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The questionnaire was constructed by the researcher based on literatures

Have you tested the reliability of the questionnaire?

 Yes,the questionnaire has undergone a realiabilty test and the result showed a 0.88 internal
consistency.Which implies that the internal consistency is good.

Guidance office

 This research will be presented or would help the guidance office their efforts in counseling had
have students and as an evidence na counseling has have student in their well-being that
counseling contributed to the well-being of the students


 This result or evidences would help the students realize na especially those of students are
afraid or shy to go to the guidance office na counseling has been affective in helping them cope
up in helping them solving there problems.


 I realized how helpful the counseling in their well-being this research would help the school
manage like more properly or manage easier to the students.coz mas lessen yung concdern
something lke that

I recommend this study to encourage the students who undergo counseling to help them to resolve
their problems.

Because this study is benefial to the guidance office especially the students because counseling help the
student how to cope up, making difficulties, resolving problems and counselors play an important role in
helping students understand their mistakes and they must be accept themselves.

There is no significant relationship between the socio=demographic profiles of the respondent and
contribution of counseling to the well=being.

Through convenience sampling


 This implies that counseling highly affects an individual’s well-being. It was suggested that
counseling is contributing greatly to the well-being of the respondents

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