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Satuita, Renth Krystel M.

EDFD 201 - A

M.Ed. – Biology October 8, 2022

Reflection Paper #3: The Power of Education; Intro to Philo; Metaphysics; Epistemology
I. Summary of discussion

This week’s discussion focuses on the book of Colin Power entitled “The Power of Education”, Introduction to
Philosophy, Metaphysics and Epistemology. The book of Colin Power expresses how education transform the lives of the
Indian people and its community. The girls and the mothers in their tiny village are being empowered by an education program
that is important to them. He pointed out how education creates a “quite revolution” that is slowly moving yet definitely
gathering momentum. He also pointed out factors that can amplify the power of education. Teachers, schools and communities
greatly amplify the power of education.

Since teachers are one of the factors that contribute to the education quality, it is important for us to broaden our
philosophical foundation for us also to have a concrete and solid philosophy of education. Philosophy is the love of wisdom.
It guides us teachers about the purpose, aim and for whom do education belongs. Liberation is a pre-requisite for critical
thinking. If we always cling to our old views, we will not achieve to be critical thinkers. In order to deepen our understanding
of Philosophy we study the structure of Philosophy. We study metaphysics and epistemology. Metaphysics studies the ultimate
nature of reality or existence and the Theory of Reality. The three subsets of Metaphysics are Cosmology, Theology and
Ontology. Cosmology is the study about the origin, nature and development of the universe as orderly system. It asks the
questions how the universe originated, did it come about by accident and does its existence have any purpose. Theology talks
about the conceptions of and about God. It asks the question whether God exist, how many Gods are there and question the
existence of evil despite the existence of God. Ontology is the study of the nature of existence, or what it means to for anything
to exist. The education has four pillars for holistic development which includes learning to know, learning to do, learning to
be, and learning to live together.

The last topic we discussed was Epistemology. Epistemology is the study of knowledge, and it attempts to provide a
rational account of knowledge. The seven branches of Epistemology are essentialism, perennialism, progressivism,
empiricism, idealism, rationalism and constructivism. Essentialism focuses on Intellectual disciplines; perennialism talks about
that learning is never ending; progressivism focuses on learning by doing; empiricism talks about knowledge is derived from
experiences; idealism emphasizes the importance of mind, soul and spirit; rationalism emphasizes that knowledge is based on
the use of reason or logic; lastly constructivism focuses on learners should construct knowledge. The ultimate aim of education
is to use knowledge, skills and attitudes effectively and ethically.

II. How can these learnings be applied to your classes?

As a teacher we should help our students create a “Perfect Filipino Society”. We should instill in their
minds that they are sent to school not just to read and write but also to read the world. The world today
specifically the Philippines is in need to individuals/ citizens that are sensitive enough to feel and see the
needs of the nation.
By studying the different branches of Philosophy, we will/ can create our own Philosophy of education that
will serve as our foundation to continue learning and to become better teachers. A teacher that creates an
impact to the lives of their students.

By studying metaphysics, we will be able to identify and understand reality. We will then be able to slowly
realize students have their own versions of reality that are on their plates that sometimes hinders then to
grasps and appreciate “education”. Through revisiting the four pillars of education, we will then be able to
design activities will help our students be more participative but most of all be able to read the world as
they climb to the education ladder.

III. Conclusion on the topic discussed and your role as an educator.

A teacher is indeed an indispensable character in the success of our education system. That is why we teachers have the
responsibility to contribute. Our greater task is to emancipate and liberate our students to help them not only learn to read and
write but also to read the world. Having known this, as a new teacher in the Department of Education I realized that I am
entering a tricky and demanding path yet a path worth taking. Yes, in my 1 month of service, I am slowly getting the picture.
The responsibilities are getting heavier every single day. I am very idealistic about teaching, yet my goals and expectations
are not always met. Yet, I am also looking forward to the day that students will realize the value of education and its impact
to their lives.

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