, the organization’s first attempt at mass
closer to the RSS. The very formation of the BJP, mobilization by mixing the heady brew of national-
brought on by the dual membership issue, meant ism and Hindutva. T h e tentative moves made by
that the BJP and the RSS were inextricably linked. Indira Gandhi became the central motif of Rajiv
But the record shows that the BJP, in its initial Gandhi’s election campaign when he won an un-
years, consciously moved away from the RSS and precedented mandate by raising the specter of na-
tried to project itself as an independent party, many tional disintegration at the hands of minority
of whose members may have been molded and in- secessionism. T h e focus was on Sikh extremism in
spired by the RSS but not controlled or even guided Punjab and the assassination of his mother by her
by it. Vajpayee instead emphasized “Gandhian so- Sikh bodyguards. T h e killing of thousands of Sikhs
cialism” and exhorted party cadres to concentrate in Delhi and other north Indian cities in November
on Sangathan, Sangharsh and Sanrachna (organiza-


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that year formed the grotesque background to the port, though not in as many words, was that the
Congress (1)’selection campaign. BJP must acquire a distinct identity and get back to
While opposition parties tried to dismiss the the RSS fold. It was against this background that
1984 verdict as abnormal and attributed it to the Advani took over as party president at the BJP’s
“sympathy wave,” the BJP realized it reflected plenary session in New Delhi in May 1986.
something more fundamental. It indicated that the
A Two-Track Strategy: 1986-1989
elusive “Hindu vote” which they had been chasing
By the time the plenary session was held, the
since Independence and given up as lost, was actu-
ally in the making. However, instead of it being ac- party leadership had already decided to retrace its
steps. At the end of the three-day session, an exul-
quired by a Hindu party, it was being usurped by
tant Vijayaraje Scindia who had always championed
the Congress (I). The “Hindu vote” did not mean
the “Hindu” group, said, “We must try to imbibe
that all those under this broad category (85 percent
the spirit of sacrifice that the Jana Sanghis used to
of the population) were suddenly communalized.
have. W e are taking a new path or rather rediscov-
What it indicated, however, was the intensification
of the crisis faced by the ruling class following the ering the old p a t h (The Telegraph, May 13, 1986).
slow disintegration of the Nehruvian enterprise to T o signal the new path, the BJP decided to empha-
size three demands from its old agenda: abrogation
build a quasi-socialist, liberal, humane socio-
economic order with secularism as one of the pri- of Article 570 which recognizes Jammu and
mary bases of the Indian republic. The growing Kashmir’s special status; the replacement of the Mi-
failure of the Indian State to provide hope or stabil- norities Commission by a “Human Rights Commis-
ity, manifest in a “million mutinies” including sion” and Uniform Civil Code. All three had been
threats of secessionism, is a complex question but mentioned in the BJP statements from the outset,
suffice it to say that sections of the ruling elite were but now they received a new emphasis. The party
ready to use the stridency and authoritarianism of also brought back Deendayal Upadhyaya’s woolly
Hindu nationalism as a fallback to retain their slip- concept of “integral humanism” to the forefront and
ping hegemony. pushed “Gandhian socialism” to the background.
The 1984 verdict had an immediate fall out on Both these terms have little substance in terms of
the BJP. The party set up a committee under gen- actual policy but are more in the nature of key
eral secretary Krishan La1 Sharma to study the words which denote a special meaning to the rank
causes of defeat on the basis of a questionnaire sent and file. “Gandhian socialism” denoted the BJP’s
to party members. The answers were only to be ex- efforts to distance itself from the past and become
pected. Most party members felt that the main rea- part of the mainstream while “integral humanism”
son for the defeat was that the BJP had lost its was a signal that it was going back to its roots.
earlier Hindu identity and it now must try to re- But more than any of these demands, two crucial
furbish this and organizationally come closer to the decisions taken by the Rajiv Gandhi government
helped the BJP immensely in its efforts at becoming
RSS. At the organizational level, a major lesson of
the 1984 elections was that the BJP could not take a party of Hindu nationalism. These were the gov-
RSS support for granted. Though there is no abso- ernment’s decision to overturn the Supreme Court
lute proof, it is commonly believed that RSS cadres verdict on the Shah Ban0 case by adopting the
voted for the Congress (I) in 1984 and played a Muslim Women’s (Protection of Rights on Di-
crucial role in Rajiv Gandhi’s victory. There may vorce) Bill in May 1986 and the opening of the dis-
not have been any formal directive to do so, but the puted Ramjanmabhumi temple at Ayodhya for
strident “nation in danger” theme of the campaign public worship in February the same year. The Ra-
is certain to have struck a chord not only among
jiv Gandhi government’s capitulation to the funda-
mentalists in the Muslim community on the Shah
sympathizers but also among active RSS cadres.
Ban0 issue caused widespread outrage. The BJP
The RSS, time and again, had made it clear that it
seized upon this to show that successive Congress
was more interested in reaching the goal of Hindu
governments and the rest of the political establish-
rashtra rather than the vehicle by which it reached
ment had consistently “pandered to the Muslim
that goal. In fact, but for Jawaharlal Nehru’s deep
minority in order to gain block votes. In 1986, the
suspicion of the RSS brand of nationalism, the RSS
Muslim Women’s Bill provided much more ammu-
would have readily joined hands with the Congress
nition to the BJP than the RamjanmabhumVBabri
rather than help the Hindu Mahasabha leader,
Masjid issue. In fact, right up to 1989, the BJP did
Shyama Prasad Mookerjee, set up the Jana Sangh in
not formally support the temple agitation move-
1950-51.’ The crux of the general secretary’s re-


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ment. Two months after the Faizabad court order mount its biggest challenge to the Indian republic.
allowing public worship at the disputed temple, But though the BJP had taken up the Ramjanma-
when asked about the party’s stand on the issue, bhumi issue in 1984 and the whole temple
Advani merely said, “We have never spoken earlier “liberation” movement received a major fillip in
but we feel the court has given a judgment and you 1986, the BJP did not openly identify itself with it
should abide by it and if you appeal to a higher till June 1989. Why?
court, it is a different matter. An appeal has been Because from 1987 onwards, a more important
made” (Interview in The Telegraph, April, 1986). development consumed the Indian political scene-
Contrast this with his post-1989 stance that the the V.P. Singh phenomenon. In early 1987, the
Ayodhya dispute should be solved through nego- country was rocked by the “Bofors scandal”-the
tiation or legislation not through “litigation.” revelations that the Swedish armaments company,
The year 1986 was thus crucial for the BJP and Bofors, had paid kickbacks at the highest levels of
the Hindutva forces as a whole. The 1984 elections the Indian government to secure the sale of howit-
had shown the effectiveness of intertwining na- zers to India. Bofors and other scandals symbolized
tionalism and religious identity but the problem the corruption and callousness that had become a
before the BJP was that Congress had reaped the characteristic of the ruling class in India and Rajiv
advantages by targeting the Sikh minority. Advani Gandhi, initially hailed as “Mr. Clean,” rapidly lost
later admitted that “in the 1984 elections, in large his popularity. V.P. Singh who quit the Rajiv Gan-
parts of north India which are more directly con- dhi government and led the crusade against cor-
cerned with the happenings in Punjab, the Con- ruption, soon became the rallying point for
gress party played the so-called Hindu card. But I opposition politics. T h e BJP, the party closest to
would describe it not as a Hindu card but an anti- the (particularly lower) middle class, was quick to
Sikh card. In the mood prevailing at the time, it cer- see the potential of V.P. Singh and the need to latch
tainly hurt us. Our stand and physical exertions to on to him. Advani commended V.P. Singh as a man
save the Sikhs hurt us electorally” (Interview in The “who had built up over the last two years a remark-
Telegraph, May 4, 1989). In general, the refusal of able image of honesty and straightforwardness”
the Hzndutva forces to use Sikh extremism as the (Hindustun Times, April 18, 1987). Sensing the
basis to forge Hindu nationalism stems from two growing anti-Congress (I) mood in the country, the
reasons. The primary reason is that Hindutva ideo- BJP made fervent efforts to be part of the main-
logues have always considered Sikhs to be part of stream opposition under V.P. Singh. At a time
the Hindu brotherhood and do not harbor the when the rest of the non-left parties were suspicious
pathological antipathy towards the Sikhs that they of V.P. Singhs ascendancy, the BJP started assidu-
do towards the Muslims (and Christians and com- ously wooing him and at its national executive
munists). This ideological position was further in- meeting in Delhi from July 24-26, formally took the
tensified during the Partition riots when Sikhs were decision to extend full support to V.P. Singh’s cam-
seen as the protectors against the Muslim enemies. paign against the government.
Since the Partition has been the most emotive influ- But the BJP’s bid to climb on to the opposition
ence on the minds of the present BJP/RSS leader- bandwagon was resolutely resisted by the Left par-
ship in north India, they have refrained from taking ties led by the CPI(M) general secretary, E.M.S.
anti-Sikh positions, the main reason that there were Namboodiripad. The Left launched a sustained
no communal riots in Punjab even in the worse campaign warning the rest of the opposition of the
days of terrorism. (This pro-Sikh attitude may not real communal nature of the BJP and its links with
hold true for the younger cadres and the Hindutva the RSS and made it clear that they would not be
forces’ sympathetic attitude towards other “Hindu” part of any “all-opposition” unity. T h e CPI(M) and
minorities-Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, e t c . - c a n n o t be CPI both moved towards a two-pronged strategy-
taken for granted for all times to come). And so in the need to fight against the Congress (I) and iso-
1986, when the BJP was groping for an issue that late the BJP. The Janata experience had shown how
would enable it to take up the communal cause, Ra- the Hindu communal forces took advantage of anti-
jiv Gandhi offered them two potent issues on a plat- Congress discontent by becoming the party of a
ter. combined opposition and then using this legitimacy
While the Muslim Women’s Bill provided am- (and in 1977 state power) to carry out its own
munition to Advani in his battle against “minority- agenda. A left-versus-BJP battle became the most
ism,” it was the Ramjanmabhumi issue which was to important feature of the remaining half of 1987 and
enable the Hindutva forces, including the BJP, to most of 1988. In statement after statement, the BJP


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accused the Left of trying to sabotage opposition as a party with a difference. At the national execu-
unity and of being closet supporters of the Con- tive meeting in Ahmedabad in October 1988, the
gress (I). V.P. Singhs comment at this stage that main theme was “opposition credibility is more im-
leftists were his “natural allies” angered the BJP but portant than opposition unity.” It decided to carry
it continued its efforts to be part of the opposition out its independent election preparations and
combine. At the national executive meeting in identified Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal
Jodhpur from October 10-18, 1987, the entire focus Pradesh and Delhi as its strongholds. It asked its
was on the Left’s attempts to keep the BJP out of a workers to start preparing for elections and be
joint opposition front. The BJP accused the CPI(M) ready for the bitter bargaining for seats in the seat
of diverting the country’s attention from corruption adjustment talks which would become inevitable as
to communalism to help the Congress (I). The na- elections drew near. The BJP knew that despite the
tional executive meeting at Cochin (January 1-3, pressures of the Left, the National Front could not
1988) again focused on the Indian communists’ afford to refuse adjustments with the BJP in its
“record of betrayal” to national causes and the need strongholds.
to stop them from hijacking the V.P. Singh-led While the BJP leadership was busy wooing the
movement. The party’s plenary session at Agra in opposition and refraining from commenting on
April 1988 debated whether to accept V.P. Singh as Ramjanmabhumi, the RSS and VHP were ferment-
leader or concentrate on independent activity. It ing communal passions in villages and towns
kept the issue open with party leaders still keen on throughout the country. By early 1989, the BJP
being part of an opposition front and therefore re- leadership had decided to emphasize its “distinct-
maining publicly aloof from the Ramjanmabhumi ness,” confident that the grassroots work done by
campaign being carried out by the VHP. In June the RSS affiliates and the compulsions of the oppo-
1988, V.P. Singh won the by-election to Parliament sition parties to have seat adjustments with it
from the Allahabad Lok Sabha seat. Advani hailed would pay dividends in the elections. The main rea-
the result “as an important milestone which has son for this shift from 1987-88 though was the
brought cheers and hope to the people desiring continuing squabbles in the non-Left opposition. By
change of government in Delhi” (Hindustun Times, the middle of 1988, the BJP was no longer sure that
June 26, 1988). In the same round of elections, the a V.P. Singh-led combine would sweep to victory
BJP lost the by-election in the Pali constituency in and BJP leaders privately admitted that even if it
Rajasthan because of the failure of seat adjustments managed to win, the government would not last
with the Lok Dal, teaching them an important les- long and the “1989-90 election would only be an
son. Despite “grassroots” work in its strongholds, a interim election” (The Tehgruph, June 20, 1989). It
divided opposition helped the Congress (I). was this understanding that finally made the BJP
Towards the end of 1988, the BJP realized that take off the veil of moderation it had donned be-
it could not be part of an opposition front and tween 1986-1989 even after taking the decision to
started making a virtue of its isolation. At the time, go back to the RSS fold. The veil came off at the
the discussions in the non-Congress parties re- crucial national executive meeting at Palampur held
volved around three formulae of unity: merger, alli- in June 1989 when the BJP formally adopted the
ance and seat adjustments. The BJP from the outset resolution demanding that the government hand
was not keen on merger having decided to retain its over the disputed Ramjanmabhumi temple to “the
own identity. But it would have liked to be part of Hindus” and decided to forge an alliance with the
the alliance of non-Left parties which was formed rabidly communal Shiv Sena in Maharashtra. The
under the label of National Front. The Left played a BJP had thus cleverly worked at two tactics-
major role in keeping the BJP out of an opposition remaining a part of the anti-Congress opposition
front. At the time, V.P. Singh was willing to lean till the elections and yet carving out, though the
towards the Left (despite opposition from many in mass mobilization of the RSS-VHP, a base of its
his own ranks) not only because the CPI(M) led own. In the 1989 elections, the BJP was hailed as
three state governments but also to enhance his the “real winner” of the elections but the victory
overall image as the man of the masses. But despite had much to do with the anti-Congress (I) mood
the efforts of the Left, it could not succeed in com- that could be garnered because of the seat adjust-
pletely isolating the BJP. Having failed to became ments between the Janata Dal-led National Front
part of a front, the BJP leadership for the first time and BJP in the northern belt. The 1989 elections
started criticizing the rest of the opposition parties provided the launching pad for the BJP to make fur-
for their continuous bickering and portrayed itself ther gains in the months to come.


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Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East

Naked Hindutva: 1990-93 the strength at its command. The pronouncements

In the first few months of the minority V.P. of various figures from this combine indicated a
Singh government that both the BJP and the Left concerted strategy. On September 5, the VHP
parties supported from outside, the BJP tried to be- general secretary Ashok Singhal told the press in
have in a “responsible” manner and did not raise Calcutta that the BJP would definitely withdraw
contentious issues including the Ramjanma- support to the National Front government if it
bhumi/Babri Masjid question. The main reason for opposed the construction of the temple. On
this was the assembly elections in March where the September 10, the BJP all-India joint secretary
BJP managed to secure majorities on its own in two Giriraj Kishore said the same thing in
states and in coalition with the Janata Dal in Ra- Bhubaneswar. On September 9, the BJP national
jasthan and Gujarat. By then, however, the VHP- executive member Dr Jay Dubashi in a letter to
led sudhus and sunts having tasted victory by forcing Advani demanded withdrawal of support while the
the Rajiv Gandhi government to allow shilunyus at seven-member election strategy committee under
the disputed site in Ayodhya, had decided to carry S.S. Bhandari unanimously recommended that the
on the movement regardless of the BJP’s compul- Hindu card be played aggressively. On September
sions. The VHP-controlled Ramjanmabhumi Mukti 12, Advani announced to a packed press conference
Sangharsh Samiti initially announced that it would his decision to undertake a 10,000 kilometer ruth
start construction of the temple from the shilunyus yatru from Somnath in Gujarat to Ayodhya to
site in February. Atal Behari Vajpayee and Jaswant mobilize mass support against the “pseudo-secular-
Singh, two leaders who still sported the “moderate” ism” of all other political parties and in support of
label, issued an appeal urging them not to take a building the temple where the Babri Masjid stood.
confrontationist posture in view of the deteriorat- The ruth yutru demolished any dividing line that
ing situation in Kashmir. The VHP, after talks with may have still existed between the BJP as a separate
the prime minister, decided to give the government political entity and the RSS and VHP wedded to the
four months to work out a solution. project of destroying secular India and replacing it
But, as the bickering within the Janata Dal gov- with a fascistic Hindu rushtru. The ruth yutru, as the
ernment became more intense, the BJP started dis- timing shows, was a direct response to the Mandal
tancing itself from the government and allied itself decision which threatened the very basis of the
more closely with the Ramjanmabhumi agitation. Hindutvu project. The upper castes and urban mid-
In June, the VHP announced its plans to start tem- dle classes who formed the core of the BJP base
ple construction from October 30, 1990 and Advani were angered by the party’s equivocal stand on the
in an interview to the RSS mouthpiece Punchjanyu Mandal issue. But at a more basic level, caste con-
warned of the “biggest mass movement in history” flict was anathema to the RSS. Right from its in-
if the government adopted a confrontationist atti- ception in 1925, the RSS has sought to gloss over
tude towards the kur sevuks of the VHP. At the na- the deep intra-Hindu conflicts that threaten its up-
tional executive meeting in Madras in July 1990, per caste base by marking out the Muslim as the
the BJP leadership asked its members to prepare for other, the enemy. The entire Ramjanmabhumi
a snap poll. movement acquired a new urgency followed the
But the real provocation that made the BJP Mandal decision and the rising consciousness
wholly immerse itself in the Ramjanmabhumi issue among the Dalits and backward castes that was
was V.P. Singh’s decision to implement the Mandal slowly gaining ground.
Commission recommendations, reserving 27 per- The air-conditioned DCM Toyota converted
cent of government jobs for the backward castes. into a tacky celluloid-inspired ruth and sporting the
Though it cautiously welcomed the decision and BJP’s election symbol of a lotus was the most bra-
only asked for the inclusion of the economic zen mixing of religion and politics that India has
criteria, the party’s rank and file were virulently ever seen. It was a turning point not only for the
opposed to it. A BJP Member of Parliament, Dr J.K. BJP and the Hindutvu forces, but for India’s polity
Jain, went on a hunger strike to protest the Mandal as a whole. From the BJP’s point of view, the ruth
decision and despite censure from Atal Behari yutru was a stupendous success. It transformed Ad-
Vajpayee continued the fast with the backing of the vani from a sober politician into a mass leader, ca-
RSS. By September 1990, when the anti-reservation pable of involving passion and frenzy. Thousands of
movement led by upper caste students was setting men and women in the villages and small towns of
the country aflame, the entire RSS combine decided north India lined the roads to see the ruth and
to unleash the Ramjanmabhumi movement with all seemed wonder-struck at this new avatar of an


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Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East

avenging Lord Ram. But the most vociferous and and the brawn, it was Advani who gave a face to the
visible section throughout the route of the ruth movement. The decision of the BJP openly to asso-
yatra were the youth, sporting saffron scarves and ciate itself with the Ramjanmabhumi campaign
headbands, carrying trishuls and letting out wild from the rath yatra onwards has a curious dialec-
shrieks of “Jai Shri Ram” and assorted slogans di- tic-it gave the whole Hindutva campaign a certain
rected against the Muslim minority. It was these legitimacy while at the same time robbing the BJP
militant, frenzied and fanatical boys and men who of its own legitimacy as a political party. This di-
formed the Bajrang Dal squads in the guise of kar chotomy continues to operate today. Till the ruth
sevaks who attacked the Babri Masjid first on Octo- yatra, the Hindutva forces despite their spread re-
ber 50, 1990 and finally pulled it down on Decem- mained essentially a fringe phenomenon, an ille-
ber 6, 1992. gitimate attempt to subvert the secular state. But
The groundwork for the success of the ruth yatra once the BJP president, a respected member of Par-
had been done by the RSS and VHP. For over five liament and still a crucial ally of the government of
decades, the RSS and its numerous affiliates have India in New Delhi, headed the campaign, it ceased
operated extensively in civil society and quietly (in the eyes of large sections of the people) to be an
spread their tentacles in large parts of the country. illegal, anti-democratic, anti-constitutional move-
In the guise of “cultural” and “character-building’’ ment. This crucial legitimacy bestowed by the BJP
work, the RSS has managed to spread its ideology and Advani upon the movement was in turn bol-
to the extent of making it part of the common sense stered by the legitimacy lent to the party by the
of the urban and semi-urban lower middle and ruling establishment.
middle classes. But the years 1988-90 were specially Nowhere was this more evident than during the
significant. As mentioned earlier, the growing sense historic Lok Sabha debate on November 7, 1990
of a pervasive crisis was making the RSS appeal, when V.P. Singh sought a vote of confidence and
with its macho Hindutva, much more attractive. the fundamental issue of secularism was debated.
The RSS succeeded in using this ideological advan- On October 23, Advani was arrested by the Laloo
tage through organizational expansion. In 1989, the Prasad Yadav government in Bihar leading to the
RSS celebrated the birth centenary of its founder, BJP’s withdrawal of support from the National
Keshavrao Baliram Hedgewar, throughout the Front government and its subsequent fall. During
country. Though no official figures were main- the November 7 debate, Lal Krishna Advani who
tained, the RSS estimated that it reached around had, for the first time in Indian history, brought
200,000 villages during the course of the year. RSS down an elected government by pitting his version
activists were also the main force behind the VHP’s of religion against the Indian state, on an issue
ram shila campaign, the worship of bricks at the lo- which had not been part of the understanding with
cal level before dispatching them to Ayodhya for the Janata Dal at any stage before or after the 1989
the building of the temple. According to VHP fig- election, was not held responsible for this betrayal.
ures, shih pujas took place in 297,705 places and Instead, he received a hero’s ovation not just from
close to 110 million people participated. The money his “Jai Shri Ram” chanting partymen but even
collected through the sale of coupons, priced at Rs from members of the Congress(1) and the breaka-
1.25, Rs 5, and Rs 10 amounted to Rs. 82,951,000. way Janata Dal which was to form the rump
The RSS activists vastly increased the “contact Chandra Shekhar government. The two main
places” (a contact place is any area where one or speakers of the day, Rajiv Gandhi and Chandra
two swayamsevaks managed to spread propaganda, Shekhar, trained their guns on V.P. Singh and there
increase people’s awareness and sympathy) during was not a word of condemnation for the irreparable
the course of these two campaigns and sought to damage inflicted by the BJP on India’s secular re-
consolidate these gains by converting the contact public. In their eagerness to get rid of V.P. Singh,
places into shakhas, the new-found sympathizers they relieved the BJP of the onus of spearheading
into full-fledged activists. It was these RSS activists the most reactionary onslaught on the nation’s
and newly converted sympathizers (more of whom secularism and democracy.
joined the Bajrang Dal than the more disciplined The attitude of the ruling establishment in Par-
RSS) who were so visible throughout Advani’s rath liament found an echo outside: Advani was feted by
yatra. big businessmen in Calcutta and elsewhere. The re-
But it would be incorrect to see the ruth yatra ception he received from the elite, prompted as it
simply as an extension of the RSS-VHP influence. was by a subliminal fear of “mandalization,” em-
While the RSS/VHP may have provided the body boldened the BJP to become more and more ag-


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Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East

gressive. Visiting Ayodhya on November 19, Ad- had Rajiv Gandhi not been assassinated in the
vani said neither the paramilitary forces nor the midst of the elections, the BJP might well have in-
government “could guarantee the security of Mus- creased its tally beyond 119 seats. The BJP’s real
lims. They would be secure only in a Hindu society gain was the victory in Uttar Pradesh, electorally
and a Hindu Raj” (Times of India, November 20, the most crucial state, but it was a double-edged
1990). Oblivious of the frenzy and hatred and victory.
bloody riots that the Ramjanmabhumi campaign From the time it adopted the Palampur resolu-
was evoking, Advani continued to maintain that his tion in 1989, the BJP was interested in using the
was a political mission to renew a waning Ramjanmabhumi agitation as a means of mass
“nationalism.” In an interview after the ruth yatra, mobilization to attain political power. The RSS-
Advani dismissed as peripheral the belligerence of BJP-VHP leadership, it would appear, saw a parallel
the youth filled with anti-Muslim hatred that had between the denouement of the agitation and inch-
been such a central aspect of his rathyatra. He said, ing towards power at the Center. Just as the agita-
“In such a big mass movement, if you highlight tion was a step-by-step build-up, from the opening
these stray aspects, you are not doing justice to the of the gates, the shilanyas, the construction of the
movement. I regard it as most significant that in outer gates, etc., towards the ultimate demolition of
Ayodhya itself, no one touched the other 35 the mosque and the building of the temple, the was a situation where lakhs of peo- BJP’s electoral gains would be a gradual accretion
ple, very passionate, very devoted, very committed till it gained power at the Center. The 1989 election
to the cause, descend on one small town and noth- was the first stage in that scenario. However, the
ing happens. What does it show-that basically victory in Uttar Pradesh upset this scheme. It
there is no anti-Muslim mood, there is no anti- meant that the BJP could no longer be a purely agi-
mosque mood” (The Telegraph, February 14, 1991). tational force pressuring the government to take
Advani also maintained at the time that if he had steps to hand over the site to the Ramjanmabhumi
been allowed to reach Ayodhya on October SO, the nyas. The BJP was in a position where it had to fur-
kar sevaks would not have touched the Babri Masjid ther the movement not through agitation but by
or planted the saffron flag. Less than two years governmental intervention. The fact that it won in
later on December 6, 1992, the Babri Masjid was Lucknow but not in New Delhi eventually proved
demolished in the presence of a galaxy of RSS, VHP to be the party’s biggest disadvantage. More impor-
and BJP leaders including L.K. Advani. tant, having unleashed a mass movement, the RSS-
Having taken the decision to plunge fully into BJP leadership could no longer retain complete
the movement, there was no going back for the control of it. They were not able to dictate the pace
BJP. In March 199 1, Advani undertook a j a n jaga- of the movement which had acquired an autono-
ran abhzjan in Bihar and eastern Uttar Pradesh to mous momentum by the entry of non-VHP sadhus
mobilize people to attend the VHP’s Boat Club rally at the apex level and the influx of non-RSS cadres
on April 4. Again, the same scenes of frenzy and ha- at the mass level. It is significant that after the 1991
tred were in evidence everywhere as the kasbas of general elections, the BJP did not conduct any
Uttar Pradesh, the crucial link between the rural movement at the mass level on the Ramjanma-
hinterland and the townships, became saffron bhumi issue. It even refused to enter into direct
strongholds. In the climate of drift that was the talks with the Narasimha Rao government on the
hallmark of the Chandra Shekhar regime, the Hin- plea that it was a subject being handled by the sadhu
dutva forces gained further strength. The April 4 samaj. The Hindu religious establishment (insofar
rally where the BJP top brass shared the dais with as the VHP-led but not controlled movement can
an assortment of sants and sadhus including the be termed as such) were not willing to subordinate
shrill Sadhvi Rithambara marked yet another step their movement to the larger political interest of
in the BJP’s by-now-complete identification with the BJP. Though the BJP tried to leave its own im-
the Hindutva project. The general elections of 1991 print upon the movement (by focusing on “pseudo-
were fought by the RSS-VHP-BJP as a combined secularism,” “minorityism,” etc.), it failed to modu-
entity with Rithambara’s venomous speeches late, direct or control it. But having taken the
forming a key feature of the campaign. Given the plunge and become for all purposes a single-issue
steady erosion of the Congress(I), for long the natu- party, the BJP had no choice but to go along with
ral party of the ruling class, and the divisions it. While the Uttar Pradesh government had to
among the opposition parties, the success of the concede more and more ground in Ayodhya, the
BJP in the elections was only to be expected. In fact other three state governments also had to sacrifice


Published by Duke University Press

Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East

the role of governance to the dictates of a mass ment. At every stage of the Ramjanmabhumi agita-
movement. On December 6, 1992 when thousands tion, the government of India compromised and
of kar sevaks descended on Ayodhya, the leaders had helped it along. It was behind the opening of the
long surrendered all capacity to lead. locks to the Babri mosque complex, it allowed the
After the demolition of the Babri Masjid and the shilanyas, it allowed the periodic kar seva, it stood
dismissal of BJP-led state governments, the BJP en- aside to allow the demolition and finally allowed
tered a state of drift. Its attempts at mobilizing the rebuilding of a makeshift temple at the site thus
public opinion against the bill to separate religion legitimizing the entire movement including the
from politics failed to make headway. The party’s demolition.
state units, carried away by the leadership’s total Barring the farcical arrests of a handful of lead-
obsession with the Ayodhya issue, had neglected ers and an equally farcical ban on the VHP, the
the functioning of the state governments. At a more government failed to take any action against those
basic level, the BJP had failed to produce policies who demolished the mosque or those who went on
that could address the deep malaise in the socio- a killing spree. This is in sharp contrast to the bru-
economic system. In its strongholds, the BJP only tal use of state power unleashed time and again to
managed to be a tactical alternative to the Con- crush ethnic, regional, caste/class and minority
gress(I), capitalizing on the people’s anger with the community challenges to the Indian state. The cen-
incumbent government. But on coming to power, it tral government’s attitude cannot be seen in isola-
had nothing to offer that could address the underly- tion. Important sections of the establishment have
ing causes of the discontent. Following the demoli- displayed a certain softness towards the Hindutva
tion of the Babri Masjid, it had no potent symbol to forces. This is revealed by the spate of senior retired
rally the people around. Bereft of a theme that could military men and bureaucrats joining the BJP, the
gloss over its lack of governance or bridge intra- pronouncements of sections of the judiciary, and the
Hindu differences that were once again coming to role played by the police and administration at the
the fore, the BJP failed to get a majority in all the height of the movement in Uttar Pradesh. By
four state governments it had ruled before the championing the cause of the “Hindu majority,” the
demolition of the Babri Masjid. BJP has automatically acquired the mantle of being
“nationalist” even if terrorist methods are employed
An Uncertain Future
to further this brand of nationalism. The BJP lead-
The November 1993 verdict has been the big-
ers, by virtue of belonging to the dominant
gest setback since the BJP decided to carve out a
caste/class, are much more acceptable to the estab-
distinct identity and support base in 1986. It has
lishment and make full use of this.
shown that the BJP cannot be trusted with govern-
The rapid gains made by the BJP in the 1989-91
ance, that the RSS ideology has failed to make
period were also a result of the new social forces
lasting inroads beyond a certain caste/class periph-
that the party managed to attract. It is myopic to
ery and that its organizational discipline cannot
see the BJP, like its predecessor the Jana Sangh, as
stand up to the exigencies of bourgeois parliamen-
primarily a party of petty traders. The backbone of
tary politics. The BJP, for the moment, has reached
the BJP has been the newly emerging middle class
a plateau and is still in the process of coming to
in the small towns mushrooming all across the
terms with its defeat and its consequences. But is it
country. This class includes the petty shopkeeper,
a plateau from whkre it will descend or can it once
the local college and school teacher, the provincial
more serve as a base camp for a renewed and suc-
civil service officer, the district court lawyer, the
cessful assertion of Hindutva? While it is difficult to
licensed medical practitioner. This class by nature
predict the future path it takes, any underestimation
is insecure-jealous of the cosmopolitan English-
of the capacity of the Hindutva forces would be ex-
speaking elite and fearful of a mass upsurge from
tremely facile.
below which could radically alter the status quo. It is
As the above article has shown, the BJP has been
this class whose chronic insecurity can be manipu-
very adept at combining its status as a political
lated by right wing forces that provided the base
party within a functioning quasi-liberal democracy
for the R W B J P . The numerical expansion of this
with its role in a wider extra-parliamentary and ex-
class in the decade of the eighties increased the
tra-constitutional mass movement that threatens
BJP’s support base in a big way. But in addition to
this very democracy. But the BJP’s flexibility is not
this class, there were two important accretions to
so much its special attribute as a reflection of the
the BJP’s base. For the first time, sections of the
changing impulses within India’s ruling establish-
cosmopolitan, largely English-speaking and privi-


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Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East

leged elite were impressed by the “sophistication” of immediate reaction from a powerful section in the
Advani and saw substance in his campaign against party after the November verdict was to
“pseudo-secularism.” These sections may not have “mandalise” Hindutva-i.e., coopt the backward
been numerically significant but exert a dispropor- castes into their fold. But this is difficult to imple-
tionate influence in the making of public opinion. ment and has already led to differences within the
But much more important was a big swathe of BJP-RSS. For one, the BJP remains at heart a status
the rural mass who were moved by the religious quo party which is incapable of carrying out radical
appeal of the Ramjanmabhumi campaign. Advani changes to empower the Dalits and backwards. The
himself spelt out the difference between the varying second reason is the inherent contradiction between
responses his rathyatra evoked. In an interview, he its upper caste base and the new seekers of power.
said, “I used to watch the people who came to see Only in moments of extreme communal polariza-
the rath. I used to tell Pramod (Mahajan): watch tion can the BJP hope to override the caste contra-
them-the elderly people, there is a piety and re- dictions within Hindu society.
ligiosity in their eyes. And in the 40 and below If the pattern followed by the BJP in the past 14
group, there is a sense of elation, that pent-up feel- years of its existence is any indication, it will once
ing that I was ignored for so long, at least there is again resort to a two-track policy. It will try to op-
someone speaking for me now. So there is a relig- erate as a normal political party-taking up specific
ious Hindu and a political Hindu” (Times of India, issues against government policies, inching its way
November 20, 1990). back towards a larger opposition fold, cooperating
The “religious Hindu” remained with the BJP closely with the establishment on “national” issues
for the duration of the Ramjanmabhumi campaign (such as Kashmir). At the same time, the BJP is un-
and appears to have deserted the party following likely to risk distancing itself from the RSS. In the
the demolition of the Babri Masjid. The “political present fluid situation in the country, it would be
Hindu,” or the class of people who came to the BJP premature to write off the immense potential the
because of the sense of insecurity accentuated by Hindutva forces still possess and the BJP is aware of
the Mandal decision, is a shifting base. The new this. The Hindutva forces thrive in a situation of
economic reforms of the Narasimha Rao govern- growing crisis. The economic policies of the gov-
ment have, for the moment, given a sense of unlim- ernment are bound, sooner or later, to result in a
ited opportunity to sections of the middle class and many-sided crisis. If the left and secular forces fail
petty trading and entrepreneurial class. The back- to channelize this discontent, the Hindutva forces
ward castes and Dalits are being politicized to a aided by the ruling establishment may once again
point where they can see through the inherent up- be pushed to the forefront. The BJP will again find
per caste bias of the Hindutva forces. The Hindutva its own voice in the political arena and Parliament.
base, for the moment, is shrinking. But the Hin- The future course of the BJP thus depends on the
dutva movement has not run its course. The BJP degree and nature of the impending crisis.
has to operate within this contradictory parameter.
Unlike the RSS or VHP the BJP has to survive 1. For details on this period, see Walter K . Andersen and
as a political entity and therefore needs to fashion Shridhar D. Darnle, The Brothrhood in Sufron, Boulder, CO:
its politics to shifting mass moods. Therefore, the Westview Press, 1987.


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