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‫السالم عليكم‬

‫دى تجميعة الحاجات والمحتاجات‬

‫اللى ان شاء هللا ماحدش يتسال فيها‬

‫بس دكتور احمد صالح اقترح اننا نجمعها فى دوكيومنت‬


‫فى دكاتره زميلنا جمعو الحاجات دى‬

‫دكتور محمد ثابت‬

3 bonneys

clamp ......for hemostasis in myomectomy

operation .....for posterior wall myomectomy

...test ....for urinary incontinence

3 youssef

test .......for hidden urinary incontinence

theory .....of hyperemesis due to HCG sensitivity??

syndrome vesicouterine fistula (haematuria, amenorrohea, urinary

incontinence )

3 naegels

naegles calculate EDD

obliqity ..... = asynclatism

pelvis ...... The ala of the sacrum on one side is normal while the other ala may be
lacking or imperfectly developed.

3 pinard

test ..for CPD

bringing leg down in breech extraction


‫دكتوره هبه أسامه‬

5 sim's ...

sim's position ...

sim's speculum...

.sim's operation...

sim's huhner test.....

semm's endocoagulator


‫دكتور محمد طارق‬

‫جمع الحاجات بتاعة‬

foly's catheter

patients who are anesthesized or sedated for surgery or other medical care

On comatose patients

On some incontinent patients

On patients whose prostate is enlarged to the point that urine flow from the
bladder is cut off. The catheter is kept until the problem is resolved.

On patients with acute urinary retention.

On patients who are unable due to paralysis or physical injury to use either
standard toilet facilities or urinals.

Following urethral surgeries

Following ureterectomy

To ripen the cervix during induction of labor

On patients with kidney disease whose urine output must be constantly and
accurately measured


‫حاجات طولها اربعه سم‬



base of the empty bladder

symphysis pubis

...cervix during pregnancy


Mohamed Mostafa

3 halban

<sign in adenomyosis

<theory in endometriosis

<syndrom corpus leoteum cyst]

< fascia between vagina and bladder wall....Aya Al Safi


Mohamed Mostafa

5 sampson

<artery branch from ov.a

‫‪<sampson pain end. Carcinoma‬‬

‫‪<theory endometriosis‬‬

‫‪<forceps short straight‬‬

‫)‪<mesh fakrha :‬‬


‫‪Ahmed Gamal‬‬

‫‪<Cullen sign in sub-acute ectopic pregnancy ,‬‬

‫‪<Cullen diverticular theory of adenomyosis‬‬

‫‪ ‬‬

‫اللى يا دكاتره عنده بقى حاجات من دى تانى يقول بقى وان شاء هللا نزودها قى الدوكيومنت‬

‫وكمان لو انا عينى نسيت تنقل حاجه معلش اللى يشوفها وهو ماشى كده يوبقى يحطها هنا‬

‫وبالتوفيق للجميع‬

‫وان شاء هللا ماحدش يتسال فيهم برضو‬

‫وكل االمتحانات توبقى جميله يارب علينا كلنا‬


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