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Field Report: Mikkel Sciegienny

Hey there, my name is Mikkel Sciegienny, and I run a website called Spreadsheeto, which is about
Microsoft Excel. So Brian asked me to do a quick rundown of one of my power pages.

So today I'm going to show you how I create a power page in a super-boring niche, according to Brian Dean
that is. It attracted about 15 referring domains. It took about a week from start to finish, including
promotion. And currently pulls in around 18,000 visits per month. So let's take a look at it.

And here you have it. It's called The One Minute Drop-Down: How to Easily Create a Drop-Down List in 60
Seconds or Less, and that's basically what this power page is about. It teaches the reader how to create a
drop-down menu, or list, in Microsoft Excel in about a minute.

As you can see, it's actually a fairly short article. It has a few animations, and there's only a few sentences
per paragraph, making it super easy to read through, and to also make it as actionable as possible.

Also, it's updated for the latest version of the Microsoft Excel, which is currently 2016. And all these things
combined, the formatting, the animations, the writing, the thing that it's updated for, the latest version of
Excel, all these things makes it the best tutorial on how to create a drop-down list in Excel currently
available on the Internet. At least I think so.

And sometimes we tend to think that we have to do all these crazy things to create a power page, when
in reality we just need to create something more in-depth or more updated or just nice in general. And
that power page will serve as a perfect replacement or addition to linkreators websites. And speaking of
linkreators, I like to find linkreators, perhaps the most simple way there is by searching Google, but there's
a few things that I think you should be aware of.

As you probably can hear from my accent, I'm not from the U.S., actually I'm from Denmark but most of
the linkreators I reach out to are from the U.S. But, as you might be aware, Google personalize our results
all the time. So getting U.S. results when you're in Denmark is actually rather hard, but of course as always,
there's a work around.


I like to use a tool called So how this works is basically it makes your search impersonal.
So in my case I would like to see '.com' and I can see the interface language is English, TLD to use '.com',
and United States. There's a lot of other options but in general the linkreators will be from the U.S.

So here I will go and say 'drop down list Excel', hit enter and boom. Now I can view U.S. results from my
search term, 'drop down list Excel'. So the way I will go about this, is I will say, is this relevant? Yes it is,
open it up. Is this relevant? Yes. And is this relevant? Yep, it is and so on.

This can go on for like 10 pages, or 20 pages depending on your topic. So is it relevant? Open it up, then
have a look, alright this looks pretty good and pretty much relevant and is basically about the same thing
that I've just written about.

So I will take this URL, go into ahrefs, paste in the URL and have a look at it. So from here I'll just click on
the back links. So here I've just clicked the one link per domain and I've chosen I want it to be shown,
[inaudible 00:04:00] because that's what we want. Then I will go through each of these results and see if I
can reach out to the people behind the websites and say, "Hey, go check out my resource." So, it's super,
super simple.

A lot of these results will not be relevant. For example, I don't want to reach out this, I don't even know
what I means. 'E-books-something' is probably not relevant as well. So, if I see there are 12 to follow
backlinks from unique domains, they will probably be around one to two opportunities to reach out.

So, this process gets a little bit boring when you do it, but it's super essential in order to acquire the
backlinks. There are ways to speed this up, I believe that ahrefs also has some sort of Google Chrome
plugin that you view the links per result in the Google search query. That can speed up things a bit as well,
but this is just about showing the process. If you want to speed up, it is possible. Install ahrefs plugin and
get going.

I really want to emphasize the importance of following up on the linkreators. So if you send out an email
to a linkreator on day one, make sure you set up a reminder to remind yourself that hey, if this person
hasn't answered me, then in seven days, tell me. That way I can reach out and say, "Hey, linkreator, did
you check out my link?" This works surprisingly well. I wish I did this from the start because I wouldn't be
surprised if that is landed me like 50% of the links I acquire in total. So, following up is crucial. Sales people


know this, a lot people know this, but somehow it escapes the mind of the link builder. At least it did for
me for way too long.

So, a few tools you can use for that is, personally, I like to use Yesware. It's a paid extension for Gmail.
Works super well. I believe they have some sort of free trial that you can try out. There's also Boomerang
for Gmail. But, to be honest, whatever [inaudible 00:06:12] you use isn't important. It's just the act of
following up on that linkreator. That is super important.

One problem I often run into when reaching out to linkreators is finding enough people to reach out to,
because at some point you're gonna hit the end. But the internet isn't static and neither are links. So we
need to be on top of things. So what I really like to do is setting up backlink alerts through ahrefs. So you
need to create a new alert. So you just hit the 'New Alert' and then domain or url. In this case, I want to
monitor this url, because it's about, well, the drop-down list. So I go back to ahrefs, paste it in, prefix, sure
thing, all backlinks, and recipients, well just write whatever email you want to use, and interval, yeah. The
faster the better. Weekly, let's go, set an email, and add. Boom. There you have it. So, any time there's a
new link added to this specific url, which is about your power page's topic, you will get notified. And that's
super important for staying updated about what links are going where. Especially because you've put all
this work into creating a power page, staying on top of the backlinks and keeping adding links to this
power page is super crucial. And, obviously, this requires patience, but hey, we're in this for the long run,

One question I think I should answer is, how did I know that the topic about the one minute drop-down
would hit home with the linkreators? How did I know that it would be a hit and pull in close to 20,000
people per month? Well, the fact is, I didn't. But I gave myself better odds by confirming the need and that
is I went to the Google search planner, I think it's called at the moment, to check out the search volume
for the term 'Excel drop down list', 'Excel drop down' and so on. And I also research whether it was a topic
that competitors have written about. And that the competitors had acquired links for this specific topic.

So, in this case, one of my competitors is called Excel Easy, and it's written about the drop down list, that
you saw just a few moments ago. And they have 27 referring domains, a lot of backlinks, and so on. And
that was the thing I noticed when I research this topic about the drop down list, that there's a lot of super
simple tutorials about creating a drop down list, and these tutorials have actually acquired a huge amount


of links. So if I just go in there and create something better, or detailed, or more updated, then I can reach
out to these linkreators and, hey, perhaps land myself a few links.

Another, perhaps more counterintuitive way I like to go about this is, before I actually create any power
page, I go out and I find the linkreators. Before I write a single word. You should have some sort of idea of
what the power page is supposed to be about. So, in my case, it's about the drop down list. So I would just
do a search on Google, and then I will go ahead and just do some sort of quick analysis of the urls. Put
them into ahrefs and see how many backlinks these tutorials have. And then I would go as far as actually
looking through many of the results and check their backlinks for actual linkreators, because, in this case,
we have 27 referring domains. Sometimes we can be tempted to think that, well, 27 referring domains
equals 27 link opportunities. But that is absolutely not the case. I can't tell you how many times I've been
let down and I though, "Well, oh my God, there's almost 30 link opportunities," when in reality there's
perhaps two or three. I think that's super important to actually find out before you spend weeks or months
and tons of hours creating this power page. You want to know that there's actually people to reach out to.

For instance, in this case, there were I believe it was close to 30 referring domains. Now, I've chosen one
link per domain, and only to be shown 2 follow. So this looks quite good. This looks okay. Two is a
[inaudible 00:10:32], no, no, this is okay as well, three, and perhaps this one as well, four, and that's it. If I'm
lucky there are four different linkreators to reach out to and we started off with close to 30 opportunities.
So, you can quickly be mislead think there are way too many opportunities, when in reality there's perhaps
only 10% of the original number.

So, by doing this sort of research upfront, before creating the power page, actually finding the linkreators,
writing them down. Then you'll know exactly who to reach out to, how many people there are to reach out
to. And you can align your efforts as well, because well, if you can get a three linkreators for your super
awesome power page, you probably shouldn't spend three weeks writing it. Right? But if you can gather
like, 50 opportunities, then you'd better create the very best article on the internet and put blood, and
sweat, and tears into it because then you've stumbled on something super, super important.

So, there you have my process for creating power pages. If you're like me, you tend to overthink almost
everything, I think you'll benefit from asking the following three questions.


The first question is, what kind of traffic can I get from creating this power page based on its primary
topic? Go to the [inaudible 00:12:00] explorer in ahrefs, or go to the Google search planner, and look up the
volume of these keywords. So, in my case with the drop down power page, I can see that it pulls in around
12.7k organic traffic. What you need to be aware of is that, ahrefs actually underestimates how much traffic
there is. We get around 18 or 20 thousand people a month. This shows around 12,000. But the important
thing is to do this research, once again, upfront, before creating the power page. You want to make sure
that you can attract links to the power page and when that power page is actually ranking, you're also
attracting a lot of traffic. That's ideal, right?

The second thing you need to ask yourself is, what's the number of linkreators available. As I mentioned,
do a quick analysis prior to creating the power page. Write down the actual opportunities that you can
reach out to when the power page is done. And I would recommend that you aim to get at least 20 actual
opportunities to reach out to.

And the final step is, to go execute. Stop saying, "Oh, I should write about this or that," instead if you
completed step one and two, it's time to execute. Stop researching other sorts of link building tactics, other
topics. Follow through. Create a power page, reach out, get feedback, be sure to set up a reminder and poke
the linkreators, at least one or two times. And then I'm pretty, pretty sure you'll end up seeing links slowly
acuminating to your power pages.

So, have fun. Rinse and repeat the process. Remember, as with anything, practice makes perfect.

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