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Mata Pelajaran :  Bahasa Inggris

Guru Mata Pelajaran : Tito Dwi Yuliyanto, S.Pd
Kelas :  XI AKL dan XI TB
Hari, Tanggal : 
Alokasi Waktu :  60 menit

1. Berdoalah sebelum mengerjakan.
2. Tulislah identitas pada lembar jawaban.
3. Jawablah secara sistematis dan jelas.
4. Laporkan kepada pengawas apabila terdapat soal yang kurang jelas.
5. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas bila diperlukan.
6. Untuk soal hitungan khusus Mapel akuntansi diperbolehkan menggunakan
kalkulator, tabel dan sejenisnya.
7. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum mengumpulkan kepada pengawas.

Nama :………………………………………….. Nilai :

No. Tes :…………………………………………..

Kelas :…………………………………………..

Answer the questions below based on the dialogue (Number 1-5)
Sales : Hello, am I speaking to Jim?
Consumer : Yes, who’s this?
Sales : This is Mike, calling on behalf of Signature Bank. You have been our client
for five years. Right, Jim?
Consumer : That’s right. What is this about?
Sales : Well, we are offering a higher interest rate if you open a savings account with
Signature Bank.
Consumer : Nah, I am fine with my current status.
Sales : Are you sure Jim? This is a great opportunity.
Consumer : Yeah, I’m sure. Thanks for calling though.
Sales : Thanks for your time.

1. What does the dialogue tell us about?

2. Who speaks to Jim on the phone?
3. What is the purpose of the sales by calling Jim?
4. Is Jim interested in the offer from the sales?
Complete this dialog with suitable expression
5. Caller : Hello this is Rudy, ... Mr. Budi?
Receptionist : I’m sorry Mr. Rudy just left his office ten minutes ago.
6. Arina: Hello, this is Arina’s speaking.
Mrs. Ambar: Hello, this is Mrs. Ambar. ….Mrs. Dania?
Arina: Oh, I’m sorry. My mother is still working in the office.
Mrs. Ambar: What time she will be back?
Arina: I’m not sure. Would you like to leave a message?
Mrs. Ambar: Yes, thank you.

Match the following expression with suitable responses

Expressions Responses
7. I’m sorry she is in a meeting now. a. Hold the line please, I’ll try to
Could I take a message? connect
8. May I know who is speaking? b. Yes, sure. What’s that?
9. I need some information about the c. I’m personal manager of ABC
product. Could you put me Company
through to Doni?

10. Please make a dialog of handling telephone by choosing one of the situation below
a. You want to see a doctor
b. You want to promote brand new to a customer
c. You want to book a room


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