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This proposal gives you a brief explaination about a school management which is ideal, and
applicable in practical life, where students don’t have to learn (one of the major issues), parrot
anything; a management where students and teachers both enjoy the school.

Well, young minds have fresh and brilliant ideas for any issue, what they need is just an opportunity.
This management system will also provide students a better environment where they can boost up
their self confidence, learn self management and also how it feels to be in a system, they will learn
entrepreneurship skills which will build their future in an effective way.

Problem statement:
The major issue of education system is mental health affection.

Schools and education is important but what education if there is no health?

The schools these days are quite work loading to students, they’re burdened with assignments,
projects, homework and activities. Whenever they is a holiday, they are crammed with few sheets
full of assignments. Not only students, but teachers also feel the same, they have to stayback in
school for long hours due to school work.

No one wants an education system where everyone I tensed.

Practical knowledge

Learning is easy when is it real, students are taught non practically which naturally insists them to
parrot everything, even mathematics. What are the technologies for if students cannot learn without
pressure? Lets take an example: math, its theorems are always a point for student to run away form.
Well they should be taught like:


Sports are something every student enjoys which not only increases their immunity, but also keeps
fresh throughout the day helping them to concentrate. But generally, these are considered wastage
of time, according to a report by ……………..

Our solution:
1) Students should have a sports period every day and an activity day once in a week where
students can enhance their inner ability, find their passion and learn new thing apart from
daily studies.
2) They should know reason behind every statement and taught with reality, out of the box.
3) They should have the management system in partial control:

They should be doing these:

 Managing the functions and their organisation

 Setting the week’s schedule etc.
4) Students should be made as mock administration staff, suppose a teacher who is library
incharge, then a students is appointed with the same duites where he/she can have real
experience of managing the system.
5) No assignment burden: they must not be provided with daily assignments, because
somehow in this technological generation, they copy and pate it out. The output comes zero.
To make the learning effective, they should be asked to relate to their daily life .
Like: suppose an assignment is given in science to find acidic and basic , the student will
google is out and write. Well, if it is given to test it at home and then paste the sample,
they’ll have no way either to do it and this will make them learn it throughout. Only little
work will make learning better.

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