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Answer the following questions: 10 points each

1. What is the main purpose of communication?

- For me, the main purpose of communication is to talk, to inform, to express

feelings, to imagine, to influence, and to meet social expectations. Every day
in our lives, we use communication to communicate with others. It helps us to
build a good relationship and brings people together. It is important for us to
understand each other to prevent miscommunication.

2. What is recounting experience?

- For me, the recounting experience is to recall or retell an experience or event

that has already happened in the past. It helps the listener or the reader
understand what you have experienced or encountered. Example, your
neighbor's house caught fire yesterday. And your friend asks what happened
because he/she doesn’t know what caused it or how it happened. So, you
describe what really happened and the cause of the fire.

3. Why do we need to follow the Standard English Rules?

- Because we all know that English is the universal language. It is very

important to us because it is the language that makes it possible for us to
effectively talk about language. It helps us to talk positively and helps us to
organize our grammar. As a future educator, I need to learn it because
someday I will speak in front of my students confidently. I must boost my
confidence right now before I enter the stage as a teacher.

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