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Parts of the Eye Vocabulary in English

Here are 7 words associated with the eye:

eyes (noun): the round (globular) organs in your head that you use to see with.
Example sentence with eyes:
 You will damage your eyes if you stare too long at the sun..
eyelid (noun): the pieces of skin above and below the eye that cover it when you close your eyes.
The eyelids are there mainly to cover and protect your eyes.
Example sentence with eyelid:
 He was incredibly tired and his eyelids felt heavier and heavier.
eyelashes (noun): the hairs growing on the edge of the eyelids.
Example sentence with eyelashes:
 She applied mascara to her eyelashes to make them thicker and more noticeable.
Some ladies use false eyelashes which are artificial eyelashes that are stuck to the eyelid with an
There is an expression which is To flutter your eyelashes.
Flutter normally is normally used when a bird or insect hovers more or less in the same place by
quickly moving its wings up and down. It is not flying where it moves from one place to another, but it
flutters and stays in the same place. The way the wings quickly move up and down can also be used
refer to the way eyelashes quickly move and down. You flutter your eyelashes.
eyebrow (noun): the line of hair above each eye.
Example sentence with eyebrow:
 He raised his eyebrows in surprise.
pupil (noun): the small round black area at the centre of the eye. It varies in size to regulate the
amount of light reaching the retina at the back of the eye.
Example sentence with pupil:
 Eye drops are sometimes used to make your pupils dilate so the doctor can have a better view of
the back of your eye.
Dilate means to become larger, wider or more open.
Did you know that pupil can also mean a child at school?
The word pupil meaning student is becoming old-fashioned which means it is not used as much
iris (noun): the round colored part that surrounds the pupil of your eye. The iris is responsible for
controlling the size of the pupil.
Example sentence with iris:
 When you say someone has blue eyes, it is the iris that has that color.
What color are your eyes?
retina (noun): the layer at the back of the eye which is sensitive to light and that receives the image
you see and sends it to the brain.
Example sentence with retina:
 The optics of the eye create an image of the visual world on the retina.
Extra vocabulary associated with the eye
cornea (noun): The transparent slightly bulging surface in front of the eye.
optic nerve (noun): The optic nerve connects the eye to the brain. The job of the optic nerve is to
transfer visual information, via the impulses formed by the retina, to the vision centers of the brain.
sclera (noun): the white outer layer of the eye. It is often know by the common name of “The white
of the eye”
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