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A problem is a statement requiring a solution, usually by means of mathematical operation/geometric



The word "method" means the ways or techniques used to get answer which will, usually involve one or
more problem solving strategies.

Problem solving is a process an ongoing activity in which we take what we know to discover what we
don't know.

Problem solving involves three basic functions:

1) Seeking information

2) Generating new knowledge

3) Making decisions

Mathematical Reasoning

It refers to the ability of a person to analyze problem situations and construct logical arguments to
justify the process or hypothesis, to create both conceptual foundations and connections, in order for
him to be able to process the information.


Inductive Reasoning is the process of reaching a general conclusion by examining specific examples.


3, 6,9 12, 15, ?

Each successive number is 3 larger than the preceding number. Thus we predict that the next number in
the list is 3 larger that 15, which is 18.


1,3, 6, 10, 15, ?

The first two numbers differ by 2. The second and the third numbers differ by 3. It appears that the,
difference between any two numbers is always 1 more than the preceding difference. Since 10 and 15
differ by 5, we predict that the next number in the list will be 6 larger than 15, which is 21.

Use inductive Reasoning to make a Conjecture

Consider the following procedure: Pick a number. Multiply the number by 8, add6 to the product, divide
the sum by 2, and subtract 3. Use inductive reasoning to make a conjecture about the relationship
between the size of the resulting number and the size of the original number.


Original number:

Multiply by 8: 8x5 40

Add 6: 40+6 46

Divide by 2: 402 23

Subtract 3: 23-3 20

We conjecture that the give procedures a number is four times the original number.

Use Inductive Reasoning to Solve an Application

The period of a pendulum is the time takes for the

pendulum to swing from left to right and back to its original position.

b. If the length of a pendulum is quadrupled, what happens to its period?

In the table, a pendulum with a length of 4 units has a period of 4 units has a period that is twice that of
a pendulum with a length of I unit. A pendulum with a length of 16 units has a period that is twice that
of a pendulum with a length of 4 units. It appears that quadrupling the length of a pendulum doubles its


A statement is a true statement provided that is true in all cases. If you can find one case for which a
statement is not true, called a counterexample, then the statement is a false statement.


Every number that is multiple of 10 is divisible by 4.

100,110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200
100 /4 = 25 120/4= 30 110 /4 = 27.5

With this example, we have shown that not all multiples of 10 are divisible by 4. So we call 110 as a

Verify that each of the following statements is a false statement by finding a counterexample.

For all numbers x:


Let x =0. Then I0l= 0.

Thus "for all numbers x, lxl> 0" is a false statement.

Verify that each of the following statements is a false statement by finding a counterexample.

For all numbers x:


Let x = 1. Then 1*= 1.

Thus "for all numbers x, x2>x" is a false statement.

Verify that each of the following statements is a false statement by finding a counterexample.

For all numbers x:

√x2 = x

Let x = -3. Then √(-3)2 = √9 =3.

Thus "for all numbers x, √x2 = x" is a false statement.


Deductive Reasoning is the process of reaching a conclusion by applying general; assumptions,

procedures, or principles.


If a number is divisible by 2, then it must be even.

12 is divisible by 2.

Therefore, 12 is an even number.

If a <A and <B are supplementary angles, their sum is 180°. If m <A= 100, then m<B= 80.

Use Deductive reasoning to Establish a Conjecture

Pick a number. Multiply the number by 8, add 6 to the product, divide the sum by 2, and subtract 3.

Let n represent the original number



8n+6√2= 4n +3

4n +3- 3 = 4n

We started with n and ended with 4n. The procedure given in this example produces a number that is
four times the original number.

Deductive Reasoning is commonly used in Geometry

Solve for x in the equation 3(x + 4) 2x = 20. Justify your answer.

Determine what types of reasoning

During the past 10 years, a tree has produced plums every other year. Last year the tree did notproduce
plums, so this year the tree will produce plums. (INDUCTIVE REASONING)

Determine what types of reasoning

All home improvements cost more than the estimate. The contractor estimated that my home
improvement will cost $35, 000. Thus my home improvement will cost more than.$35, 000. (Deductive

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