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Good morning

Learning Styles of Children
Learning styles is a term that refers to different
ways in which we learn, process, and retain
information. All young children learn through
meaningful hands-on experiences—through touching,
doing, and moving.
4 Main Types of Learning Styles
• Visual (learn through seeing)
• Auditory (learn through hearing)
• Tactile (learn through touch)
• Kinesthetic (learn through doing and moving)
Multiple Intelligences
Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
- states that it is to the benefit of both the student and the instructor if the student’s intelligence can be identified. Identifying a
student’s intelligence allows the instructor to select appropriate activities for the student in the classroom and guide their learning
journey more effectively. 
There 9 Multiple Intelligences
1. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
- The ability to manipulate both the body and objects with a
keen sense of timing.

2. Existential Intelligence
- The ability to be able to have deep discussions about the
meaning of life and human existence.

3. Interpersonal Intelligence
- The ability to communicate effectively with others is
common knowledge on the basis of interpersonal intelligence,
it is not merely limited to verbal interactions.
4. Intrapersonal Intelligence
- The ability to understand one’s own thoughts.

5. Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence
- The ability to express oneself using words and language.

6. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
- The ability to calculate mathematical equations.

7. Musical Intelligence
- The ability to acutely reflect on sounds is demonstrated by
those who possess musical intelligence. 
8. Naturalist Intelligence
- The ability to distinguish between living and non-living things
was notably more valuable in the past when humans were
often farmers, hunters or gatherers.

9. Spatial Intelligence
- Visually artistic people are known to demonstrate spatial
Thank you 😊

Maisah Demalon
Carl Estares
Jenifer Jovinal

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