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Activity Three:

A. Match the sentence in Column A and Column B based on the sentence structure

Pasangkan kalimat di kolom A dan kolom B berdasarkan kemiripan struktur bahasanya

Colomn A Column B
1. This is where evaluate your processes 1. We need to evaluate each document of
2. You will need to make sure that you report.
have the expertise to make an accurate 2. The food processing quality must be
evaluation of the hazards. assessed.
3. Once the hazard is identified and 3. That is where we can start the
evaluated the team must identify critical evaluation.
control points. 4. The staff will check each procedure
4. You will identfy the preventive measure 5. All stakeholders need to verify that each
for each critical control point. document is relevant to the case
5. Your next step is to establish criteria for 6. The next procedure is to label each
each critical control point. product with safety signal
6. You need to monitor the process at the 7. The evaluation will made up of several.
critical control point. 8. We will determine when the corrective
7. The monitoring program will be made up actions need to be done if necessary.
of physical measurement. 9. Gather all necessary documents
8. You will establish what actions need to 10. When corrective actions are conducted
be taken if a critical limit is not met. all team member should discuss the
9. The HACCP plan must be validated case.
10. 10. Adress regulatory requirements.

Answer :

Column A Column B
1 3
2 5
3 7
4 9
5 6
6 2
7 1
8 8
9 10
10 4
B. Translate sentences in Column B into Bahasa Indonesia
Terjemahkan kalimat-kalimat dalam Kolom B ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia

1. Kita perlu mengevaluasi setiap dokumen laporan

2. Kualitas pengolahan makanan harus dinilai
3. Disitulah kita bisa memulai evaluasi
4. Staf akan memeriksa setiap prosedur
5. Semua pemangku kepentingan perlu memverifikasi bahwa setiap dokumen relevan dengan
kasus tersebut
6. Prosedur selanjutnya adalah memberi label setiap produk dengan sinyal keselamatan
7. Evaluasi akan terdiri dari beberapa
8. Kami akan menentukan kapan tindakan korektif perlu dilakukan jika perlu
9. Kumpulkan semua dokumen yang diperlukan
10. Ketika tindakan korektif dilakukan, semua anggota tim harus mendiskusikan kasus ini

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