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CAMOMOT Date: September 20 2022

Year & Section: BSSW 3B Instructor: Vanessa Mae Dilag Llenares


I.        Lesson Overview
 A. Introduction
What does it mean to be a male or a female, to be feminine or masculine, or to be man or woman? The human mind
and body are so complex such that to answer this question, we have to trace our journey from the moment we were
born, and go back to the journey we humans have across the life span. First thing you need to understand is the
complexities of defining and differentiating sex, gender, and sexuality.

B. General Objectives:
1. Differentiate sex, gender, and sexuality
2. Discuss the implication of these differences
3. Contemplate about your own sexuality and on the importance of appreciating sexual diversity

II. Discussion/Activity/Processing
A. Activity #1: Define the following terms (research)

1. SEX- Sex refers to physical or physiological differences between males and females, including both primary
sex characteristics (the reproductive system) and secondary characteristics such as height and muscularity.
2. GENDER- Gender is a term that refers to social or cultural distinctions and roles associated with being
male or female.
3. SEXUALITY- refers to a person’s capacity for sexual feelings and their emotional and sexual attraction to a
particular sex (male or female). Sexuality or sexual orientation is typically divided into four categories:
heterosexuality, the attraction to individuals of the opposite sex; homosexuality, the attraction to individuals
of one’s own sex; bisexuality, the attraction to individuals of either sex; and asexuality, no attraction to
either sex
B.Activity #2: CONTEMPLATE: Let us think about how gender is portrayed in your community. List down as many words or
phrases used to (a) identify and (b) describe the following genders.


Athlethic Affectionate Afraid
Attractive Artistic Empowerment
Breadwinner Beautiful Equality
Dependable Brave Flexible
Handsome Dramatic Freedom
Hardworking Feminine LGBTQIA+
Masculine Organized Rebellious
Protective Perfectionist Romantic attraction
Strong Sweet Same gender
Tall Unique Vulnerable

C. Activity #3 COMMUNICATE. On your own, reflect on the following questions: Find a classmate whom you are
comfortable to discuss your thoughts. Share your ideas with him/her. Send a screenshot or any evidence of your
1.How can you describe your discovery of your sexuality, your sense of being male or female ?
 My family treated me like a female, and I can claim that I am a girl in terms of my physical appearance and
the way my parents clothe me. These factors have shaped and molded my perception of myself as a girl, and
I will act like a girl in my own way at some point.
2. How does your being a male or female influence your family’s and peer’s expectation from you?
 For me, the expectations of my peers and family as a female influence me which the conversations I have
with and observations I make of my family help a lot to me. As a girl, you are typically expected to dress
modestly, perform housework, and serve as the mother's right hand in all matters since, in the fact that, you
will become a mother in the future. Peers' expectations can also help you figure out who you are by letting
you know that they count on you to be genuine and free to express your interests, ideas, and opinions


A.Answer Activity #1 definition of terms
B. Answer Activity #2
C. Activity #3 evidence of your conversation with your classmate/friend

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