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1. Interview
Success is a category that every person is always aiming for in life. To
achieve success, each person always sets their own goals and defines success
separately. So what is real success?

2. What is your definition of success?

● Make my dream come true (1)
From my point of view, success is making my dream come true. Do you know
Harry Kemp? He has an interesting quote: “The poor man is not he who is
without a cent, but he who is without a dream.”. Everyone has their own
dream. To be honest, dreams are the goals that I always try to pursue in my
whole life. Whenever I accomplish small goals in my big dream, I’m so proud
of myself because I know that day by day, I am getting closer to my dream. The
progress and development on the way to reach a dream in each human’s life are
already considered a success. I have read many success stories about famous
artists, billionaires, and politicians. Take Charlie Chaplin for instance, by his
relentless efforts, he made a remarkable achievement in the era of silent film. In
other words, I suppose that it is a success. Consequently, I believe that trying
your best and stepping out of your comfort zone to make your dream come true
means success.
● Loving (3)
In my opinion, leading a successful life is wholly appreciating the present
moment of life. To be honest, human lifetime is so short that every second of
time is unrepeatable and priceless. So, why do we have to spend most of the
time chasing wealth, fame, career ladder to achieve success while forgetting
much more precious things such as family, true friendship, love, even
ourselves? It is meaningless for everyone, including me, to accomplish the
ambitions but feel empty. It was not until I watched speakers on TED talking
about their definition of success based on their experiences like AiR, Bea.D,
Shraddha Sharma... that I realized success is living every minute of life. Now, I
am cherishing my life by being grateful for everything I own, I see, I feel; for
anyone who loves me and whom I love; for all of the efforts, the mistakes I
have made. And my life quote is that “ If you love what you are doing, you will
be successful.”-Albert Scheweitzer

● Help people (4)

When it comes to success, people may define it as great wealth, high social
status or an admirable career. But I will demonstrate a completely different
perspective of success. In my opinion, the level of success of each human
depends on how many people they have helped and how many moral values
they have inspired. While the widespread definition of success is related to
money, power and fame, my definition focuses on other humans’ life and the
welfare of the society. The moment people help another and see their smile
marks a milestone in their life. Whenever a person in need is helped, the helper
will derive great pleasure from it. This kind of feeling is profoundly more
meaningful than the sense of achievement. I seek out my life goals and realize
my role model when I get to know about the story about Mother Teresa, who
spent her whole life carrying out charity campaigns to help the poor. To me, her
life is such a successful one. But what about you, do you have the same idea as
● Successful career: (2)
Personally speaking, success is to have a distinguished career because a job is
the one that accompanies us within our lifetime. (It plays an important role in
making ends meet and leading a happy life. )Having a successful career ensures
us a huge income and a high social status. With a steady financial ability, not
only can we improve our standard of living but also take care of our family’s
life with the best conditions. Furthermore, we can contribute to the development
of society by donating part of our wealth. There’s a shining example that I know
is Bill Gates, who is a software developer, co-founder, and chairman of
Microsoft. During his successful career, he accumulated a great amount of
wealth. Therefore, he can use his money to assist vulnerable groups and support
many non-profit organizations of global health and education. In short, a great
career is a long-term goal that I want to achieve because it can prove that I am
3. Conclusion
In conclusion, success is achieving a balance in our priorities. It is living a
joyful life, being helpful to others, pursuing meaningful goals and dealing with
the bittersweet moments./ Money, family and all the relationships around you
are what you always have to balance and improve at the same time. In each
specific stage in life, if we can prioritize and improve the important things, we
can handle it easily. /Actually, any definition of success must include how much
control we have over our life. Prioritizing the right things to lead our life in a
proper way is a special key to success.

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