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The most popular holiday

in Great Britain is
Christmas. They celebrate
Christmas on the 25th of
December. People in
Britain see Christmas as
the major festival of the
year – an occasion for
parties, giving and
receiving gifts, eating and
drinking, and generally
having fun.
New Year's Eve is not a
public holiday. Most
people go to work as
usual. In the evening, many
English people have
parties in their homes.
Others celebrate in pubs
or clubs with their friends
and families, or attend
outdoor gatherings and
firework displays.
Bengal fire/
Bengal lights
/beŋˈɡɔːl 'faiə/
/beŋˈɡɔːl 'laits/
Candy cane
/ˈkændi keɪn/
Christmas cards
/ˈkrɪsməs kɑːd/
Christmas cracker
/ˌkrɪsməs ˈkrækə/
a tube of coloured paper that makes
a loud explosive sound when it is
pulled open by two people.
Christmas crackers usually contain a
paper hat, a small present and a joke,
and are used in Britain at Christmas
parties and meals.
Christmas decorations/
/ˌkrɪsməs ˌdekəˈreɪʃn/

/ˌkrɪsməs ˈɔːnəmənt/
tree topper
A star
An angel
A pretty bow
Imitation holly leaves and berries
A large snowflake
A Christian cross
baubles, bulbs twisted icicle foil ball

foil square mash tear drop snowflake

Christmas lights
/ˌkrɪsməs laits/

Christmas pudding
/ˌkrɪsməs ˈpʊdɪŋ/
a hot pudding (= a sweet dish)
like a dark fruit cake, traditionally
eaten in the UK at Christmas
Christmas tree
/ˈkrɪsməs triː/
Christmas tree
Если вы имеете ввиду дерево, которое растет в лесу, то тогда вам
стоит запомнить словосочетание fir tree (пихта, ель, елка), слово
spruce (ель, хвойное дерево) или слово pine tree (сосна). Но если вы
говорите именно о новогодней елке на английском языке, то знайте,
что это будет Christmas tree. Срубить настоящую елку вы можете на
Christmas tree farm. Конечно, есть еще и базары, где без проблем
можно приобрести живое дерево.

Если вы сторонник искусственных елок, то вам нужно знать

словосочетание artificial Christmas tree. А елки, украшенные
ненастоящим снегом, будут называться flocked Christmas tree. На
таких деревьях могут висеть и искусственные шишки (pine cone).
small pieces of coloured paper
that people often throw at
weddings over people who have
just been married, or (in the US)
at other special events
a brown sauce made by
adding flour to the juices
that come out of meat
while it is cooking
Mincemeat pie
/ˌmɪnsmiːt ˈpaɪ/
a small round pie filled
with mincemeat,
traditionally eaten at
Christmas, especially in
the UK
Santa Claus
/ˈsæntə klɔːz/
I wish you good health and fortune.
I wish that you stay
faithful and optimistic
despite life's challenges.
And in the coming new
year, I wish you blessings
of success.
May this be the last holiday we'll celebrate apart.

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