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Praise and gratitude to the presence of God Almighty

who has given His grace and gift, the author was able to
complete this research paper that I compiled with the
title "Early Marriage". With the completion of this paper,
the author hopes that the paper that I have compiled will
provide useful and useful knowledge for the readers.
The author realizes that this thesis still has many
shortcomings. Therefore, all suggestions and
constructive criticism are hoped for by the author for
future progress. The author hopes that the authors of
this research paper assignment can benefit from the

Table of contents


Table of contents

Chapter I introduction

A. Backgroud

B. Formulation of the problem

C. Writing purpose

D. The benefits of writing

Chapter II discussion

A.fackors that cause early marriage

B. Positive and negative impact of early


C. Islamic views on really marriage

Chapter III Closing

A. Conclusion

B. Suggestion

A. Backround

• Early marriage has happened a lot from the past until now. Most of the perpetrators of
these early marriages are village youths who have a low level of education. Village youth are mostly
ashamed to get married at the age of 20 years and over. The assumption is that village youth are
more likely to marry at a young age because there is an assumption or myth that women aged 20
years and over have not

• married means “Old Virgin”. The basic problem of a child

• For women, when she enters adulthood, many parents want their children not to be
spinsters. Being a spinster for most people is considered a form of deficiency that occurs in women.
For this reason, in the shadow of unreasonable fear, many parents marry off their children at a
young age. This condition causes the perception that rural youth will marry earlier than urban
adolescents. These assumptions arise due to a lack of knowledge from the community about the
importance of education for adolescents. Early marriage will have an impact on the quality of
children, families, family harmony and divorce. Because at that time, the adolescent ego was still
high. Judging from the educational aspect, the majority of teenagers in Dusun Nglamuk graduated
from Junior High School (SMP) and Senior High School (SMA). Most of them do not continue to a
higher level, due to socio-cultural factors and the average level of education of their parents is also
low, so they do not support their children to continue their education to a higher level.

B. Formuation of the problem

Problem Formulation

Based on the above background, the writer formulates the problem as

C. Writing purpose

1. What are the factors that cause someone to marry early?

2. What are the positive and negative impacts of early marriage?

3. What is the view of Islam towards early marriage?

C.writing purpose

1. to better know the cause of someone doing early marriage

2. to better know the positive and negative impacts of early marriage 3. to know more about how
the Islamic religion views marriage

D. The benefits of writing

1. Benefits for writers

Witha the assignment of this paper, the author understands and knows more about making good
and correct papers, and adds insight into early marriage and the impact it causes.

2. Teenagers

By knowing more and understanding about the impact caused by early marriage, it is also hoped that
it can reduce the number of early marriages among teenagers.

3. Society

With this paper, the public can better understand, know and be aware of the impacts caused by
early marriage.


A. Factors Causing Early Marriage

According to RT. Akhmad Jayadiningrat, the main causes of early marriage are:

a. The desire to immediately get additional family members

b. There is no understanding about the bad consequences of marriage too young, both for the bride
and groom themselves and their offspring.

c. The old-fashioned nature of the Javanese who do not want to deviate from customary provisions.
Most villagers say that they marry off their children so young simply because they follow custom.

The occurrence of marriage at a young age according to Hollcan in Suryono is caused by:

a. Family economic problems

b. The parents of the girl ask the community to the male family if they want to marry off their
c. That with the marriage of these children, the girl's family will reduce one member of her family
who becomes the responsibility (food, clothing, education, and so on) (Sockanto, 1992: 05).

Apart from the experts above, there are several factors that encourage the occurrence of young
marriages that are often found in our society, namely: a. Economy

Marriage at a young age occurs because of the condition of the family living in the poverty line, to
ease the burden on their parents, their daughter is married to someone who is considered capable.
a. Education

The low level of education and knowledge of parents, children and the community, causes a
tendency to marry off their children

who are underage. b. Parental factor Parents are worried that they will be disgraced because their
daughter is dating a man who is very clingy, so she immediately marries her son.

B. Positive and Negative Impacts of Early Marriage

a. Positive impact

Emotional support: With emotional support, you can train emotional and spiritual intelligence in
each partner (ESQ).

Financial support By getting married at an early age can ease the economic burden to be more

More freedom: Being away from home gives them the freedom to do what they choose to live their
lives financially and emotionally.

Learn to take responsibility at an early age: Many young people have little responsibility before
marriage because their parents have them, here they have to be able to manage their affairs without
depending on their parents. Free from immoral acts such as adultery and others.

b. Negative impact

In terms of education: As we all know, that someone who gets married, especially at a young age,
will certainly have various impacts, especially in the world of education. It can be taken as an
example, if someone who got married when he just graduated from junior high or high school. Of
course, his desire to continue school again or pursue higher education will not be achieved. This can
happen because a person's learning motivation will begin to slacken because of the many tasks they
have to do after marriage. In other words, early marriage can hinder the process of education and

A. Islamic views on early marriage

Islamic law in general includes five principles, namely the protection of religion, life, lineage,
property, and reason. Of the five universal values of Islam, one of them is the religion of maintaining
the line of descent (hifdzu al nasl). Therefore, Sheikh Ibrahim in his book al Bajuri said that in order
for the lineage to be maintained, sexual relations that get religious legality must go through
marriage. If religion did not stipulate marriage, the genealogy (lineage) would be increasingly


A. Conclusion

Early marriage is a marriage carried out under the age of According to the BKKBN, a healthy age
marriage has been determined, namely women who marry for the first time under the age of 20
years and men under the age of 25 years at their first marriage. This determination is related to the
reproductive health of ANDALAS UNIVERSITY. Based on reproductive health, pregnancy under 20
years of age for women will have many risks because the condition of the uterus and pelvis has not
been developed optimally.

B. Suggestion

The number of incidents of early marriage should be the mother or parent being a role model for
children and protecting children from the practice of early marriage. ANDALAS UNIVERSITY provides
advice and descriptions of how married life must be faced in the future so as not to experience what
they are going through.

As the next generation of the nation, young people should be enthusiastic about learning and taking
the highest level of education. Avoiding the bad influence of the environment in order to avoid the
practice of early marriage and think about and prepare carefully before getting married so that later
there will be no regrets

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