You are on page 1of 6


"question": " Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences: He’s not a vegetarian
but he doesn’t eat ……. meat",
"choice1": " Little ",
"choice2": " much ",
"choice3": " very ",
"choice4": " many ",
"answer": 2
"question": " Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences: (On the phone)
Woman: “Can I speak to John, please?” Girl: “……. on, I’ll call him. ",
"choice1": " Come ",
"choice2": " Wait ",
"choice3": " hold ",
"choice4": " little ",
"answer": 3
"question": " Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences: Sue: “……. do you see
her?” Mark: “Twice a we ",
"choice1": " How often ",
"choice2": " How many ",
"choice3": " How long ",
"choice4": " How doing ",
"answer": 1
"question": " Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences: If you’re ……. with
watching tv, why don’t you go out for a walk? ",
"choice1": " Boring ",
"choice2": " Annoyed ",
"choice3": " Bored ",
"choice4": " Angry ",
"answer": 3
"question": " Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences: Jack remembered to
post the letter, …….? ",
"choice1": " does he ",
"choice2": " didn’t he ",
"choice3": " didn’t Jack remember ",
"choice4": " does she ",
"answer": 2
"question": " Choose the correct answer: Would you like to go out after dinner? ",
"choice1": " Yes, I’m going out. ",
"choice2": " No, I’m not hungry. ",
"choice3": " Not really. I’m a bit tired ",
"choice4": " Yes ",
"answer": 3
"question": " Choose the correct answer: (In a shop) This is enormous! Haven’t you got a smaller
size? ",
"choice1": " Yes, you are very big. ",
"choice2": " Yes, I’m going out. ",
"choice3": " You should eat more ",
"choice4": " Not in this colour ",
"answer": 4
"question": " Choose the correct answer: How long does it take him to get to work? ",
"choice1": " It depends on the traffic. ",
"choice2": " Yes, he goes by train. ",
"choice3": " Yes, he works a long time. ",
"choice4": " Yes, you are very big. ",
"answer": 1
"question": " Choose the correct answer: When are you leaving for the USA? ",
"choice1": " Yes, I’m very excited about leaving. ",
"choice2": " Last week. ",
"choice3": " Not really.",
"choice4": " Next Tuesday morning ",
"answer": 4
"question": " Choose the correct answer: Have you ever eaten Japanese food? ",
"choice1": " No, never. ",
"choice2": " I love Chinese food. ",
"choice3": " No, I’m not hungry. ",
"choice4": " Yes, I’m very hungry ",
"answer": 1
"question": " Choose the correct answer: Shall I help you with those heavy shopping bags? ",
"choice1": " I’m going shopping tomorrow. ",
"choice2": " Not really. ",
"choice3": " Yes, I’ve done the shopping. ",
"choice4": " That’s very kind of you. Just put them on the kitchen table. ",
"answer": 4
"question": " Choose the correct answer: What’s your new boss like? ",
"choice1": " He doesn’t like the old boss. ",
"choice2": " No, he isn’t like work. ",
"choice3": " OK. Pleasant but very professional. ",
"choice4": " Last week ",
"answer": 3
"question": " Choose the correct answer: What did Tom say when he heard the bad news? ",
"choice1": " Yes, he heard the news yesterday. ",
"choice2": " Nothing. He was too shocked. ",
"choice3": " Yes, he said something. ",
"choice4": " No, never ",
"answer": 2
"question": " Complete the question: Woman: “……… before the train leaves?” Man: “About
twenty minutes. Plenty of time for a coffee. ",
"choice1": " How long we’ve got ",
"choice2": " How time have we got ",
"choice3": " How much time do we have ",
"choice4": " How much time are you staying ",
"answer": 3
"question": " Complete the question: Man: “………. me yesterday?” Woman: “I did! But you
didn’t answer.",
"choice1": " Why did you call ",
"choice2": " How never did you call ",
"choice3": " Why didn’t you call ",
"choice4": " How long have you been ",
"answer": 3
"question": " Complete the question: Policeman: “………. at about nine o’clock last night?
Suspect: “Watching the football match on TV.",
"choice1": " What were you doing ",
"choice2": " Did you watch TV ",
"choice3": " What have you done ",
"choice4": " When are you going to stay ",
"answer": 1
"question": " Complete the question: Woman: “Excuse me. ……….. the way to St George
Avenue? Man: “Go straight on and turn right at the end of the road ",
"choice1": " Where should I go ",
"choice2": " Could you tell me ",
"choice3": " Can you to tell me ",
"choice4": " How long are you starting ",
"answer": 2
"question": " Complete the question: Bob: “………... at the concert last Saturday?” Dave:
“Thousands! ",
"choice1": " How many people are there ",
"choice2": " How people were ",
"choice3": " How many people were there ",
"choice4": " Are you starting ",
"answer": 3
"question": " Complete the question: Carol: “………. here in London?” Paul: “Since last May.”",
"choice1": " How much time are you staying ",
"choice2": " How long have you been ",
"choice3": " When are you going to stay ",
"choice4": " does she ",
"answer": 2
"question": " Complete the question: Man: “I hear you’ve got a new job. ……….?” Woman: “At
the beginning of next month. ",
"choice1": " How long are you starting ",
"choice2": " Are you starting ",
"choice3": " Yes, he said something. ",
"choice4": " When are you going to start ",
"answer": 4
"question": " Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences: He ……… to his pare",
"choice1": " not often writes ",
"choice2": " doesn’t often write ",
"choice3": " don’t often writes ",
"choice4": " Wait hold ",
"answer": 2
"question": " Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences: Jill: “Is Sam ready to go
out?” Carol: “Yes. He ……… on his coat. ",
"choice1": " put ",
"choice2": " is put ",
"choice3": " is putting ",
"choice4": " Last week ",
"answer": 3
"question": " Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences: Greg: “Did you get
anything in town yesterday?” Tom: “Yes, I ……… the CD I wanted ",
"choice1": " bought ",
"choice2": " am buying ",
"choice3": " was buying ",
"choice4": " have other in ",
"answer": 1
"question": " Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences: They’re old friends. He
……… her for years. They went to the same school ",
"choice1": " knows ",
"choice2": " has known ",
"choice3": " is knowing",
"choice4": " Bored ",
"answer": 2
"question": " Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences: Joe: “Where’s Terry?
He’s late.” Bob: “Don’t worry. I expect ……… here soon. ",
"choice1": " he’s ",
"choice2": " he’ll ",
"choice3": " he’ll be ",
"choice4": " She is ",
"answer": 3
"question": " Translate the following interrogative sentence_Tu trabajas?____. ",
"choice1": " Do you work? ",
"choice2": " Does you work? ",
"choice3": " Did you work?",
"choice4": " I’m not work ",
"answer": 1
"question": " Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences: ¿What is the meaning
of the verb “to clean” ",
"choice1": " Sweep ",
"choice2": " Brush ",
"choice3": " cleanning ",
"choice4": " clean up ",
"answer": 4
"question": " Complete in the blank space of the sentence with the correct verb from: Are you
____ at the library? ",
"choice1": " Study ",
"choice2": " Studying ",
"choice3": " Studing ",
"choice4": " Studied ",
"answer": 2
"question": " Fill in the blank using the correct answer “____ not Ruben. ",
"choice1": " I am ",
"choice2": " We ",
"choice3": " She ",
"choice4": " It ",
"answer": 1
"question": " Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences: I want to be a teacher
when I ____.",
"choice1": " Jumping ",
"choice2": " Age ",
"choice3": " Grow up ",
"choice4": " Grow ",
"answer": 3

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