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The plot device he used in his essay was flashback.

We can see that he used it in

the narrative of his essay to recount the event that happened to him, example is
"This part of Marikina is not quite the same as the swanky part of Ortigas we
inhabited for five years." as he remembered where they live before and said that
there was no difference in the two houses they lived in before.

In his short story, he used flashback as a plot device. We can see that he
employed it in the story’s narrative to describe the incident that happened to
him, as in the quote, "This part of Marikina is not quite the same as the swanky
part of Ortigas we inhabited for five years." He was recounting their previous
house and implying that there was no difference between the two homes they
occupied at the time.

The literary device he used in his short story is simile, we can see where he
compares their house to their old house, "In my eyes the Marikina house is an
attempt to return to the successful Green meadows plan". Another literary device
that he used is exposition, the story opened with the introduction of what he was
doing and where he was. He and his family moved in to their new house depicting
that the house is greatly unfinished yet which seems to be bruisingly clear on
their first night. Having no electricity yet and mosquitoes that keeps bugging them
through the night.

He used simile as a literary device in his short story, as seen by his statement that
"In my perspective, the Marikina house is an attempt to return to the successful
Green meadows plan" when comparing it to their previous home. He also
employed exposition; the opening of the story included a description of his
surroundings and what he was doing. On their first night in their new home, it
was painfully obvious that he and his family had just moved into a house that was
still very much under construction. Mosquitoes that bother them throughout the
night and the lack of electricity they currently have.

He used simile as a literary device in his short story, as seen by his statement that
"In my eyes, the Marikina house is an attempt to return to the successful Green
meadows plan" when comparing it to their previous home. Exposition is another
literary device he used to illustrate the setting and what the character is doing, as
we can see in the essay's background. It was obvious that he and his family had
just moved into a house that was still under construction on their first night along
with the mosquitoes that bother them throughout the night and the lack of
electricity they currently have.

The noise – from the tricycles, the chattering on the street, the trucks hurtling down Marcos
Highway in the distance, the blaring of the loudspeaker at our street corner put there by eager-
beaver baranggay officials

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