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[Track 1]


Ha, serves you right. You should at least defend yourself. You’re really clumsy and stupid.

I was really looking forward to meeting you for the first time…please don’t disappoint me any further.

Welcome to my room in the world of Wonderland.

“What’s that facial look on your face? Who am I? What is the world of Wonderland?”, you say?

Hahahaha, You seem confused. Fine. I’ll tell you. Although at first glance, this may look like your room; but this place is
the world of Wonderland. So, technically, it’s not your room.

You seem to recall a bit…That over there, is your ugly pajamas. Over there is your breakfast meal when you left the
room. Although you ought to go downstairs, but then fell into the hole which originally didn’t exist there. Isn’t that right?


In other words, you’ve made it through. This world of “desire”.

Hey, what are you doing to your face? You’re checking to see if this is a dream? Unfortunately, but that should’ve hurt,
right? In other words, this isn’t a dream. This is the reality for the both of us.

Hey, hey. Where are you going?

It’s useless to escape. That door won’t ever open. Because I have the key.

Now that you’ve finally fell here, I’ve been haunted by my own dreams. Don’t ever think I’ll let you slip away.

Not only that, you’re… this world’s most desirable target: ALICE.

Do you understand what I mean? Meaning you’ve turned this “reality” into the world you’ve always wanted.


You are the unique existence of what everyone else is seeking to become: ALICE. Everyone wants you. You are the only
one of a kind in this world. The most “delicacy”.

As soon as you leave the room, you’ll probably end up being the only prey in this world and getting “eaten” up til there’s
nothing left. If all that doesn’t matter then you can go. If you’re really desperate to go out, then I’ll open the door for

What? Just where did all that courage go? Really… obviously I’m the only one who gets annoyed by these “simple”
people. Hah? Who am I? I’m your other self. Or you can say, I am the “real” you in this reality. Ah? You still don’t
Although, you should already know that you’re a superficial being…Once again, I"m starting to regret that… you’re
really are a pitiful one. Hah…whatever.


Just a while ago, you were all by yourself. But now that you came here…You fell right into the palms of my hands. I
wonder how far your determination will take you. Of all the pain and hatred I’ve had…I’ll make sure to give them all
back to you….You’ve better prepare yourself. That’s because I am the overseer of this world. Compared to the so-called
King and his figurehead Lion, our ranks/status aren’t the same. Now…be obedient and hand over your body to me. Let me
taste that sweet, fragrant, Pomegranate-like body of yours.

Ah…Even though, I knew that you’re my other self, why is there such a delicious, sweet smell? This fragrance…Where is
it coming from? Here? This hand…has a sweet aroma. Tch! To pull away from my hand, you sure have the guts.


I’ll definitely make you regret that.

I am your inner existence. Behind those beautiful lies hides behind an envious, desirious thoughts…I know each and every
one of them. You have always thought that you’re in the “ugly” part of reality…pushing your inner, negative thoughts
onto me. You sure live a great life. I, in the other hand,…the more happy or sad you’ve become…I always and have
always been suffering internally! That’s why I thought…If I ever meet you…I’ll “eat” you up clean and dry to the point
where I can relieve all of my resentments.

Ha, why are you afraid like that? Is it because you’ve finally understood me now that you’re trembling? But rest assured.
I will carefully take my time and ravish all of my anger onto you.

After all, this is Wonderland. How I torture you or how you like to be tortured…I don’t need anyones’ consent to do these
things. It seems you still don’t believe me. If you have such doubts, then open that closet over there and look. Now then…
Can you guess what’s in there? Take a good look at what’s inside. There’s not even one pair of clothes of yours there.
Your student locker doesn’t even have this type of dress. Look carefully.


Ah, that spider necklace, frog earrings, glass shoes, and those gems are all not yours. What? Why are you just standing
there? Compared to those things, you have a lack of taste in clothes; but this dress here is too much! (meaning it’s
disgusting looking)

What? Trying to ignore me? Are you just gonna ignore it like how you’ve always done before? If you don’t like this
situation, then look around you and try to find; and give me at least one evidence that this is your room.

“There’s nothing on the desk.”,? Are you stupid? Look carefully. Did you not see that you opened up a path? Want to try
putting your foot in and warp? Even I don’t even know where it’ll take you though.

Inside there is where you put your Idol DVD. Where did your Anime Figurines go? Who knows. I don’t have such vulgar
taste, hobby, nor interests in them. Did I threw it away? Are you kidding me? These things don’t even exist in this world.


Inside there, is where I put my most high quality tea sets…If you want to look at it, you can go a bit closer. That shelf
there is a magic lamp. Ah! Don’t touch it. Who knows what kind of things will pop out. Hey! I said you can look, but be
more careful of that- …Hey! That lizard ornament can spitfire! Don’t touch it!

Ngh! That’s why I said! Ah, that mirror is too noisy. It’s annoying so don’t take that out of the bag! Ah! Really…! Hand
it over! Damn it! Don’t be so nosy!

What? You’re done looking around? You should’ve said so earlier from the start. Although, I know you’re stubborn and
won’t listen…but at least it’s better than you having no reaction or responses.


If you understand then hurry up and put on that dress. Even though, I directly got the chance to make you do such a
thing…you think I’ll continue to let you wear those shabby pajamas and spoil my taste? (Meaning his taste in clothes)  

The dress that I just took out…hurry up and put that on now. Of course, in front of me. Hurry up. Don’t go against my
orders. If you don’t hurry up, I’ll draw out the curtains. I don’t mind if you want to be stared at while changing…Though,
those guys can’t lay a hand on me anyways.

Here. look. Below is that silly Usagi who’s running and circling around in circles on that field. Hahahaha. He just got
caught on an ivy and fell…He’s truly an idiot.
Over there is that egoistic Mad Hatter and his dormices. That guy is terribly clingy to the point of making everyone

Chesire Cat as always still chasing those female cats’ tails. (lol wut?)

And then there’s also… that exhibitionist King…posturing and stepping on those card soldiers.


Hey, what are you interestingly looking at? Ah, the House of Cards. That’s right…If you want to go where the soldiers
*stab several blood holes*, then you can get out from this room. (Not sure how to translate this)

What will you do? What are you even hesitating about? I recently saw you trying to peek through the door. Even though, I
said you can’t run away. You sure don’t give up.

Ah, or how about jumping down from this window to escape? Or is it better if I give you a push? They’ll swarm at you
like an ant seeking its food…coming together to get you. Or is it…you like this sort of thing? What? What’s with that
scared-looking eyes? What I said isn’t wrong. Moreover, it’s useless to run. Hurry up and realize that.


You can no longer escape. Not from my hands or from this world. If you understand then quietly obey me. Having said
that, I won’t punish you for not trusting me. Who’s words are right? I’ll show you! That’s right. It’s me. It’s best if you
only trust my words. Really…You sure are a troublemaker.

Firstly, I’ll taste you. Come over here. Your punishment comes later. After all, we have plenty of time to waste here.

[Track 2]


Hahaha…you’re quite obedient

Are you not resisting? As expected of someone who can’t do anything in this situation. Like a bright, red pomegranate
syrup…such sweet aroma. It makes me dizzy.

Hahaha…Soon, you’ll quickly become mine. I have always and always been waiting for this day to come. First, where on
your lips should I start “eating”?Behave yourself! You still don’t get it? This is punishment for doubting me


Ah…Such a rare, sweet scent. This lingering, sweet smell…It was always my dream of wanting to taste you. What? Just
because I’m tasting you…why are you suddenly so red?


How cruel?  Hahaha, Come to think of it, you… haven’t kissed with a man, right? Is this your first kiss? But, this isn’t a
kiss…This is only just a taste. From now on, I’ll expose your desire. You’ll be eaten by me from head to toe.


How long are you gonna snarl at me? Next, I’ll torture you slowly while eating you. What? Soon, you’ll feel good. And be
driven by the desire. Is it painful? I’m starting to feel quite pleasant.

[Track 3]


Really. You’re…fiddling around making it impossible for me to do anything. I know…How about this?

What’s wrong? You’re suddenly quiet.This is my black magic. It’s purposely for this punishment. Ah, You won’t be able
to feel pain from your eyes…you just can’t see is all.

Hahaha, Clutching your clothes like that. is it that scary to not see anything What? As long as you quietly obey me… we
won’t have any problems. But, if you resist…who knows what’s gonna happen. Now then…from where should I start
“eating”? Ah, here is good. This part of your ear. You like this being done to your ear, right?

Sweet and tasty…like how I imagined. Just like a pomegranate…

Hm? What are you afraid of?  

Ah, If it’s like that then…I won’t lick it anymore.  

No matter how many times I “eat”….I can always do it again.  

Next is your index finger.

If you bite your lips like that, I won’t be able to hear your voice…How boring.  Hey, it actually feels good right? Hiding it
from me is useless. Hurry up and open your mouth. Come on. That’s right. You are me and I am you. It’s useless to hide
that fact.


Now then…Where shall I “eat” next?

Do you… think it’ll feel good here on your fingers?  

Don’t look so suprised. I said it many times before. Now. Give me your hand. I won’t bite it just yet. Come on. Put your
fingers on my tongue.


It’s really sweet…

Your scent has already filled and overflowed my mouth.


Your left hand’s ring finger….your finger nail… the very first knuckle… I won’t miss a single drop of juice…Your
(finger’s) second knuckle…Being eaten bit by bit isn’t so bad, right? It’s embarrassing? Hm~~ Then…From now on, I’ll
even do more and more embarrassing things.

It seems you like to be watched and be evaluated by other people. By using this video camera, I can live broadcast this
throughout the world. I’ll even distribute it.  

Are you not enthusiast about this? “ALICE’S Public Live Tea Party Opening! Licky-Lick Live Broadcasting….” (Not sure
here, I tried)


Like this, I can make you have such amazing, good reactions and also having the guys outside… see us together. Shut up!
Don’t move! How about I simply place your hands and feet tied to the bed? Do you want others to see us intertwine like
animals… and slowly being eaten by me?

If you like this sort of thing, then I don’t have a problem with it. Being tied to the bed like this…you’ll instantly be the
biggest pervert by threefolds. That’s actually not bad at all. Just as you like, you can do whatever you want. How about
it? You still want to resist? Hahahaha! You suddenly became honest. Just be obedient like that.


Alright. Preparations complete. Now then…Let the live broadcasting begin! Hey. Who said you could bow? Just say your
name. What’s wrong? The majority of people will see this, yet you were excited that you forgotten your own name?  

You really can’t be helped, huh. Forget it. Looking at the comments…they’re already aware of who you are. Hahaha!!!
Don’t be so shock! That (comment) was me.


The views keep increasing. Hahaha. It’s obvious who would be interested in these things. Looking at these guys, (in the
video) they must’ve feel jealous…That they can only watch from their hands. (He’s probably referring to the other
ALICE=ALICE characters)
Now then. Where shall I start “eating” in front of the camera? Should I start doing it from here?

This part here is so sweet that it’s making my tongue melt.


Hey, relax a bit. Your manners are poor. Although your sweet scent isn’t that bad…but I still want to eat it when it’s at
its finest. Ah? It’s frightening because you don’t know who’s watching? Who cares about that. Surely those guys are
definitely… and the entire world too…are all “hungry” from watching you.

Now then, the number of views are… Hahaha, ever since we started broadcasting…there’s already almost ten thousand
views. And it’s still gradually increasing. At this rate, won’t this be at the top of the list? You should  be happy and not
be afraid, right? More than ten thousand people are watching you who’s under the state of “desire” and being ravish by a
man. In other words, everyone’s in a state of wanting you for their own desire. Morever, relax a bit. That’s right. Such a
good taste.


The “honey” continues to ooze out. It’s becoming more and more delicate. Because of your shamefulness, it’s becoming
more sweet. You’re really are a pervert. There are a lot of comments flowing. There’s one comment that says: “Let me
taste her!”

What to do?  Don’t shake your head like that. This is only a bite, why not give them some “service”? Even so you…will
start to feel good. Bulls eye, right?

Your… body starts to get hot whenever I’m “eating” you. You do realized that, right? Your scent has gradually become
stronger. This sort of sweet and sour taste… it’s really irresistible.


Although this is not bad, but… how did this here become the way it is? Do you mind explaining it? Do you understand?
You’re being seen as a big pervert. Hurry and admit it. In front of them. It’s useless to be brave. You’ve already been
seen through. Come on. Say it. Tch!

How stubborn are you? It seems I can only continue to “eat” your body to make you understand.

What’s wrong? It feels really good on your collarbone, right? The “honey” is oozing out. You must be feeling the pleasure
when you twist your body like that. That’s not so bad at all.

Ah, delicious.


Hey you… earlier you were resisting, what happened? It looks like your whole body has been weaken by me. Even your
mouth is half open. Ah, your breathing is also sweet. Hey, hurry up and admit it.

Hahahaha. Look. You’re incredibly feeling good that you can’t help it. Try saying that you want to be eaten more. It’ll be
much easier if you say it once. It’ll be fine as long as I hear it. Come on. Say it.  

Hahahahaha. Well said. Good girl. But this isn’t quite enough. Why are you making that regrettable face? Haven’t I
already said that this is your punishment?


This isn’t enough. That’s right. If I place you in front of all of these perverts to look thoroughly at you… then I’ll know
if they get excited from this. Kiss me in front of the camera. Let them see how you do it to me.

Hahaha. Before, you were obviously reluctant. Have you already taken a liking to this? Showing a comfortably good
expression like that…

Come on. Say hello to the other side of the screen. You couldn’t stand the thought of them watching you, right? Think
about it. There are more than ten thousand people who’s… imagining your delicious, sweet, and sour taste while drooling
over you. There isn’t anyone else who doesn’t want to taste you


Think about how everyone, at the same time, is thinking: “How sweet is it?” ,and are unable to resist looking…How is it?
Just as you wished, more than ten thousand people are craving for you. This is a first for you, right? Are you happy?
Although, those perverts aren’t allowed to directly smell your scent…But It feels good to show off to them. Sooner or
later, I have to let them know how much big of a difference it is between me and them. (status/position) Come on. Give
me lots and lots of kisses. Do it as if you’re spoiled.


Your mouth… is full of “honey”…No matter how many times, I’ll drink all of it. That way, you won’t be able to think
anything other than me. You just need to… feel good and indulge yourself. Make yourself feel entirely good.That’s right.
I’ll fulfill all of your desires. I’ll make it more and more enjoyable.

You felt it while being eaten, right? Your face says, “ It feels so good that I can’t hold it back.” Who’s the one that’s
“eating” you? Who’s the one that’s making you feel good? This aroma that overflows this suffocating room…has become
more relaxing, right?


Then… quickly give up all of yourself to me. The more I eat you, the more intensely the “honey” comes out…Making me
more excited. It appears to be true, you’re really like a sweet drug. The more I eat and eat…I’ll slowly fall for it. This
forbidden taste.

Tch! So noisy. Don’t mind the telephone. You don’t have to answer it. If it concerns you, I’ll do this.

Damn it! Again? If it’s like that then I’ll do this…Pulling out the phone line will do. Alright. It’s not working.


What are you scared of? We don’t need this sort of thing, right? That’s not it? You’ve heard this ringtone, before? What
are you saying? Are you hearing things? This is the world of Wonderland. You’ve probably mistook it.  

Moreover, don’t mind these things. Let’s have some more fun. Come to think of it, you’re so fragile that you’ve collapsed
so quickly, huh. That’s why you’re an idiot who’s easy to read. If you want more things done to you…then there’s a lot
more we can do.

[Track 4]


You’re…showing an expression that you’re feeling so good that you can’t help it. You want a more intense stimulation,
right? Hey, I’m gonna say it first. I want more and more of you. The more I eat you it’s not enough.

Hey, let me eat more and more of you. Even though, I’ve been longing for you, there’s no way you’ll not be able to give
an answer. Come on. Where do you want me to eat? Try saying it. The wrist? That’s also good.


To be able to dominate you like this, makes me feel good. Hahaha. Your ear is all red. Hey. I’ll show you what kind of
facial expression you’re making. I’ll remove the magic that’s cast on your eyes.

Look. With three blinks, you’ll be able to see. Look at the mirror over there. This is the expression that tempts me. How
is it?

Hey, don’t turn your head away. This is who you really are. No matter how embarrassing it is… This is the “craving for
desire and don’t know what to do” face. Your face reddened, your breathing thickens…Like a ripe fruit…It’s terrific. It’s
such a turn on…


Your face has become red again. Hey, With such a seductive look, I wonder what you’re thinking? There’s still things you
haven’t told me yet, right?

What do you want me to do? Say it.

You want me to teach you, right? If you say it properly, then I’ll really teach you. Come on. Say it.


Hey, You have always wanted to know what a man taste like, right? I’ll strictly teach you…the flavor of it. But before
that, let me again…taste you.
Now then, let the “tea party” begin.

[Track 5]


Hey, don’t just feel it, but also closely watch this. I’m not gonna forgive those who don’t know any tea party etiquettes.
Like this…First, you should take a breathe as you bite down.

Once you start an area, you eat it altogether. Then like this…use your tongue to lick the “honey”… and enjoy the sweet
and sour taste like a fresh food. Well, just do whatever you want would be fine.

But before that, what do you say before you start eating? That’s right: “Itadakimasu.”

Alright. Now, then. Start “eating”. What? What’s with the suprised look? Didn’t I say that I’ll tell you what a man taste
like, right?


You should just “eat” me. Like how I “eat” you, It’s better if you just “eat” me. So why are you suprised for? Hey, you’re
not thinking about anything else are you? Well, for a pervert like you, it shouldn’t be that hard to understand.

Whatever. Here. Try eating. What? There’s no way you’ll “eat” someone else’s body? What are you even saying? You do
not need to fear anything. Just be quiet and quickly start “eating”. Come on. Open your mouth. You should start “eating”
from my fingers.


Inside your mouth is warm. Come on, use your teeth to bite down… and use a bit more strength. What’s wrong? Hurry and
do it. Having my fingers on your tongue, makes it hard to taste the sweetness? Come on…bite my fingers and you won’t
believe this unbelievable taste.

This taste… you’ve never tasted this before, right? My taste is also, your taste. Because I’m your other existence. To be
able to fully enjoy your other self’s flavor…There won’t be a second chance like this, right?


Don’t you think this is a valuable experience? Look. Only you can taste me. Only my flavor. Hey, don’t just lick…
properly start “eating”. While being licked is also interesting…Come on, use a bit more force!

It’s nothing! Moreover, how is it? Is it delicious?

“This sweet and sour taste, I haven’t tasted this flavor before”, huh?  

Ah, that’s exactly right. If it’s like that, then eat as much as you like. I said to “eat” me. You’re not allowed to refuse.


Look. Next is this part of the finger. Hey, why are you smiling? Come on. Lick it. With your tongue, wrap around it.
That’s right. Just like that…The next finger, lick it altogether.

Don’t let any drop of “honey” fall.

What the? Why are you suddenly so active? Where did all that hesitation go What’s wrong? You can’t stop? It’s unfair if
you’re the only one who’s “eating”.


As I thought, this taste is addicting. This sweet and sour taste…no matter how many times, I just keep on “eating” . Hey.
Where do you want to eat next? The wrist? No. It’s fine, but…I’m starting to feel weird. It feels tingling, and itchy. Of
course, it’s not possible to know it beforehand. Because this is also, my first time.

Ah? Of course! Why else would I let someone like you “eat” me! You…! How are you suddenly going at a fast paced!
Though, there’s nothing wrong with you being this demanding…Hey! Where are you eating next?

You’re… really having fun, huh? Whether it is me “eating” you or vice versa, we’ve become a bit hazy and all the more
strange. This is really… a forbidden taste. What? That grin look on your face…

Ah! You…! Idiot…! H-Hey! You’re gobbling up too much…! That area is…! Ah…! Tch! You’re.. being overjoyed too
soon! Come on. You too. Hand over your wrist!

As I thought, you’re still “eating”…Hey! Just where else are you “eating”?! Let me also, enjoy your flavor! This scent,
really makes one want to take a bite.  

No matter how many times… even if you’re on top…it won’t do if it’s not properly carved into your body. (I think he’s
talking about hickies?)


How is it? Hey, how does it feel?

“Eating” it here makes you happy, right?  

So sweet.

It’s becoming more and more sweet. Just how far will it become more sweet? My tongue has become weird.

Such a tasty flavor…become a bit more sweeter. Your eyes starts to give out. That’s right…In the meantime, you’ll feel
so good than before. Do you know why?

Because while you were “eating” me… you consciously chose the most comfortable spot. (to eat)  

As your tongue sway, you began to eat over and over; and over again. Everything is revealed. You eat really well without
thinking. Well, that’s because of this… you start to feel good.


Repeating the “tea party” while getting more and more greedy. Indulging in desire is very suitable for you. There are still
lots of places you haven’t “eaten”, right?… Please me more. You seem to like it at the back, right? Turn around.

To be in this position like this, is it really that good? Starting from the neck…Ah, this is also sweet. It also, has a bit of
sweet and sour aroma.


Not yet…It’s not enough… The smell coming from the neck is strong…

Look. You want to “eat” me? Immediately answer with a “yes” or something…It seems you haven’t discard your worries
and shame.

Look. My fingers…do you want to “eat” it? Can’t hear you. Try saying it louder. Oh. Before that, say: “Itadakimasu.”
Because you’re so shameful, I have to teach you some proper manners after all.


Come on. Say it. “Itadakimasu.” You have become completely obedient. I know… As a reward, do you want to try tasting
my lips? Entangle your tongue a bit more. So sweet. You…kissing while “eating” my tongue, you’re really something.


Say…This isn’t your first kiss, right? To boldly demand of others, you’re really satisfying your desires. There’s nothing
to be embarrass of. No. Being embarrassed also, makes you feel good, right? Whatever it is… or things that makes you
feel good…I know them all.

As long as you’re in front of me, I can always release your “true” self, isn’t that right? How does it feel to honestly
expose your desire? It’s amazing, huh? That’s right…The you who looks aimless…and with that desire look…is really
irresistable. The only one who can make you have such expression is me.


Are you happy to be able to meet me? I’ve always wanted to meet you so much that I couldn’t help it. I’ve always wanted
to see you directly, bully you, and bring out all of your desires to the surface of your heart.  
But since you rejected me before, I would have to change that attitude of yours. You will never go back to how you were
before. Even now…the way you find the opportunity to bite my fingers…sucking it…swallowing it…and becoming
incredibly thirsty…


Ah! It’s delicious?Is that so? It seems you don’t want anything else, right? You only need to have “fun” and feel good, so
you don’t have to think about anything else. Isn’t the world of Wonderland great?

You’ve become strange? What are you saying? You’ve already been weird…just as I wished for.

You only need to be under my “control” like this sour and sweet taste. You just need to stay my by side and don’t have to
think about anything else other than my flavor. Isn’t that right?

[Track 6]


Alright. Let’s take a break. Hey, stop dawdling as you eat. As manner goes, after saying: “Itadakimasu.”, you should also,
say: “Gochisousama deshita.” Don’t be careless.

You still haven’t had enough? You’ve been “eating” so much already. Such excessive desire is truly frightening. That’s
right… If you still want to “eat” me…You first have to admit, aside from tasting a man’s flavor, that you are nothing, but
a big pervert. You can do it, right?


Let all of your extravagant gestures exposed. Even shivering from shame is still not satisfying. The more you eat, the
stronger your desire is, then you won’t feel like stopping.

Today, I was supposed to go out and do something. Tomorrow’s school doesn’t matter anymore. You always want to be
indulge in happiness, isn’t that right?

You just can’t admit it. Hey, you… want to “eat” these fingers? You want it, right?

You only have to always and always… taste my sweetness, so you don’t have to think about anything else. Isn’t that
right? If you understand, then let me fulfill your desires…forever, always, until eternally.


Hahahaha. Ah, didn’t really think it’ll be that smooth. You really are a fool, eh? That last request…I’ll grant it.  

Hey, the phone is ringing.

“Didn’t you just remove the cable earlier?”, you say?

That was a fake one. I’m saying all of that was a lie. Because it was getting in my way of bringing out your true desire.


Who’s on the phone? Your friend? They’re still worried about you? What a great friend you have there.  But, there’s no
need for them, right? Because this is the real you. Here. Quickly tell your so called friend that:…. “This is how big of a
pervert I am.”

Hey, hey…Why did you hang up the phone for? That was too much. Hm? “Why does this place have your home phone
number?” Why? You still don’t understand?

Those closet, cupboards, and curtains..if you’d like you can open them and take a good look at it. What? No need to hold
back. This is the reality. This is your room.


Ah, this is such a great evening. Although, this high-rise apartment is an eyesore, but across this room looking out the
cityscape isn’t so bad. What? Do you still don’t understand what’s going on? Geez, just how stupid are you? Take a look
at that computer screen there.

What? Doesn’t the result exceeds more than a hundred thousand views?You…like this kind of site, right? Isn’t that great?
There’s still a lot of comments flowing.
“What’s wrong? This isn’t really her, right? I can’t believe she would actually do such a thing.” , it says.

Can’t help it if you don’t believe it. In this school, no one usually… have an affair with a man. But, the video in that
‘Lick-lick broadcasting site’, no matter what you think it is, it isn’t normal.

You don’t know who will be seeing it. It’s such a shame that something like this is not what a normal person would do.
Hahahahaha. Do you really have some sort of (personal) problems? Ah, this is really fun.


Hey, hey. Your face is pale. I stirred up many things just to let out your desires…made your dreams come true, letting
you “eat”, yet why do you have such a pale appearance?

Ah. You’re happy. The you now, really do have a wonderful sense of satisfaction.  

Hey, do you want me to tell you why I’m doing this? I have always and always watched you. I’m your… only part of your
“little sense of desire” which you suppressed within you.

Your emotions is neither good or bad itself. Hey. To be able to have your wishes granted… Are you extremely delighted,
or does it feel refreshing? You can’t do it alone, so I slightly helped you.

This way, you’ll be able to let out all of your desires. Then I’ll be able to have you. How gratifying and worthy of
celebration. I just want to be together with you. Nothing else matters. To finally be able to taste you, I do not intend to
let you go forever.


Your scent has become stronger. Hey, What are you thinking? You already have nothing to lose, so there is nothing to
think about. Isn’t that right? From now on, that video would be broadcast to the world. We can’t undo what’s done. You
will forever and always be the center of the laughingstock. In other words, look. Forget the reality. You only need to
think about me. Now, come.


Perhaps, you don’t understand the reality of this situation? Really can’t help it. Then, I’ll open the door and take you out.

“I thought the door can’t be open?”

You’re still saying stuff like that? If I want to open the door, of course it’ll open. To not be able to get out of this room,
it is you who’s troubled by it.  

Then, right now I’ll go and open the door. You’ll definitely feel the eyes of all people around you when you’re out there.
If it’s outside then….I wonder how they’ll “devour” you.

What’s wrong? Suddenly hugging me like that.

“You don’t have to open the door. I don’t want to get out of here.”

Have you abandon reality, yet? You swear that we will… live here together? Ah, I’m so happy. I have always wished for
us two to be in our own little world forever. Now then. I’ll give you a reward. You can “eat” anywhere.


I also….have always and always wanted to do this…

Hahahaha. This is really a splendid day. The you who’s on top and gnawing on my body, is really cute that I can’t help it.
This is really exciting!

This scent, this taste…all of it has finally become mine. Hey, is it delicious?


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