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One solution to the Transgender discriminination problem, would be the idea of

creating a strict protection policy for Transgender people in the workplace. Having
protection from prejudice and abuse is the first step in making the American Dream
more achievable for these individuals. According to Mal Clarke, a 21 year old
transgender woman, “Employer support makes all the difference when protecting
against transgender discrimination.” (Hodgson 1) As someone who had experienced
violence in her prior workplace, Mal Knew how it felt. She knew that if things stayed the
way they were in terms of weak protection of trans and non-bianary people, there would
never be an opportunity to live freely and have equal treatment like everyone else, as
the American Dream promotes. In order to help solve this problem, when Mal switched
into her new Job as a hospitality worker, she helped her workplace come up with a
policy to protect people like her. Clarke explains “Hotel staff tend to wear male or female
uniforms. We changed people’s choice to wear either or both, depending on preference,
and started referring to them in terms of sizes rather than gender...we even updated
recruitment forms, suggesting a gender-neutral title and preferred name option, and an
option to state if they were trans.” (Hodgson 2) By creating this policy, being trans or
gender fluid became more normalized in their workplace, and the individuals are able to
feel more comfortable being who they are. This option, if applied, will have a strong
impact on the comfort of others, and it will advance their ability to live out the American

Another way that transgender people could be helped to acheived the American
Dream, is having conversations with children about gender identity . Children are the
future, and they are going to be the next generation of adults who are running the world.
Young kids are some of the most accepting people on the planet. As children, kids are
taught to believe what their parents teach them. In certain cases, this means that kids
will be getting the wrong ideas about gender identity from parents who could be
prejudiced against this certain group of people. In order to change that, parents should
have conversations with their young children about being transgender. a study done by
SheKnows Media, A women's lifestyle company, fetures Hennessy, a transgender male.
Hennessy goes on to talk to children and educate them on what it means to be
transgender. This video was supposed to be made to show parents that if they simply
just talk to their children about gender identity, then they will become more
understanding and accepting individuals. Hennessy states in his interview ​ “When kids
as young as 4 or 5 years old use female pronouns when they meet him, he tells them,
“Oh, no, I’m a boy,” at which point they often ask, “What, you’re a boy? He then explains
to them what being transgender is. “And boom, they get it right away,” he said” (Wallace
1) by just simply talking to these children, their whole view on the subject cazn me
changed. For example, Maverick, a 12 year old who participated in the study, stated ​“I
thought it was a very powerful experience for me,” Maverick said. “I’m not sure about
other kids, but I think meeting a transgender male for the first time was a very impactful
thing in my life.” (Wallace 2) he then goes on to explain what this experience meant to
him in terms of learning, “I think it just tells me more about others and how to act with
them and respect them in different ways.” (Wallace 2). All in all, this experience showed
the children how to treat trans people with respect, and it also gave them a different
perspective simply just by having a conversation. If parents just take 15 minutes out of
their day to talk to their kids about gender identity, then there would be a lot more
understanding people in the world, and transgender people would be able to get closer
to American Dream.

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