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Poster Making Contest

“International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development”

Guidelines and Mechanics

1. Open to all Grades 11 and 12 students of ACLC.

2. The poster must be original.
3. The poster must be related with the theme and must not contain any malicious
and offensive content.
4. The contestants should use ¼ size illustration board. Any brand of oil pastel colors
or crayons is allowed.
5. Contestants should be at the contest proper 5 minutes before the schedule.
6. The contestant’s final piece must be submitted on the day of contest proper.
7. The participants’ final output will be judged according to the following criteria:
a. Relevance to the theme 30%
b. Originality 25%
c. Creativity 30%
d. Over-all impact 15%
7. Late submission of final piece will not be accepted.
8. The decision of the panel of judges is final and irrevocable.
9. Announcement of winner will be on October 28- morning.

Note: Double entry is not allowed.

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