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When Helsreik was no more than a few random shacks gathering after the attack from the Chaos

god Nurgle, there was the covenant of Shallya God of mercy. No one was surprised that a temple, or
at least a shrine, was quickly erected. Any Shallayan would go forth to combat the Fly Lord to ensure
that it’s rote cannot take hold of the land.

What was surprising was the high priestess. A very attractive young woman who was very strongly
against the idea of comfort. When she and her nine fellow Shallyan’s came to make their small
temple it was made with the intention of becoming an orphanage.

For years the high priest sifted through the orphans finding those who would be perfect cultists and
those who would be better off being married off to the Land lords slowly pulling some small form of
civilization from the plague ridden remains.

The high priestess was of a very strict with her followers. No beds, sleep was on straw floors. Food
was a luxury and ensuring that they felt no joy in their duty of caring for others. They were not to
receive any thanks or gratitude of any kind for the care and love they gave others.

Rumour has it that the High Priestess had arrived here to build her temple was because she was so
strict in her belief that she came to build her own version, that was strictly in her control.

Many years past for one child. She entered the orphanage very young and had no memory of her
parents. She was easy at first to mold into the image that the high Priestess believed to be the
perfect image of cultist dedicated to Shallya.

The orphan was conflicted in that she was happy to be praised but not allowed to acknowledge it.

She was happy to better combat plague, but not allowed to feel pride of her accomplishments.

She couldn’t be fascinated by the new techniques she was learning or instructed to learn.

There wasn’t much to talk about her life of healing in the harshest of conditions while growing up.
Except for when she found the Demon.

A wounded creature had crept into their realm. Not sent by The Lord of Flies, but some other being
from the chaos wastes, as against the dark god as she was.

It was wounded, the blue four-legged beast with three long tales and two clawing arms and gnashing

It looked adorable to her, it’s sweet ebony cavernous eyes. It’s hungry red tongue.

Upon healing it she took it back to her covenant, to satisfy its hunger as it gorged itself, amongst her
screaming sisters.

In exchange it showed her new ways, how to cure the disease that was affecting the land left from
the nurglings and other foul creatures.

When her fellow sisters stopped trying to convince her that both these beasts were the same. As she
would just smile with her blue piercing eyes sizing them up for the next meal, the next sacrifice for
her precious pet.

Eventually she lost interest in why she fed it. She just enjoyed making it happy, enjoyed the way it
ripped apart her sisters and let their echoes touch the horizon.
It was not long until soldiers of the empire came forth to slay the demon. She was furious! When
asked how many more had to die before she would have been satisfied, she claimed every soul

And so was the sweetest and loveliest but perhaps the vilest and evil of the Maidens came into

Helsreik and the surrounding villages whisper the name of Saphyr. The piercing blue eyes which
when spot you monsters of nightmare are close behind.

Although she has the smallest following, she has the most unpredictable nature. Her knowledge of
magic is limited but no blade can pierce her hidden demon hide nor hammer crush her strengthened
bones and her eyes can hold one in place until minion’s strike Saphyr’s prey down.

At the moment she has shown favor to this True Prophet. The dark God of Change has shown
interest in this aspiring sorcerer and he has promised to turn the annoying humans into monsters of
twisted forms much to her delight.

She now uses her influence as a healer to help all members of Helsreik. While secretly deciding what
kind of creature they could be or weather they may make a tasty snack.

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